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Diablo III Guide - How to Beat Bosses, Tips, Cheats, and Easter Eggs

Welcome to yet another GD guide. Have you been enjoying your time with Diablo III? Is it your favorite game yet? Whether it is or not, we'd like you to have an even better experience, so here you'll find some tips on how to beat the bosses you'll encounter, as well as cheats and easter eggs you can expect from Diablo III. Hope it helps!

If you need to, jump to these categories:

  • Act I Boss Guide
  • Act II Boss Guide
  • Act III Boss Guide
  • Act IV Boss Guide
  • Easter Eggs / Secrets

Diablo III Guide - How to Beat Bosses, Tips, Cheats, and Easter Eggs

Boss Guide

Here are a few tips for each of the bosses (and mid-bosses), so you have an idea of what they can do. **Do note that if you've not yet played through Act IV, I wouldn't recommend reading that section of the guide, as it may spoil things for you.**

Act I

The Skeleton King / Mad King of Tristram:

Leoric hits like a tank, teleports around the battlefield, and summons small mobs of skeletons to attack you. Heavier classes like barbarians and monks can go toe-to-toe with him for a time, but I wouldn't recommend it. His whirlwind assault, where he turns ethereal and untargetable, is a particularly nasty attack. Thankfully, there'll be a bit of warning before he uses the attack (he'll raise his weapon, hiss, and mist will start to appear around him). When he does this, get away.

His attacks are slow enough that you should be able to use "hit and run" tactics fairly reliably. If you find your health dropping in the fight, you can always kill his skeletons for health globes, or lead them into his whirlwind attack, and he'll do the job for you.

He's also not immune to stuns. Use this to your advantage.

Aranea, The Spider Queen:

Another fairly easy battle. Aranea is basically just a beefier version of the plagued spiders you fought earlier in the caves. She'll spit web at areas of the ground to slow you down, can infest areas of the map with poison clouds, and at set intervals, she will flee and spawn a collection of spiders and spiderlings. All in all, a fairly simple battle, and you shouldn't have too much trouble with her so long as you remain mobile. She hits faster than Leoric, but she definitely doesn't hit harder.

The Warden:

The Warden will probably be one of your first encounters with the "Jailer" monster type. Make sure you've cleared the area before you do battle with him, as the squishier classes will need to kite him, lest they die. He has three main attacks: He'll either trap you for several seconds in a pillar of energy, launch three fireballs (fairly easy to dodge), or strike at you with his mace. Again, just beat the crap out of him until he goes down.

(ACT BOSS): The Butcher:

This is probably the first boss fight which truly showcases what Blizzard learned about design from World of Warcraft, and it's very, very fun, but also challenging as all hell if you don't know what you're doing. The Butcher has himself learned a few new tricks since you fought him in Diablo. First, the arena in which you fight him will contain several areas, which will randomly immolate themselves - stay out of the fire as much as possible, or you will die. Keeping aware of what parts of the floor are safe and what parts aren't is probably one of the toughest aspects of this fight.

The Butcher himself has three primary attacks: He'll either hit you with his spear, or use something identical to the Barbarian's "Ancient Spear (Grappling Hooks Rune)" ability. He'll draw back for a moment before using it, which is your cue to get into a position where it can't reach you. He'll fire one hook straight ahead, and two at forty five degree angles from the first, all at the same time. Standing in the right spot means his attack will pass you harmlessly by. His third attack is a charge. If he hits you, it will hurt. If you're careful, though, you can fool him into headbutting a wall- at which point he'll stun himself, and be easy pickings for a few seconds.

Act II

Magda, Leader of the Coven:

As a result of what Magda did, I'm sure most every player was absolutely frothing at the bit to kill her. Most classes shouldn't have any problems with her. Her primary attack consists of launching a slow-moving cloud of insects. She'll also summon a dark, purple pentagram on the ground of the battle area. Avoid standing on it.

At set points during the battle, she'll shield herself, becoming invulnerable, and summon three to five demonic warriors (the same beasts you fought in Wortham, albeit not champions). All in all, you should have no trouble taking her down.  

Zultan Kulle, Betrayer of the Horadrim:

This boss appears more intimidating than he is, particularly since he spawns with two Champion rock golems. He'll create an area-of-effect rock-slide, fling fireballs, spawn damaging whirlwinds, and create domes in which your character's attacks and movement are both slowed. None of these attacks should be too terribly difficult to avoid. If you can, try to focus fire on Kulle, and stay out of range of the two golems-  if you kill him, his guardians die with you. Plus, you'll get an achievement.

(ACT BOSS): Belial, The Lord of Lies:

Honestly? I found Belial to be the hardest boss in the game, simply for this third form. The first phase of the boss fight isn't really too tough- he'll spawn a small horde of serpents. Kill them, then he'll teleport down into the battlefield. He'll move around the battlefield at high speed, shooting fast moving green fireballs, slamming the ground to cause damage, and summoning more serpents. He's also got a melee attack, but it's not quite as damaging as the other powers he'll utilize. Once you get him down to almost nothing, he'll teleport back up, and the real fight will begin.

Belial has three attacks in this phase. He'll smash the ground three times (broadcasting the attack with a ring of green fire each time), breathe fire across the battlefield, and slam his talons into the ground to create a storm of meteors. This last one is the nastiest- you're going to want some movement speed buffs if you're going to survive it, and it's pretty likely you'll die at least once or twice if you fail to keep an eye on the pattern of the meteors. The fire-breathing attack is fairly difficult to dodge unless you're in the right place when he starts it (he'll broadcast by breathing in), but the triple strike is fairly simpe to avoid.

Oh, he's also one of the only bosses in the game that's immune to stuns, in his third phase.

(Continued on the Next Page...)

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