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Champions Guide to Playing Bejeweled

Eight tips from a pro

Being a champion at any game is easy when you have some guidance and tips from a seasoned professional. The advice that follows has been written with the novice in mind, as well as those who may have already acquired some experience playing Bejeweled. 

Hopefully, with the tips below, you will soon notice an improvement in your point scoring and be well on your way to becoming a Bejeweled superstar! Get your mouse, get set, go!!

What is Bejeweled®?

Bejeweled is an online game that was first developed by PopCap in 2001. Originally named 'Diamond Mine', it is now the world's number one puzzle game.  

The basic premise of Bejeweled is to match up as many jewels as you can, in groups of three or more. If playing in 'action' (or timed) mode, this needs to be done in the least amount of time possible. Bejeweled can be played for free online or purchased for download to your personal computer, allowing you to play at your own leisure.

There are several different versions of Bejeweled – Bejeweled Blitz, Bejeweled Twist, and Bejeweled 2 and 3. (Bejeweled 2 Deluxe is a personal favorite of mine.) 

Bejeweled is available in a range of platforms including PC, Mac, Facebook, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Mobile, Nintendo DS, DSi and WiiWare, PlayStation and Xbox. Whatever way you play it, Bejeweled is worth the time, the fun, the joy!

Screenshot from Bejeweled 2

Eight tips to help anyone and everyone excel at playing Bejeweled®

1)  Confess your addiction

While it may not seem so obvious yet, this tip cannot (and should not) be underestimated. Being a self-confessed Bejeweled addict isn't such a 'bad' thing but if you start suppressing the habit, you may just find yourself playing the game way more than you should. (Trust me, I know!) 

By being out in the open with your addiction, and spending less time on the guilt and shame of it, you can free up a lot of personal energy and vitality to get the high points pumping. Confess, accept, play on.

2)  Create hypercubes like there's no tomorrow

One of the greatest things about Bejeweled is exploding gems. You can blow apart the puzzle and get rid of jewels you don't want, then get the lines of five jewels you do want. The objective here is to concentrate on same-colored gems as they make their way down the screen, and make sure you don't start getting carried away converting them into sets of three. 

It makes no sense (at least, to me) to get three gems at a time, when you can create a series of hypercubes with five, blow up all alike gems and receive much more points in the process! Best of all, if you finish your level early and have a few of these sparkly, shimmery little numbers left, they carry over to the next level, and hey presto, you can explode some more!

3)  No hypercubes? Focus on four

If you have no luck matching up five jewels, the next best option is to line up four at a time. Explosive like the hypercube, these 'star gems' are a terrific way of increasing your point score, especially if you happen to use a hypercube to blow up a few! In some cases, these special jewels can increase the points you receive on a particular level by 300%.

It is always worth keeping your eye out for these kinds of opportunities when you are playing Bejeweled. They can add significantly to your tally, even when you are just starting your first game of the day. Often, if you can get your score as high as you can at the beginning, your final score will be that much bigger when you collapse and can go no further.

Bejeweled instructions screenshot

4)  It all starts from the bottom

One way to quickly end a game of Bejeweled is to spend too much looking at those gems on the top rows. This can cause some desperate moves that only leave you stuck, worried and anxious. When all you can hear is the warning siren going off, and the panic begins to set in, you know you've lost it! 

It is not a good look neither to your score, nor your facial expressions, when you are no longer in control of your game, and end up quitting and throwing down the mouse, or breaking the keyboard, in frustration! 

Focus on matching jewels from the bottom upwards – not the other way around. Save yourself the heartache by putting your focus where it counts the most. Remembering just this one tip can see you ramp up those top scores. Again, let me repeat . . . it all starts from the bottom.

5)  Clear mind, clear purpose 

While this tip may have the overtones of a Buddhist mantra, it is all too easy to let your mind wander onto other things when playing Bejeweled. A lot of thoughts can arise – fond memories of yesteryear, what needs to be on your shopping list, when did the dog go out last, what's for dinner, man I ate a good breakfast! You name it – the mind thinks about everything! 

This is when you need to return to present time awareness and make the decision to win your game. Clear your mind, find your purpose, you are a winner and you are going to do what it takes to get to that next level, that next million points. You are going to do what it takes, no matter what. If something is burning in your house, of course, pay attention to that, but if there is anything trivial going on, put it aside. 

Know that you can reach any level, any score you choose on your Bejeweled game. Have the mind to achieve. Be clear and maintain your focus. The energy you will receive from taking this action will provide you with the power surge necessary to get you where you want to go. When you're in the moment, all time begins to flow and before you know it, you have got a head's up on your previous score. Give it a shot and see what happens! 

6)  Lots of color = maximum points!

Color, color, color. . . need I say more! When playing Bejeweled, it is all about color and getting the maximum benefit from having a lot of one jewel. Through careful selection, you can build your points higher and higher by watching out for certain colors, and ensuring that they – more than any other color – stay visible on your screen.

Whether you have a lot of yellow diamonds or purple triangles, maintaining good color focus has the advantage of creating hypercubes without you always needing to take conscious action to create them. Bejeweled doesn't need to be a struggle. All it just takes is some awareness and clarity of thought. 

When it comes to choosing what gems to swap when, focusing on color-matching and developing 'eye-and-mouse speed', can really save a game, and may just have your friends and/or siblings running to you in awe. 

There is nothing more astounding than a Bejeweled hero who can face the final warning sound, and still have the ability to explode gems faster than what it takes to say "Hello beluga!" I have seen this happen time and time again when my partner comes into the room, when I am moving on up to the next level and the explosions are going out of control.

Good! . . . Excellent!! . . . INCREDIBLE!!!

7)  Whatever you do, don't look at the points

The one thing you can do to defeat yourself and kill your game is start looking at your points. I have done this to myself countless number of times, and wonder when I will ever stop harming myself with this nasty and disturbing habit. 

Just as the old saying goes, "Keep your eyes on your fries!", the same rule must apply to your Bejeweled playing. You cannot afford to make mistakes with your game or move your focus from where it should be . . . matching up gems. 

The title of the game is not Bejeweled for nothing  – it is called Be-Jeweled for one reason only – the jewels. If it was all about the points, it may just as well have been named 'Bepointed', but it wasn't. So, to get good at Bejeweled, what do you need to do? Focus on the jewels, and let the points take care of themselves. It is the wisest and safest thing to do.

8)  Avoid the Hint button, at all costs

The final tip I have to offer you today is this . . . do not click the Hint button. If you feel you need to, go ahead but make sure you have the time to do it. Leaving it to the final seconds of a game can only make you go insane, with the warning buzzer going off in your head, giving you an audio heart attack. Please spare yourself the pain.

Just as being mesmerized with the points can't save you, neither can the Hint button. When it comes down to it, only speed, awareness and clarity can save the day. These three qualities are essential for building up the stamina of a Bejeweled champion.

Bejeweled screenshot

One last thing before I go . . .

Always remember – if playing Bejeweled on a computer that you share with others, make sure you sign off before quitting. That way, you are not passing your high scores off to a low-ranking partner. Get them to get their own points, and you can enjoy yours all the more!

PS: Hey there, thanks for reading! If you liked this article, don't be afraid to comment below. I'd be interested to hear if any of these tips have worked for you and/or if you have any better suggestions to add.

Until next time . . . be a gem!