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Cubeworld Alpha- Getting Started (Part Four)

In any village you find in Cubeworld, there are going to be four major districts- the Crafting District, the Adventurers' District, the Pet District, and the Market District.  Before you concern yourself with the buildings, though, you should concern yourself with the fields.

Even if the village is built on hills, each village is going to have two large plots of farmland outside of it that you can make use of- one that grows pumpkins, and another that grows pineapples.  These are the basic items needed to make the simplest foods, which are your method for regaining HP outside of combat.  Pineapples need only be sliced, which can be done anytime and anywhere, and pumpkins need a fire so that you can bake them.  These respective processes produce pineapple slices and pumpkin muffins in the same quantity as the consumed fruit and gourd.  Pumpkin muffins are slightly stronger healing items, and you cannot 'craft' them from pumpkins until you reach level 2.

Be sure that you make your foods before leaving town and gather another full 50-stack of either item as well, because the slices and muffins occupy separate stacks from their raw materials.  This lets you effectively carry 200 HP-recovery items with you out of town, not counting any potions you manage to make, which will help immensely to keep you from dying too frequently.  The farms are free to harvest as well, so this is essentially free HP recovery at a much higher rate than finding a bedroll at a randomly placed camp and taking a nap there.

The Market District is the other point of interest to a new adventurer- this is where you can find all four of the shops currently extant in Cubeworld- the weapon shop, the armor shop, the Identifier, and the item shop.  The first two are fairly straightforwards, each stocking a ridiculously wide variety of items of their respective categories.  The third, however, is different- rather than selling or buying items, the Identifier is necessary to find out what any mystery items you pick up are.  These items cannot be used until identified, so knowing where the town Identifier is can be very valuable, particularly since the unidentifiable items are usually more powerful than their mundane counterparts.

The item shop is even more important than the Identifier, because it is where you will find the purchased items that you need for crafting (such as bottles for potions), and various other usables such as bombs for Rogues to throw.  These and foods are stocked at the item shop in a completely random manner similar to that of the armor and weapon shops.