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Quick Tips to Beat Level 29 on Candy Crush Saga

Go for the bottom!

Level 29

Candy Crush is an extremely popular game currently being played on mobile devices, tablets and desktops.  Level 29 is one of the tougher ones early on, so we’ve laid out a few tips to get through it right away!

First, to provide a little context, this board has 54 double jelly spaces that need to be cleared in order to pass.  18 of the jellies are covered by frosting that must first be removed before candies can occupy those spaces.  You get 60 moves to complete this level, but have to score 200,000 points as well!

Now onto the tips...

1) Clear the frosting at the bottom first – Although there are 27 double jelly spaces at the top, the toughest part of this board is going to be clearing the 18 spaces that are covered by frosting.  If you waste early moves clearing the top, you’re going to have to get extremely lucky to pass the level.

2) After the frosting is cleared, clear out the bottom jellies first – There are a few reasons for this.  The first is if you create a combination at the bottom, the top candies will move, and you’ll inadvertently start clearing the top.  The other main reason is that since the bottom is going to give you the most trouble, you don’t want to waste any easy candy combinations at the top.  If you do this, you’ll likely end up with a bunch of mismatched candy at the bottom – and no moves!

3) Worry about the corners early – Your first priority after clearing the bottom should be clearing the corners.  They have the least amount of movement during the game, and will give you the most trouble if they’re the last jellies left.  Look for opportunities to wipe these out sooner than later.

4) Go for the big combination! – The big combinations are more important than ever on this board as they will both wipe out a ton of candies, and give you a ton of points.  Due to the board setup, the candy bomb is extremely tough to obtain, but you should be seeing a lot of opportunities to create the striped candies and candy packets.  Remember this: Striped candy + Candy Packets = perfection. 

Also, while 200,000 points may seem like a ton, you’ll generally find it reasonable to obtain if you’ve been getting a steady stream of special combos throughout the board. 

The toughest part of this level is definitely clearing those jellies at the bottom and in the corners.

Let us know if this helps in the comments below!!


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