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Star Wars – The Old Republic: How to Respec & Reset Skill Tree

In Star Wars: The Old Republic for the PC, you can reset your skill tree (aka respec) if you want to try out a different build.

The first respec is free, but it gets expensive very quickly. The amount increases every time you respec, and it may also be more for higher level characters as well.

Note that you can’t change your Advanced Class. Once your Advanced Class has been chosen, you’ll have to start a new character to try something different.

Want to know the fastest leveling spots in Star Wars: The Old Republic? Want to know the best ways to earn credits, or the best PVE and PVP builds? Then you need tips and videos made by the pros in SWTOR Savior!

Where to Find Skill Mentors

You can’t respect at regular skill trainers like in other games, you have to find a Skill Mentor. They are scattered around different locations, but here are the primary Skill Mentors at your faction’s main fleet, which are typically the most accessible.

Republic – Leuro Khian

Skill Mentor Leuro Khian is located in the south-west section of the Republic Fleet – Carrick Station. Go south from the combat training and you’ll find him at the end around the coordinates -4756,694.

Empire – Assistant Kunoa

Skill Mentor Assistant Kunoa is located in the north-east section of the Imperial Fleet – Vaiken Spacedock. Go north from the combat training area and you’ll fnid him at the end around the coordinates 4768,694.