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Shadowrun Returns Walkthrough Part 1 – The Dead Man's Switch (Contact)

Shadowrun Returns Walkthrough Part 1 – The Dead Man's Switch (Contact)

This is one of the few default, presently, available campaigns for the game. Things start in your apartment. Look on the end table by the 2 couches to find a note with your bank balance. Now go over to the dinner table to the left of it and look at the paper there. You will find your notebook with your calender, contacts, etc. Inside there head into Contacts to see what is going on. While the list goes on they are either dead or dead to you. Just after this, your vidphone will start to ring. Head over to the desk with the yellow hand icon and interact with it to start into the call. It is Sam Watts, the one destined for the gutter. He explains some of what has happened to him. You head into a flashback and you have things to do in it.

You are in a make-shift bar in Seattle. Start with talking to New Larry, a Combat Mage, who's not too respectful of Dowd's death. There is you, Sangoma and Sam. Choose how you respond to him then Sam will chime in. From there you have a choice as to how to respond to Sam. Things do not look good as the conservation moves forward with New Larry, who seems to be waiting for someone else and that person is not bringing the money. 2 Gunners appear and come after your group.

This drops you into turn based combat. You have 3 targets: 2 Renraku Security and New Larry. Advance your people forward, giving them cover and start into the fray. Combat in Shadowrun is deadly. Always keep that in mind. Keep to cover and go with the higher chance to hit. For now, this means focusing on New Larry as he is the closest to the group in general and everyone is crouching so they are in cover. Be careful of the slick to the East of New Larry and in the Northeastern corner of the bar. Full fire on New Larry should take him down and just leave the Security. Advance in cover toward Security so you can increase your chances to hit them without them hitting your team too much. Try to clear them out quickly, or make sure it will not take much to take them down.

Unfortunately, around turn 3 you have a second pair of Renraku Security show up and one is looking heftier than the other. Switch around your team after you finish the other Security to have cover against the new assailants.  You have a turn to deal with those 2 before 2 more come in from the West. One of them is a Summoner who likes to throw out a Demon who get's to act on its first turn. The other is a Combat Mage who likes to throw out Fireballs at you. You have a choice when it comes to dealing with the summon, the Inferno. You can either focus fire on the Summon and take it out or just take out the Shaman summoning it to make it just vanish. The best thing to do is put 2 people on the Shaman and focus someone else on the Mage. Things wrap up with a quick talk with Sam. You return to the present from there.

Sam explains the set-up for this job in his honor. You get 100,000 nuyen payout for finding the person who killed him. You need to contact them through a secure land-line and not using your comm. Looks like it is off to Seattle to settle things up.