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Skyrim Sidelines- Mzinchaleft, Mjoll, and Grimsever: 'Open Air' May Not Be the Right Term

With Falmer and its pet dead and perforated, you can climb up to the stone platform and check the two huts.  The left hut, behind where the Falmer waited, contains a chitinous chest with little of value in it.  The other hut holds a bandit in a rather permanent state of rest, and nothing else of interest.  Chaurus egg piles litter the floor here, so go ahead and grab some more alchemical ingredients before continuing on through the tunnel to the right of the stone platform.

The narrow tunnel quickly gives way to a much wider stonework hall, that empties into a large cavern.  This places you behind a Dwemer metal gate that will open to admit you to a thoroughly Falmer-infested courtyard, complete with a still-working fountain in the middle of it.  Take care when opening the gate, as while you can easily see one Falmer from behind it, there are others lurking in the corners of the underground ‘outdoor’ area that will come to investigate as well- particularly if their friend suddenly keels over dead with an arrow or hunk of ice sticking out of it.

Three total Falmer, thankfully all of the non-special and frail variety, wait here- one is in the doorway of its hut, beneath the tall watch tower.  The other two are beside another hut to the left, near the base of the twisting stone ramp that leads up to that same watchtower.  In addition to these, there is a stairway leading to a Dwemer metal gate here, but the gate is not openable at first.  Rather than beat on it fruitlessly, slay the three Falmer and check for valuables- there are a total of three chests by the hut that had one Falmer, one to either side of it and a third within the chitinous structure.  A few items of value are usually lying about inside the second hut as well.

The real value can be found at the top of the tower, where a fourth Falmer waits with its bow at the ready.  Here, two chaurus eggs and a glowing mushroom are on the table beside the last of the Falmer guard, who has left itself with no maneuvering room to fight you by penning the tower closed with a chitin gate.  There is a glowing Dwemer button here as well, which triggers the gate below to open.  Before descending to the ‘ground’ level and advancing, though, head across the stone bridge to the smaller gate up here, and unlock it at whatever cost.