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Kingdom Age

Sometimes simplicity and subtleness can take you to the zenith of excitement. Funzio’s Kingdom Age is a game of this genre. Simple and subtle gameplay that you can easily master upon it. Now let us have a peek on the insights of the game.

 It starts with you choosing a simple and subtle look for your character and thereby saving an unnamed monk for yourself. Next a tutorial about the game is provided to you where you are made aware of various controls and about the game. In Kingdom Age, the player has to maintain the kingdom by putting together a civilization and army. But all this is done in a really simple manner that the player is never put in the fray. At every step we are given adequate instructions so that we can proceed with complete ease. In the game, you are provided with two types of game play, in one you can simply go on a rampage by maintaining your army and battling for your kingdom and annexing the neighboring ones and one in which you simply protect your kingdom in which you put your foes in jail.

 One thing that Funzio had taken due care this time, is about the settings and backdrop of the game. Rather than the modern and realistic backdrop on which Funzio always relied on, Kingdom Age has given a completely different backdrop of the whimsical world of kings and knights. Infact the players are also given chances to fight monsters and dragons which make the gameplay all the more interesting.

 Now let us have a peek into the multiplayer gaming option. It was rather unfortunate that this was only part of the game which appeared to me as jaded. Even though you are provided with a lot of information of the movements of the other players, once you try to the attacking mode, it doesn’t excite you much rather give you a really cumbersome time.

 Now let us concentrate more on the gameplay, as it is the part of the game which has provided me the real goose bumps. The missions and the gameplay itself advances in a very sensible way that you never get bored or never feel like you have missed something. In addition to this, you are also provided with hands on battling style like RPG battling making the game even more sensible. A bit of grinding is there when you have to wait for your energy to get refueled. But that too is acceptable.

 Now if you look at its visual effects and other technical features you will be feeling that even though it lacks polish but the way it is arranged is really commendable. The sound effects and music has done a great job in keeping you glued to the game. The character and monster characterization is also commendable.

 On the whole, after doing the game review of Kingdom Age, I must say that Funzio has done a great job in featuring a really simple and subtle game in such a way that it will keep you glued to your seats and make you go gooey with excitement.