Many collectibles are located through the stunning open world of Medici in Just Cause 3. By collecting every type of collectible you will unlock unique weapons or features. Finding every Vintage Part collectible, for example, will unlock a "Film Noir" feature that allows you to play the game with a black and white filter.
Here's where to find every collectible. Stay tuned for our updated Daredevil Jumps guide.
Tapes are scattered throughout Medici, and they tell the story of the rise of Di Ravello from his own perspective. You can find and listen to these tapes for a little backstory.
Collecting all of the tapes will unlock the powerful and deadly chopper, Golden Urga Mstitel.
Insula Fonte Tapes Locations Province Coordinates Where To Find Sirocco Sud
N 40 - 38.40
E 5 - 42.37
On the porch of an oceanside house. Sirocco SudN 40 - 38.65
E 5 - 42.65
Between two benches. Sirocco SudN 40 - 38.95
E 5 - 42.66
East side of the gas station next to a tool box. Sirocco SudN 40 - 39.29
E 5 - 42.87
On a balcony with a clothes line. LacosN 40 - 40.07
E 5 - 43.71
Look for the white house with a red roof. It's on a small balcony extending into the hill. LacosN 40 - 40.16
E 5 - 42.76
On a bench near a yellow building. LacosN 40 - 40.69
E 5 - 43.53
In the northeast side of Alba, it's alongside a white fence with red shingles. LacosN 40 - 40.95
E 5 - 44.18
Near a black metal fence behind some umbrellas. BaiaN 40 - 40.76
E 5 - 45.20
Orange bulding facing the ocean, on the balcony. PlagiaN 40 - 41.58
E 5 - 44.68
Head to the gas station, tape is to the left of the main doors. PlagiaN 40 - 42.36
E 5 - 44.37
Near some broken down cars. PlagiaN 40 - 42.47
E 5 - 44.20
At the bottom of the stairs leading into the vineyards. PlagiaN 40 - 42.51
E 5 - 43.95
Air traffic control tower. PlagiaN 40 - 42.25
E 5 - 43.78
Near the metal gates that face the road to the east. FenoN 40 - 42.37
E 5 - 42.86
Look for a yellow house, tape is on the balcony. FenoN 40 - 42.73
E 5 - 43.29
Head to the eastern most house in Babica. It's on the rooftop garden. FenoN 40 - 42.88
E 5 - 43.00
Across from the church, on the balcony of the building. FenoN 40 - 42.42
E 5 - 42.03
Balcony of a brick building face the road to the east. LavandaN 40 - 41.95
E 5 - 41.59
North of the police station, on east-facing balcony. LavandaN 40 - 41.84
E 5 - 42.34
Head around the gas station. In front of the women's bathroom.
Insula Dracon Tapes Locations
Province Coordinates Where To Find Capite EstN 40 - 44.25
E 5 - 35.49
The ruins, on the second level. Capite EstN 40 - 44.13
E 5 - 36.80
Near a yellow building, near some trash. Capite EstN 40 - 43.60
E 5 - 35.84
Look for the building with the national flag. Mixed with some trash. Capite WestN 40 - 42.93
E 5 - 35.18
Darker building with the national flag, on the porch. MassosN 40 - 43.39
E 5 - 37.05
A car graveyard. MassosN 40 - 42.19
E 5 - 37.60
Flowered covered stairs, near some garbage. TrioN 40 - 42.69
E 5 - 35.07
The lighthouse, top walkway. TrioN 40 - 41.93
E 5 - 35.03
The ruins near the church. TrioN 40 - 41.77
E 5 - 35.14
A white sail boat. TrioN 40 - 41.87
E 5 - 35.79
Red building with green shutters, next to a bench. PetraN 40 - 41.80
E 5 - 36.47
Near the ruins, at the top of the tower. PetraN 40 - 41.84
E 5 - 36.97
Behind Sancte Cinta, behind a dumpster.Insula Striate Tapes Locations Province Coordinates Where To Find Montana
N 40 - 48.09
E 5 - 43.36
East to the tallest point in the game, atop the mountain. Litore TortoN 40 - 49.26
E 5 - 46.25
North building. Litore TortoN 40 - 50.31
E 5 - 44.98
In a pile of trash. Grande PasturaN 40 - 50.93
E 5 - 41.21
Next to a fountain and a bull's head. Grande PasturaN 40 - 49.97
E 5 - 40.11
Ruined house. Grande PasturaN 40 - 48.52
E 5 - 40.75
Next to the crater near a mountain, near some trees and a rock. Val De MarN 40 - 47.51
E 5 - 39.93
Edge of the dock. Val De MarN 40 - 45.98
E 5 - 42.16
Grapple to the top of the wall with a metal door next to a lantern. Val De MarN 40 - 44.91
E 5 - 42.22
Top of the factory near the control room. MaestraleN 40 - 45.38
E 5 - 39.07
Top of the stairs in the ruins. MaestraleN 40 - 46.18
E 5 - 39.16
Top of the tower. MaestraleN 40 - 46.99
E 5 - 38.30
Within the ruins. MaestraleN 40 - 47.54
E 5 - 37.78
Top of the stairs in the ruins. MaestraleN 40 - 47.40
E 5 - 36.05
North side of the arc. MaestraleN 40 - 48.22
E 5 - 35.34
Inside ruined building. MaestraleN 40 - 48.57
E 5 - 34.83
Near some garbage inside the factory. MaestraleN 40 - 48.30
E 5 - 32.87
On the catwalk. LibeccioN 40 - 45.18
E 5 - 33.39
On the catwalk. LibeccioN 40 - 44.98
E 5 - 35.24
Second highest level in building being constructured. LibeccioN 40 - 44.88
E 5 - 35.36
Balcony, next to the sun chair. LibeccioN 40 - 45.83
E 5 - 35.42
North side of the farm house. LibeccioN 40 - 45.72
E 5 - 37.15
Building with green blinds, south side of the roof. LibeccioN 40 - 45.25
E 5 - 37.87
Two burned out buses. RegnoN 40 - 44.41
E 5 - 37.82
Top of the crane RegnoN 40 - 44.07
E 5 - 38.17
East of the orange temple. RegnoN 40 - 44.35
E 5 - 38.45
Construction site, near some lumber. RegnoN 40 - 44.22
E 5 - 38.68
Building with a crane on the roof, next to some portable bathrooms. RegnoN 40 - 44.21
E 5 - 39.30
Blue crane near the dock. PrimaN 40 - 43.94
E 5 - 39.99
House closest to the road, south balcony. PrimaN 40 - 43.71
E 5 - 40.15
Next to a sign that reads "Soda Salate", under a walkway. PrimaN 40 - 43.94
E 5 - 40.66
Large red building, playground behind it. PrimaN 40 - 43.76
E 5 - 41.60
Building to the southeast side of Vista Fonte, in the lounding area, on the roof. PrimaN 40 - 43.91
E 5 - 41.65
Behind a red, white and yellow building, near a dumpster. PrimaN 40 - 43.82
E 5 - 43.38
Across from "Kool Kebabes", on the balcony. PrimaN 40 - 43.77
E 5 - 43.50
Building with green blinds, west side, on a balcony. Costa SudN 40 - 44.54
E 5 - 44.18
Corner house, northwest balcony. Costa SudN 40 - 44.15
E 5 - 45.36
White building with "Pulvere De Fee" sign, on the balcony. Costa SudN 40 - 44.25
E 5 - 45.59
Balcony of the yellow building, between two clotheslines. Costa SudN 40 - 45.23
E 5 - 46.21
Broken down factory, south catwalk.
Ancient tombs are large mounds covered with grass and blue flowers. When you find one, you will be prompted to "Pay Respects": the tomb won't be marked as found until you do this. Each tomb has an Urga-Supka-210 handheld mortar, which will become available for rebel drops once you've found and paid respects at all 23 tombs in the game.
Insula Striate Ancient Tombs Locations
Province Coordinates Litore TortoN40 - 50.48
E5 - 45.10
Grande PasturaN40 - 51.54
E5 - 44.60
Grande PasturaN40 - 50.67
E5 - 41.79
Grande PasturaN40 - 49.94
E5 - 41.84
Grande PasturaN40 - 49.65
E5 - 42.93
Val De MarN40 - 47.10
E5 - 41.19
Val De MarN40 - 46.79
E5 - 40.78
MaestraleN40 - 47.20
E5 - 39.02
MaestraleN40 - 47.14
E5 - 38.06
MaestraleN40 - 47.18
E5 - 36.89
MaestraleN40 - 47.71
E5 - 35.08
MaestraleN40 - 48.52
E5 - 36.04
MaestraleN40 - 48.79
E5 - 35.44
MaestraleN40 - 48.82
E5 - 34.57
MaestraleN40 - 49.47
E5 - 34.36
MaestraleN40 - 49.07
E5 - 33.08
MaestraleN40 - 45.75
E5 - 38.74
LibeccioN40 - 45.89
E5 - 32.75
LibeccioN40 - 45.98
E5 - 33.68
LibeccioN40 - 46.37
E5 - 36.94
ProspereN40 - 44.605
E5 - 44.03
Litore TortoN40 - 46.91
E5 - 45.68
Costa SudN40 - 46.46
E5 - 46.69
Shrines are set up across Medici in honour of those who have lost their lives in an effort to liberate the country. You'll need to "light" the shrine in order for it to be marked as found. Once you find and light all shrines, it will unlock free Fast Travelling from any location in the game world.
Insula Dracon Rebel Shrins Locations
Province Coordinates CaudaN 40 - 40.95
E 5 - 35.36
PetraN 40 - 41.52
E 5 - 36.54
PetraN 40 - 41.83
E 5 - 37.05
MassosN 40 - 42.75
E 5 - 37.40
MassosN 40 - 42.86
E 5 - 36.74
Capite EstN 40 - 43.62
E 5 - 35.98
Capite WestN 40 - 43.76
E 5 - 34.52
Capite WestN 40 - 43.29
E 5 - 34.87
TrioN 40 - 42.78
E 5 - 35.71
TrioN 40 - 41.96
E 5 - 35.86
Insula Fonte Rebel Shrins Locations
Province Coordinates LavandaN 40 - 41.62
E 5 - 42.85
LavandaN 40 - 41.76
E 5 - 42.14
LavandaN 40 - 42.14
E 5 - 42.25
FenoN 40 - 42.60
E 5 - 41.40
FenoN 40 - 42.58
E 5 - 42.92
PlagiaN 40 - 42.80
E 5 - 43.90
PlagiaN 40 - 42.46
E 5 - 43.93
PlagiaN 40 - 42.00
E 5 - 44.75
BaiaN 40 - 41.31
E 5 - 44.60
BaiaN 40 - 40.24
E 5 - 44.05
LacosN 40 - 41.04
E 5 - 43.89
LacosN 40 - 40.31
E 5 - 43.51
LacosN 40 - 40.63
E5 - 43.22
LacosN 40 - 40.75
E 5 - 42.48
LacosN 40 - 40.08
E 5 - 43.05
Sirocco SudN 40 - 38.61
E 5 - 41.13
SorosN 40 - 37.60
E 5 - 40.47
SorosN 40 - 37.14
E 5 - 39.54
Insula Striate Rebel Shrins Locations
Province Coordinates Litore TortoN 40 - 50.20
E 5 - 45.55
Litore TortoN 40 - 49.12
E 5 - 45.02
MontanaN 40 - 49.15
E 5 - 42.59
Val De MarN 40 - 47.43
E 5 - 39.53
Val De MarN 40 - 45.99
E 5 - 42.13
MaestraleN 40 - 48.99
E 5 - 35.60
MaestraleN 40 - 49.12
E 5 - 33.17
MaestraleN 40 - 46.49
E 5 - 39.37
Rocca BlauN 40 - 47.80
E 5 - 33.19
LibeccioN 40 - 46.79
E 5 - 34.91
LibeccioN 40 - 45.80
E 5 - 37.92
Costa SudN 40 - 45.92
E 5 - 44.17
Costa SudN 40 - 45.93
E 5 - 45.76
Costa SudN 40 - 44.25
E 5 - 46.00
Costa SudN 40 - 43.44
E 5 - 44.67
Costa SudN 40 - 43.69
E 5 - 44.33
UmbraN 40 - 46.50
E 5 - 44.73
UmbraN 40 - 46.54
E 5 - 44.81
PrimaN 40 - 44.48
E 5 - 43.57
PrimaN 40 - 44.46
E 5 - 42.72
PrimaN 40 - 44.46
E 5 - 39.73
Vintage parts from different weapons and an old fighter plane are located throughout Medici. They are marked in the game world as a shovel standing upright in the ground. Collecting all vintage parts unlocks "Noir Mode", which allows you to play the game in Film Noir style (black and white). This can be activated via the "Options" and then "gameplay" menu in the pause screen.
Insula Dracon Vintage Parts Locations Province Coordinates Capite Est
N 40 - 44.25
E 5 - 35.43
Capite EstN 40 - 44.24
E 5 - 36.83
Capite WestN 40 - 44.14
E 5 - 35.43
Capite WestN 40 - 43.40
E 5 - 34.32
TrioN 40 - 42.37
E 5 - 34.83
TrioN 40 - 42.35
E 5 - 35.31
TrioN 40 - 42.20
E 5 - 35.61
CaudaN 40 - 41.10
E 5 - 34.96
CaudaN 40 - 40.55
E 5 - 34.53
PetraN 40 - 41.15
E 5 - 35.15
PetraN 40 - 40.98
E 5 - 36.53
PetraN 40 - 41.91
E 5 - 37.07
MassosN 40 - 42.43
E 5 - 37.50
MassosN 40 - 43.04
E 5 - 36.82
Insula Fonte Vintage Parts Locations Province Coordinates Plagia
N 40 - 42.18
E 5 - 43.98
PlagiaN 40 - 42.85
E 5 - 43.69
FenoN 40 - 42.56
E 5 - 42.45
FenoN 40 - 42.27
E 5 - 43.20
AsperaN 40 - 41.75
E 5 - 44.08
LavandaN 40 - 41.84
E 5 - 42.59
LavandaN 40 - 42.10
E 5 - 41.31
LavandaN 40 - 41.96
E 5 - 41.45
LavandaN 40 - 41.25
E 5 - 41.94
LacosN 40 - 40.75
E 5 - 42.17
LacosN 40 - 40.64
E 5 - 43.98
Sirocco NordN 40 - 39.40
E 5 - 42.15
Sirocco NordN 40 - 39.24
E 5 - 43.30
Sirocco NordN 40 - 38.52
E 5 - 42.65
Sirocco NordN 40 - 38.04
E 5 - 41.39
SorosN 40 - 37.35
E 5 - 40.08
SorosN 40 - 37.03
E 5 - 38.31
SorosN 40 - 37.12
E 5 - 38.98
Insula Striate Vintage Parts Locations Province Coordinates Maestrale
N 40 - 48.55
E 5 - 36.22
MaestraleN 40 - 48.50
E 5 - 32.74
LibeccioN 40 - 46.37
E 5 - 33.79
LibeccioN 40 - 46.65
E 5 - 35.61
LibeccioN 40 - 45.18
E 5 - 36.48
PrimaN 40 - 44.03
E 5 - 42.11
Costa SudN 40 - 43.63
E 5 - 44.98
Costa SudN 40 - 45.64
E 5 - 45.89
Val de MarN 40 - 45.48
E 5 - 43.59
Val de MarN 40 - 46.52
E 5 - 42.25
Val de MarN 40 - 47.32
E 5 - 41.98
Litore TortoN 40 - 46.94
E 5 - 44.73
Litore TortoN 40 - 48.72
E 5 - 46.69
Litore TortoN 40 - 47.97
E 5 - 46.67
Grande PasturaN 40 - 48.62
E 5 - 39.73
Grande PasturaN 40 - 49.17
E 5 - 40.67
Grande PasturaN 40 - 50.72
E 5 - 38.67
Grande PasturaN 40 - 50.80
E 5 - 41.34
Grande PasturaN 40 - 51.40
E 5 - 43.10
Grande PasturaN 40 - 50.34
E 5 - 44.35
MontanaN 40 - 48.27
E 5 - 43.62
MontanaN 40 - 48.32
E 5 - 43.23