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Street Fighter 4: Unlock Gouken

Q: How do I unlock Gouken in Street Fighter 4 for PS3, Xbox 360 orWindows PC?

A: First you must meet the following criteria:

  • Play through Arcade Mode with Akuma on any difficulty and see his ending at least once.
  • Play through Arcade Mode on any difficulty with any character that you have previously beaten the game with.
  • You can not use any continues.
  • You can not be beaten at all, not even one round when doing more than single round fights.
  • Get the following number of perfects (or more):  1 in single round matches, 2 in three round matches, 3 in five round matches, or 4 in 7 round matches.
  • Get the following number of super OR ultra combo finishers (or more):  3 in single round matches, 5 in three round matches, 7 in five round matches, or 9 in seven round matches.
  • Get the following number of first attacks (or more):  5 in single round matches, 10 in three round matches, 15 in five round matches, or 20 in seven round matches.
Seth counts toward these numbers as well. Once you meet this creteria and beat Seth, instead of seeing the final scene you’ll fight Gouken, so beat him to unlock him.Tips:
  • Play on Easiest difficulty using a character with ranged moves, like Ken or Ryu.  This is especially effective against Seth since he has many cheap moves in close range.  On easiest difficulty the characters rarely ever block, so you can shoot fireballs all day long and get perfects almost every round.
  • It goes much quicker if you use single round matches.
  • Half ultra combos count for your ultra combos, so these are the most efficient to use, since super combos take too much time to build.
  • Use someone that you can do ultra combos with easily.