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Buying Cheap Mechanical Gaming Keyboards

Are you looking to buy a cheap mechanical gaming keyboard? If 'yes' then you will understand that whether you are into relaxed and casual massive multiplayer online (MMO) games or playing professional first person shooter (FPS) games, you will know that even the smallest 'in-game' advantage can make a dramatic difference to the outcome between who wins and who loses -- literally the difference between life and death. Hence, you are also likely to know that a mechanical gaming keyboard is a device that can allow you that very advantage -- saving you those extra few milliseconds, however you will probably also know that some of the models often come with a rather hefty price tag (E.g. the Corsair Vengeance K90 with a price tag of up to $150+).


In this very article I will showcase what I believe are two of the best cheap mechanical gaming keyboards in the current market (as well as an option of a final wild card), all under $70. So not only can you benefit from the same gaming advantages and experience of some of the very best mechanical gaming keyboards, you also won't have to break in the bank to do so (well at least not to the same degree).

Cooler Master Storm QuickFire Rapid Mechanical Gaming Keyboard

Cooler Master Storm QuickFire Rapid

Verdict: 9/10 Price: $64.72 (28/07/2012) --

In my view, probably the best value for money mechanical gaming keyboard on the market has to be the QuickFire Blue Cherry MX Switches (also available: Black Cherry MX, Red Cherry MX and Brown Cherry MX). Although it offers a rather minimalistic look for a gaming keyboard, it is very much built to compete with the very best (e.g. offering 1000Hz -- 1 millisecond response time), which often come with price tags of more than double its own. This particular version (Blue Cherry) provides a tactile kickback with low resistance -- allowing the user to execute easy key presses with a crisp noise to suit. Perhaps not the 'best looking' (although I have to say it does kind of do it for me) but it certainly can do the job.

Razer BlackWidow Mechanical Gaming Keyboard 

Razer BlackWidow Mechanical Gaming Keybaord(107275)

Verdict:8/10 Price: $69.99 (28/07/2012) --

The rather famous Razer BlackWidow is an extremely popular mechanical gaming keyboard for gamers. The standard edition offers the mechanical key infrastructure to gain that 'in-game' edge on competitors ( i.e where the keys required an "optimized actuation force of 50g and a reduced actuation distance of 2 mm"). The Razer Blackwidow also allows you the ability to have 'on-the-fly Macro recording' i.e you are able to record macros without ever having to take your attention away from the game. One reviewer claimed that "I would recommend this product to anyone that want amazing gaming keyboard." And I would have to agree, for the price of the board and the adapted technology to give you that vital edge -- it has to be summed up as a great value for money gaming keyboard. 

The Wild Card -- Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Mechanical Gaming Keyboard

Razer BlackWidow  Ultimate Mechanical Gaming Keyboard

You may be wondering why I have included a keyboard that is in there with the 'big boys' and is commonly referred to as 'one of the best gaming keyboard' in the market -- as well as the fact it comes with a rather hefty price tag ($100+). Well here's why -- you can buy it for less than the standard edition, but and there is a big 'but' -- it comes as 'used'. I don't know whether that is a big issue for you or not -- but the fact of the matter is you are getting a keyboard by most regarded as a quality keyboard, for a price cheaper than its standard counterpart. 

Verdict: 9.5/10 Used Price: $61.59 (28/07/2012) --

A few of the features have been mentioned in the standard edition Blackwidow, so I will go on to tell you about what makes the Blackwidow Ultimate that little bit edgier. First off, you will have probably noticed from comparing the mechanical gaming keyboards images above, is the 5 'backlighting' modes available on all the individual keys. Furthermore, it also offers you an additional USB Port as well as an Earphone-Out and Mic-in Jacks. Moreover, like the standard edition fully programmable keys as well as 5 additional purposely built gaming keys.

Hopefully, this article has been somewhat useful for you in deciding which mechanical gaming keyboard to buy -- what I do suggest you do, is that you try them out in a quick gaming scenario before you make the purchase. There are many different forms of gaming keyboard, and where one does it just right for you, the chances are another one won't -- it's all down to your very own preferences, there is not best, there is only a best for you. If you know of any other affordable yet decent keyboards for gaming then I encourage you to please share a comment below with the model name, or if you have any general remarks surrounding cheap mechanical gaming keyboards then also please do share a comment below.