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Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry Walkthrough Part 2 – “Laying The First Brick”

Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry Walkthrough Part 2 – “Laying The First Brick”

Optional Objectives
Push an Overseer into the water
Perform an air assassination from a height of 10 meters

Head to the Marked location to the Southeast. Be sure to take a moment to synchronize with the nearby Viewpoint to see more of the island. Now head to the marker and from there go over to the entrance of the plantation. Just to the right of the entrance way you will find a tree you can run up: Do so. Turn to the left from there and run over the next few trees to the nearby rooftop. Head over to the East. Once there you will find the edge of the search area.  Walk along the rooftop over to the far left edge. Look down at the sugarcane field. On the Northern edge of it, use Eagle Vision to find your contact. Now you just need to get close enough to give the passphase.

Drop down to the ground. There is a single Overseer you need to worry about. Either tag him with a Sleep Dart or just move up silently behind him and kill him. Be sure to hide the body. After that head over to your contact and sing the phrase. She will give you a new marker to follow. Head over to the East from here. You need to make it to the Northern waypoint now. Just keep to the sides of the Plantation and you can make it either by slipping by the Overseers or using the freerunning course that is there. Just go on up the slope and get to the marker to continue on with the story.

Once at the marker you are taken inside the Maroon hideout. Go over to the left and use the rope there to swing out of sight before you are noticed. Once you land, duck into the Stalking Zone to lose the attention of the nearby gunner. Once that is off then dive down into the water and go for the scaffolding that is nearby to the South. Climb to the top of it and just wait there for a while. Eventually one of the Overseers will walk over there with a body. Grab him and perform a ledge assassination on him. Just climb on up onto the plateau after that. Kill off all the Overseers who are here on the plateau. Head to the Northeastern corner of the plateau after that.

From this corner, climb up onto the barrel by the fence. Look down. There you will see your next target. Select your melee weapon of choice and perform an aerial assassination on him. Now clear away the remaining overseers in the area. There are 2 standing over 2 captive Maroons plus a few more in the area and down on the dock below.

When you are done, you should have 13 of the 14 dead. Go across the river to find the last one. He is beating up on Augustin Dieufort. Take him out and free Augustin. He will send Adewale after the final group of Overseers who are escaping from the caverns. Time for a chase.

Immediately run for the lift in front of you. From there go straight across the next landing. Run on up the barrels and grab the rope. This will take you to the far side of the river. Run across the course toward the island. Just make it to the far edge of it where you see the rowboat going. That will make sure you can complete the mission without further adieu.

Adewale will return to Augustin. The leader of the Maroons will give Adewale a Blunderbuss. Now you have a challenge to unlock the next mission: Recruit 20 Maroon Assassins. They can be recruited from liberating Slave Convoys, Auctions and Jails. Slower, you can help Injured Slaves and Escaped Ones. Look at the icon and you will know what you are getting for your efforts