A guide to the SWTOR Life Day 2015 running from Dec 15 to Jan 5, 2016.
- 1 Getting Started
- 1.1 Master of Ceremonies Vendor
- 1.2 Snow-Covered Parcels
- 1.3 Overheated Life Day Droid
- 2 New 2015 Cartel Market Items
- 3 Mounts
- 4 Misc Items
- 5 Decorations
- 6 Achievements
Getting Started
Head to Galactic Trade Market Section of the fleet and look for a Master of Ceremonies NPC near the GTN. He sells the following items

Master of Ceremonies Vendor
The vendor has been updated this year to include all the cartel market lifeday items from previous years in exchange for parcels.

Fireworks:Life Day tree
500 credits
Life Day Snowball Bomb
1000 credits
Life Day Ceiling Light (Globes)
20 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Ceiling Light (Icicles)
20 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Life Day Holo-Tree
40 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Life Day Holo-Tree (Blue-Purple)
40 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Life Day Holo-Tree (Green)
40 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Life Day Icicle Mound
20 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Medium Potted Tree
5 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Reveler
20 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Small Potted Tree
5 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Snowblower
10 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Wall Freezer Unit
10 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Wampa Rug
40 Snow-Covered Parcels
Cyan Sphere
16 Gray Helix Components
36 Snow-Covered Parcels
Czerka LD-1 Celebrator
100 Snow-Covered Parcels
Sleigh I
20 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Vectron J0-1Y
100 Snow-Covered Parcels
Hoth Wampa Cub (Pet)
60 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Vestments
30 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Lower Robe
30 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Boots
30 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Holo-Tree (Toy)
50 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Tinsel Bomb (Toy)
20 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Orb (Regen)
50 Snow-Covered Parcels
Snow-Covered Parcels

Snow-Covered Parcels are the main currency used in this event. You get them randomly by throwing the Life Day Snowball Bomb at other players with a 15% chance to receive parcels. Despite what the description for the snowball bomb says, you can get parcels from other players even if they have the debuff from getting hit by a snowball (you can also click off the debuff manually). However, if this debuff was applied by you then you won’t get any parcels out of it. Throwing snowballs at companions and NPCs also works in recovering parcels.
- Tip: You can just throw it at your own companion and click off their debuff everytime.
The first time you get a snow-covered parcel you will get a popup window and an achievement. From here on you will see a yellow text on your screen everytime you recover a parcel.
Snow-Covered Parcels are tradeable but the ones brought do not count towards the achievement
Overheated Life Day Droid
Around Coruscant Senate, Dromund Kaas City Memorial place, and Nar Shaddaa promenade (both upper and lower) you will find Life Day Droids that you can throw your snowball bombs. They will give you the parcel and disappear after a while. They have a chance to respawn as a rarer version called Overheated Life Day Droid. This guy has the chance to drop decorations and you can pick 1 out of 4 colored Life Day Holo Trees.

- Apparently you can still get decorations even if other players have used snowballs on him so just keep spamming your snowballs on it for decorations until he disappears. The more players the better since they will need to overwrite your own snowball debuff for you to keep getting stuff from it.
- The normal Life Day Droids only give parcels with 15% chance but these overheated droids have an additional 15% to give you decorations
- Life Day droids stay around for 5 minutes and then respawn ~4 minutes later as either the normal or the Overheated version
- Overheated droids will appear as red enemy when they first spawn but do not attack them. The first throw of the snowball will turn them green.
This same droid is also responsible for the Holiday Hero achievement below. However the achievement is buggy and you may need to get several decorations from the droid for it to trigger.
New 2015 Cartel Market Items
- Ambient Machine: Snowstorm – 80 CC
- Life Day Ceiling Light (Stalactite)– 130 CC
- Life Day Fireplace – 150 CC
- Life Day Pedestal – 130 CC
Snowstorm Assault Speeder – 2000 CC
- Has a mount flourish function that fires off snowballs

Life Day Snowball Cannon – 500 CC
- This item has only 6s CD, allowing you to spam snowballs at a faster rate.

Festive Life Day Robes – 800 CC
- Spawns a small orb that follows you around. Only chestpiece need to be equipped for this to orb to appear.

Czerka LD-1 Celebrator – 100 Snow-Covered Parcels

Vectron J0-1Y – 100 Snow-Covered Parcels

Sleigh I – 20 Snow-Covered Parcels

Cyan Sphere – 16 Gray Helix Components, 36 Snow-Covered Parcels
- Adaptive, requires Champion rank with Gree, Bind on Pickup
- 16 Gray Helix Components and 36 Snow-Covered Parcels

Misc Items
Hoth Wampa Cub–60 Snow-Covered Parcels

Life Day Vestments/Lower Robe/Boots
- 30 Snow-Covered Parcels each

Life Day Holo-Tree (Toy) – 50 Snow-Covered Parcels
- Use: Places the Life Day Holiday Holo-Tree at the targeted location (Cooldown: 1 minutes)

Life Day Tinsel Bomb (Toy) – 20 Snow-Covered Parcels
- Use: Lob a Life day Tinsel Bomb at your target within 30 meters, which explodes in a shower of glitter. Targets will trail glitter for a short time after being hit (Cooldown 15 seconds)

Life Day Orb (Regen) – 50 Snow-Covered Parcels
- Use: Display your Life Day Orb. You generate health and your class’s energy pool while the orb is displayed.

Decorations from Master of Ceremonies
Life Day Ceiling Light (Globes)
20 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Ceiling Light (Icicles)
20 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Life Day Holo-Tree
40 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Life Day Holo-Tree (Blue-Purple)
40 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Life Day Holo-Tree (Green)
40 Snow-Covered Parcels.
Life Day Icicle Mound
20 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Medium Potted Tree
5 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Reveler
20 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Small Potted Tree
5 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Snowblower
10 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Wall Freezer Unit
10 Snow-Covered Parcels
Life Day Wampa Rug
40 Snow-Covered Parcels
Decorations from Overheated Life Day Droids
Life Day Holo-Tree (Blue)
Overheated Life Day Droids
Life Day Holo-Tree (Green-Gold)
Overheated Life Day Droids
Life Day Holo-Tree (Pink)
Overheated Life Day Droids
Life Day Holo-Tree (Red)
Overheated Life Day Droids
Legacy Title
Jolly Parcel Peddler
During Life Day event, find 1 Snow-covered Parcel by using the Life Day Snowball Bomb
Life Day Celebrant
Merry Life Day to All
During Life Day event, find 25 Snow-covered Parcel by using the Life Day Snowball Bomb
To All A Good Night
During Life Day event, find 100 Snow-covered Parcel by using the Life Day Snowball Bomb
A Special Snowflake
Holiday Hero
During Life Day event, receive a decoration by using the Life Day Snowball Bomb