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Shadowrun Returns Walkthrough Part 3 – The Dead Man's Switch: Welcome to Redmond (Barrens: Halloweeners)

Shadowrun Returns Walkthrough Part 3 – The Dead Man's Switch: Welcome to Redmond (Barrens: Halloweeners)

Once outside Organ Grinders, head to the North, just past the lady of the night, and down the alley to the West. Go to the Northwestern corner of it to find the Stash you are looking for. Move the garbage in front of the safe. Use the Magcard on it to open it up and get at the stash inside. Just after that you have 2 Gangers come running up after you and Jake. Time for some combat.

Use your first action to get both Jake and yourself in cover or in position to strike (if melee) and have at them. It is just the pair of them and they are not too hard. A good first round and you can take them out in a single turn. Deal with them and then head up to the East. First talk with the Worried Man on the corner. He has a short job for you. He wants you to talk with Mrs. James to see what is going on with the Shake downs the Gangers are doing there. You can also go to the middle of the block. Talk with the woman in the middle of the block, Sarah, to learn where the Halloweeners have set up camp.

You will come across a small market here. You have a few quick side jobs here. At the Northern end of things, you have a Thug pressing a Shop Keeper for protection money. You have a number of options here: Learn more of what is going on, Tell him to back off, Offer to cover the Lady, Strength 4+: Intimidate the Thug, Etiquette Gang: Say you saw a cop a block down. With Strength and Etiquette you can avoid the fighting and still get Karma. Otherwise you have the Thug who is packing a shotgun and a Mage come after you.

If you did not start the combat for this, then the Thug gets a free shot with his shotgun on you. Still, you should be in a good position to just let loose something on the Thug. Take them down quickly and have Jake deal with the Mage with some of his own magic. With the fighting down, talk with the Merchant who was being bullied. You get 1 Karma for your efforts and the Shopkeeper offers you some Nuyen that you can either take or turn down.

Head down to the South now and go to the East past Sarah. Turn to the South just after that and head down the street. Look on the Western side to find Vlad. He seems to be tripping on something and looks in need of some help. Talk with him to get something more on your target.

Now head to the Northeast to get on over to the Halloweener's camp. The Sentry calls out to you and lets you know that are you straying into their territory. Just after the talk it is onto combat again. You have 2 Halloweener Mages and 1 Sentry. Deal with the Sentry quickly so you can focus on the Mages immediately afterward. Kill them and a big Troll pops out with a nasty sword. Do some nasty damage to him and he will cry “uncle”. You can either let him live or kill him. It is your call.

Head to the North from the Halloweener camp to make it up to the murder site. Jake will bow out, unless you can talk him into staying, as he has the Corp Bounty on his head. Before you head there, go to the West. Talk with the big Troll you see on the corner, Dan the Doughnut Man. Talk with him then buy a donut and some SoyKaf. To the West of him, in front of the Seamstresses Union is Bobby who will sell you some drugs. Now head to the North of Dan and find Sally. Talk with her to learn a little more about what happened the night before.