The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Console Cheat Codes / Commands for PC Version
If there's a game you'll hear about this year, it's The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, a game that keeps on giving, even if you're tired of blowing heads off and making bacon helmets at this point...
![The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Console Cheat Codes for PC Version](
Cheats / Codes
The Console (these cheats are PC-Only): Ah, the Developer Console. If you're looking to completely break the game in every way imaginable, there's no better tool.
To use the console, simply hit the
key and type in a command, generally surrounded by quotation marks and replacing what see between brackets for the necessary code or ID. Simple, right? As for all you folks who don't have Skyrim on the PC... sorry, you're out of luck. The console commands / cheats are listed below:
Addfac <variable> 1: Use this one at your own risk, as there's a good chance it'll cause the NPC to glitch out in some way. It'll add whatever NPC you've got selected at the time to one of the game's many programmed factions (sorry, no adding General Tullius to The Stormcloaks or Farkas to The College of Winterhold). If you want to add yourself to the faction, simply add 'player'. to the beginning of the code. Faction codes can be found below.
Addtofaction 19809 1: Makes the NPC marriageable. Want Jarl Elisif as a wife? Now you can!
Addtofaction 0005A1A4 1: Want an NPC to stop hating you? This command will add them to the "player ally" faction.
Addtofaction 000E0CD9 1: This'll make most bandits friendly towards an NPC by adding them to the "Bandit Ally" faction.
Addtofaction 000E0CDA 1: Want to be friends with the warlocks and necromancers that can be found all across Skyrim? This code will make it happen, adding you to the Warlock Ally faction.
Addtofaction 000E0CDB 1: If you find the Draugr more 'cute and cuddly' than 'evil and repulsive', use this code to add yourself or an NPC to the "Draugr Ally" faction.
Addtofaction 5C84D 1: Want an invincible NPC to follow in your footsteps? This code adds them to the "potentialfollower" faction. Note that if they hate you, they still won't follow you.
Addshout X: Replace "X" with one of the codes found here to learn a shout.
AdvancePCLevel: Self-explanatory. Grants you one level.
AdvancePCSkill (skillname) #: Again, pretty self-explanatory. Levels up your skills by a set amount. Note that Archery is "Marksman" and Speech is "Speechcraft" for the purpose of this command.
advskill [skillname] XXX: Advances a skill by xxx amount. For example, if you type "advskill [smithing] 050", your progress towards the next level of Smithing will have 50 xp added to it. Note that different skills require different amounts of experience to level up.
caqs: Automatically completes all stages of your primary quest. Great for those of you who hate having quests in your quest log that you can't or won't complete.
coc <location>: Lets you fast travel to any location you happen to enter into the console. Instead of entering in the location's name, you can simply enter in its code. Oh, and don't use this command while you're on a horse- the game will be very, very cross with you if you do.
coc qasmoke: Sends you to the developer vault, which includes a copy of every single item that appears in the game - and a few that don't. To leave the room, type in "coc Riverwood"
Disable: Removes a targeted object or item from the game.
enableplayercontrols: Using this command will allow you to move during cinematic sequences. It can also be used for the occasional glitch where a player cannot move after a cinematic.
Equipitem<formid>: Forces the targeted NPC (or yourself, if you add "player." to the beginning of the command) to equip an item, if they've got it in their inventory. Want your follower to wear fancy clothes instead of iron armor? This'll be the command to do it.
fov x: Adjusts your field of view.
fw<ID>: This command will automatically change the current weather. Weather IDs can be found here.
GetStage<quest id>: Acquire the current quest stage for a given quest. The commend ShowQuestTargets will give you a list of IDs.
help (descriptor) #: Probably the most important command here. It lists all of the other console commands. You can also add descriptors in order to search for the console ID of pretty much any item in the game. For example, type "help Ulfric Stormcloak" and you'll be given the ID for the leader of the Stormcloak rebellion. Entering a number from 1-9 will set limits for the search function.
IncPCS: Increases a skill of your choice by one point.
kill: Select an enemy or NPC, then use this command. No more NPC.
killall: Wipe out every hostile NPC in your immediate vicinity.
lock XXX: Lock chests, doors, and even NPCs (yeah, I don't get it either) by targeting them and typing this command followed by the difficulty level you want the lock to be set at.
movetoqt: This command will whisk you straight towards the target of your current primary quest.
Object Commands: The following commands can be used to change the position of a selected object.
MarkForDelete: Marks an object for deletion.
GetPos<axis>: Returns the value of an object's position on the x, y, or z axis.
GetAngle<axis>: Returns the value of an object's angle on the x or y axis.
SetPos<axis><value>: Sets the x, y, or z position of a targeted object.
SetAngle<axis><value>: Sets the x or y value of a targeted object.
player.addperk <variable>: Gives you access to a perk. In order to find the perk ID, you can either type "help" "perk name" "4." Or check this list. You can also look here to find the correct batch order for the perks.
player.addspell<variable>: Grants your character a spell, disease, or power. Here's a list of all obtainable spells in Skyrim. Again, if you want to know a spell's ID code, simply type "help" "spell name" "4."
player.additem <base_id> <amount>: Adds items to your inventory. Item codes can be found here.
player.additem<base_id>-1: This command will remove a single item from your inventory. Got a quest item you can't get rid of? This command helps.
player.drop<base_id><amount>: This will drop however much of an item you happen to be carrying from your inventory.
playerEnchantObject <object><magic effect><magic effect>: This'll add an item to your inventory with two magic effects of your choice. A great way to use this one is to create a piece of equipment that fortifies enchanting by the maximum amount. Then do it again while wearing the equipment. Rinse and repeat.
player.forceav<value><amount>: This modifies your character's actor value (basically, values which aren't necessarily tied directly to stats) by a certain amount, and ignores built-in overrides in the game. Not recommended, as it can cause some rather severe glitches. A list of actor values can be found here.
player.modav<value><amount>: This modifies your character's actor value by a certain amount, and acts as a permanent buff/debuff. A list of actor values can be found here.
player.moveto X: Moves you to an NPC, where X stands for the NPC's refID.
player.placeatme<reference code>: Places an item or NPC next to the player.
player.removeitem<base_id> 1: Removes an item from your inventory.
player.removeperk<variable>: Removes a single perk your character has learned.
player.setav<value><amount>: Modifies the base value of an AV to the amount specified. A list of actor values can be found here.
player.setcrimecold xxx<faction id>: Set how high (or low) your bounty for a particular hold will be. Faction IDs in this case can be found by typing "help" "city name" "4."
player.setlevel X: Sets your character's level to x. Note that this won't add perks or stats.
player.setrelationshiprank<actor><value>: Changes the disposition of an NPC towards the player. 4 is the highest value possible, and 0 is the lowest.
player.showinventory: Gives you a list of all items in your inventory, as well as their reference codes.
player.sqs<quest id>: Use this to see all the stages of a quest.
player.teachword<WOOP>: This'll teach your character a word of power. You can find a list of words here.
Prid<NPC ID>: Targets an NPC, even if you can't see them.
psb: This command stands for "populate spellbook" and will give you every single spell in the game (including several that were only available to the developers for testing purposes). Goes without saying that this could glitch your game a touch.
qqq: Immediately exits the game.
removeallitems: After targeting a character, use this command to remove all of the items in their inventory.
removeallitems player: Same as the above command, but transfers all of the NPC's items into your inventory.
resurrect: Target an NPC in the console menu and type 'resurrect' to bring them back to life. Add a 1 to the end, and they won't have any of the items they possessed originally.
unlock: Target the locked object, and type this command. Boom, you're in.
setessential<base_id>0, setessential<base_id>1: This command either makes an NPC mortal or immortal. You can find the base id of the various NPCS here.
SetPlayerRace<id>: Lets you change your character's race without having to open up the character customization menu. This tends to bug out after certain transformations, such as your character becoming a werewolf.
set timescale to #: This'll change the rate at which time passes (20 is the game's default, and 1 is real-time).
setscale<value>: This command will let you change the scale of an object. If you haven't selected an object, your character's scale will change instead.
SetStage<quest id><value>: Set the quest stage for a given quest.
sexchange: Self-explanatory. Changes your character's sex.
showracemenu: Brings up the character creation screen.
showquesttargets: Displays all current quest IDs in the console.
sw: This command, which stands for "Start Weather" will start up a sequence of weather based on the weather ID code you enter. Might not work in areas where the chosen weather isn't a common occurrence. You can find a list of weather codes here.
TAI: Toggles artificial intelligence. Turn this off, and everything in the world pretty much freezes in place.
TC: Toggle Controls Driven. Basically, this allows you to take direct control of a highlighted NPC.
TCAI: Everyone loves each other! This command will turn off combat AI, meaning that NPCs won't be able to attack one another... or you.
TCL: Toggles noclip. You can walk up into the air with this. And through mountains. And buildings. And people.
TDetect: No one can see you. Unless you're pickpocketing, no one will report your crimes, since they can't detect you.
TFC: Toggles the freefly cam. You can't interact with stuff, but you can still fly about to your heart's content.
tg: Toggles the display of grass.
TGM: Now we're talking. This lovely little command activates God Mode. You become invincible and unencumbered with infinite magicka and stamina and no cooldown on your shouts.
TIM: God mode's slightly less impressive cousin, Immortal Mode makes you invincible but doesn't give you any of the other cool features of god mode. Apparently, you can still be decapitated…but you won't die if you are.
TLL: Disable or enable LOD (Level of Detail). Disabling it improves performance, but drastically reduces your view distance.
TM: Toggle menus. This allows you to remove the HUD and all dialogue texts- useful for taking screenshots, if nothing else.
TMM (0) or(1): TMM 1 will show all map markers previously found, while TMM 0 will clear them.
ts: Toggles display of the game's skybox and fog.