Smite: Awilix God Guide .

The reason I’m making these god guides is to guide new players into playing certain gods they haven’t yet had the time to play. I’m not at all a professional player and I’ve made plenty of mistakes, but I think I know the basics to a successful god build. So this week I tried to do something different. I don’t even have all the gods mastered in Smite (shame on me, I know), so I figured I’d be a “newbie” for once and discover a suitable build for a god I have never played before. I initially tested this build in Siege, as I think it’s the easiest game mode to get to know a god in, and then later tested it in Conquest. So without further ado, here’s a guide for Awilix – Goddess of the Moon.


Awilix isn’t the easiest god to play. Actually, far from it. It’s extremely easy to mess up a combo and get yourself killed, because her engage is also her escape, so you need to know when it’s safe to engage and when it’s time to retreat. This might scare you off initially (it scared me off as well), but once you get the hang of her, she’s truly a great god to play! Her unique mount ability is something that sets her apart from any other assassin, and it adds a new play-style to the game. And her voice commands are just really great; she might even be in my top 3 best voice packs in Smite. Let’s get started, you lunartic.



awilix-initiative Initiative

This passive rocks! It grants Awilix a massive physical power buff for 2.5 seconds when she first strikes from out of combat. And when I say massive buff, I mean MASSIVE. She gains an additional 30% physical power for 2.5 seconds! You’ll have plenty of time to Feather Step combo by then, allowing you to do incredible damage to your opponent. It does take some practice to fully utilize Initiative, as sometimes you won’t be close enough to your opponent to take advantage of the buff. In the most ideal situations, you will leap to your opponent with Summon Suku and then quickly do 2 basic attacks and then use Feather Step for optimal damage output. Your damage will still be significant even without this short buff, but that extra damage might just make the difference in killing your opponent or having to chase him through the jungle to kill him and potentially running into his team mates as well.

awilix-summon-suku Summon Suku

“Suku now!” Awilix cries out in despair as she reaches for her trusty panther Suku to get her out of the unfortunate situation she has gotten herself in. First of all, can I just say that Awilix would be a great protagonist for a book? Back to the point; Summon Suku allows you to mount your panther Suku, which will increase your movement speed by 25%, but decreases your strafe speed by 50%. You may then leap off Suku one time to deal damage to enemies in the target area. What is extraordinarily great about this ability however, is that you can mount Suku without the ability going on cooldown. Summon Suku will only go on cooldown once you’ve used your leap, which you don’t even have to do if you just want to roam around the jungle at a quicker pace. It does consume mana when mounting though, so every time you get on your mount, you’ll be spending 50-70 mana. So in the early game it might be best if you don’t always use your mount to move through the jungle, as it will cut you short on mana which you could use to gank lanes and secure kills. The leap itself does a nice chunk of damage as well. 280 damage at max rank, with 80% of your physical power. If you hit this ability, your passive will activate and you are bound to have a good time cutting through your opponents. Be careful not to strafe though, as this might cause you to mess up your chance of escaping. I have one more thing to add to this part with the release of Khepri. Do NOT stay on Suku when you don’t have to. As soon as you run into an enemy, either leap at them or dismount, cause you will not be able to basic attack when Khepri pulls you when you’re on Suku, but your Summon Suku will still go on cooldown when he releases you again. So be careful when there’s a Khepri on the enemy team, as he might screw up your escape and burst potential.

awilix-feather-step Feather Step

This is your main ability to clear jungle camps. It’s also the ability that makes Awilix incredibly fun to play. It’s not just about aiming this ability, it’s also about making sure you use it at the right time as its damage is based on where you are in your basic attack progression. Feather Step flips Awilix over the last enemy she hit with a basic attack within 1.5 seconds, rooting, crippling and damaging the enemy/enemies as she passes over them. If you don’t care about the combo bonus, this ability might not be the highest damaging move you’ve ever seen. It only does 180 damage and adds 50% of your physical power on top of that. If her first basic attack is the next in the chain progression, it’ll just do that amount of damage. If the second basic attack in the progression is next, it’ll do 1.5x the damage. Now comes the fun part; if the third basic attack in the progression is next, it’ll do twice the amount of damage AND it’ll hit all targets in the area around her! This’ll significantly boost your damage and it’ll also apply the damage to other enemies within the radius. This will allow you to focus on the bigger minions in jungle camps, while still eliminating the smaller minions by utilizing the AOE effect from the progression. And as I mentioned, Feather Step will place you behind the target, so it’s a great opportunity for you to follow up with Moonlight Charge and Gravity Surge to finish off opponents.

awilix-moonlight-charge Moonlight Charge

Suku will help you once again (Awilix sure loves her panther friend) by rushing forward and damaging all enemies in its path. If you hit enemies in the sides or in the back, they’ll also be knocked up into the air for 1 second. This ability has perfect synergy with Gravity Surge if you can hit your opponents in the right way so they get knocked up. It also has decent damage at max rank (250 damage and 60% of your physical power). The only thing to watch out for when using this ability, is the high amount of mana you’ll need to use it. It consumes 85 mana at all ranks, and this is a VERY high percentage of your maximum mana in the lower levels. Once you have high enough maximum mana, you can use this ability to clear minion waves pretty easily. I recommend you level this ability 2nd, just after Feather Step as the high damage will then be worth spending 85 mana on. It has a pretty low cooldown as well, so at the higher levels it’s decently spam-able.

awilix-gravity-surge Gravity Surge

Much like water benders in The Legend of Aang/Korra, Awilix can use the power of the moon to grow stronger. Gravity Surge pulls the closest enemy god she is facing to her that is either leaping or knocked up into the air. The opponent takes damage when they land and Awilix is in turn bathed in moonlight, gaining bonus attack speed and physical power, along with protections against roots, slows and knockbacks for 6 seconds. Those are a lot of freaking functions… As I mentioned, this ability has great synergy with Moonlight Charge, but you can also use it when enemies are knocked up by other gods, such as He Bo or Hercules. It also works when they leap themselves, so this ability is great to scoop Bastet, Anhur, Bakasura, etc. out of the air. There’s no escaping Awilix when Gravity Surge is up. You don’t have to use this when people are in the air however, you can also activate it prematurely when you just require that extra physical power and attack speed to burst down an opponent or secure jungle objectives (it contributes to taking out the Fire Giant or Phoenixes immensely). At max rank this’ll grant you 70% bonus attack speed and a physical power buff of 60! Pair this with the physical power bonus from your passive and you’re bound to obliterate your opponent.


Here are some pros and cons of playing Awilix


  • High mobility
  • Great burst damage
  • Amazing pursuit potential
  • Strong early game jungle camp clear
  • Extended basic attack range
  • Medium CC



  • Crippling abilities counter her
  • Can’t recklessly stay on Suku anymore with the release of Khepri
  • High mana consumption
  • Hard CC is difficult to land
  • Initiating is difficult with Summon Suku


Awilix is quite tricky to play, but also extremely hard to get around for your opponents. Individual combos might be difficult to pull off and you can’t recklessly engage like many other assassins, but you can chase like no other and take out enemies one by one pretty well. I wouldn’t say Awilix is necessarily a top tier pick (there are definitely better assassins for competitive play), but she is still pretty fun to play in casual matches and she can work really well in other game modes as well. Her Summon Suku ability makes her a very unique god to play and gives her a nice boost in movement speed that other assassins don’t get.

Let’s talk about the roles she excels at and which you just shouldn’t even attempt to play her as. Like, just don’t.


Don’t play these roles

  • Support: Do you also have the problem of animal deaths in films being sadder than human deaths? Would you like to see Suku die over and over again because you picked the wrong role? I didn’t think so. Assassins are squishy creatures, and Awilix is no exception. Her CC isn’t that great in many cases and it relies on combos with your team to pull them off effectively and even then they’re not that great. Your high movement speed won’t be of much use since there’s no freaking way you’ll be able to chase down an enemy and attempt to kill him. Just don’t play her as a support, it’s bound to make you and your team lose the match.
  • Middle Lane: Crippling abilities counter Awilix and her Summon Suku is mostly used as a mobility boost. Gods like Scylla shut her down completely, as she can out-burst Awilix from a distance and cripple her as well. And there’s no need for a speedy panther in the middle lane, as you won’t be moving around a lot anyway. You have to get up close to clear waves in the early game and you just can’t. You can’t use Summon Suku offensively either, as it’s your only way to avoid the imminent ganks that’ll wreck your face.
  • ADC: Even though your basic attack progression is quite powerful and it has great synergy with Feather Step, you still can’t compete with Apollo, Rama, Anhur, etc.. They can just stay away from you and poke you down from a distance while you’ll be rendered useless under your towers. Even those towers won’t protect you in the late game, so just try to avoid this situation by not picking Awilix as ADC.


WE RIDE! — to victory with these amazing choices you’re making; good job!

  • Solo Lane: Not my optimal choice for Awilix, but I’ve seen it work plenty of times. Awilix in the solo lane allows you to be extremely aggressive as there aren’t many ganks in the early game, and Awilix’ burst damage will work wonders in taking down opponents. I do recommend maxing out Moonlight Charge over Feather Step first, as this will clear the wave almost completely and then you can focus on taking out your opponent without taking extra, unnecessary damage from minions in the process.
  • Jungle: Junglers are constantly rotating to make sure their team can secure kills and in turn secure jungle objectives without the threat of the enemy team stealing them. What helps with quick rotations? Extra movement speed. What god has amazing extra movement speed because of a certain animal companion? Oh right, Awilix. Awilix works great as a jungler as she can out-rotate most other junglers and can catch people off guard with her sudden engage via Summon Suku. Her roaming in the jungle will keep her out-of-combat for most of the time and will grant her the bonus physical power from Initiation almost on every gank.


We’ll be focusing on building Awilix for her role in the jungle in this guide, but if you wish to play her in the solo lane, make sure to equip an extra defensive item so you’re not so squishy. Let’s go!



bumbas-mask Almost every jungler requires this item as a starter, except for gods like Thanatos since he already gains the added effect from his passive. Because Awilix consumes quite a bit of mana in the early stages of a match, the extra 10 MP5 from Bumba’s Mask helps out a lot in keeping your mana up. The item also makes your abilities do 10% more damage on jungle monsters and your basic attacks do an extra 10 true damage as well. This’ll help you clear even faster via Feather Step. Every jungle monster you kill will also restore 10% of your health, so you won’t need to back as often as you would have to without this items. And last but not least, you can clear jungle camps with your team mates, as you will still get the gold reward as if you were clearing it alone.

P_Boots_Basic In the early game, you won’t be on Suku all the time as it consumes mana when you mount it. So you’ll have to get your movement speed from somewhere else. Boots will grant you 6% extra movement speed from the start and it’ll still leave you with some extra gold to buy potions so you won’t need to back any time soon (unless you die, which I hope you don’t). So buy tier 1 Boots and 3 health and mana potions, and you’ll be good to go!



warrior-tabi Movement speed is what Awilix is all about, so finishing boots is your number one priority. I choose Warrior Tabi over Ninja Tabi because Warrior Tabi contributes to your ability damage more than Ninja Tabi does and your ability combos are what makes Awilix’ damage so high. Extra attack speed is very nice as well, but Awilix has nice attack speed without any items as well, and we’ll already be building Executioner, so there’s really no need for extra attack speed on boots. Better to go for that bit of extra physical power instead.

jotunns-wrath Since your abilities are what your main damage output comes from, it’s great to be able to spam them more often than not. This is where Jotunn’s Wrath truly helps you. It grants you with 40 extra physical power, 11 flat physical penetration points, 150 extra mana and 25% cooldown reduction. This’ll significantly reduce your cooldowns and will help you out against the tanky gods in the early game with its little bit of penetration. 40 physical power isn’t something to laugh about, and you might be able to get this item quite quickly (10-15 minutes into the game) if you get a few kills/assists. Pair this with the 40 physical power from Warrior Tabi, and you’ve already got quite a bit of power to tear through enemies. The 150 mana will boost the physical power bonus from the next item as well, so you can probably already guess what that’ll be.

transcendence I have to admit that I use this item for a lot of gods, but that’s because it’s so ridiculously good. I do have to admit it is quite an expensive item and it takes a while to get the full bonus from it as it’s a stacking item, but that doesn’t take away the fact that it gives you a butt ton of physical power. It grants you with 35 physical power without any stacks, so that’s already almost as much as Jotunn’s Wrath. It also gives you 300 mana and 6 MP5. At level 20 and with a fully stacked Transcendence and the mana from Jotunn’s Wrath, your mana will be at 2180 (tested this in jungle practice). This will grant you bonus physical power of 65.4. So 65.4 physical power AND 35 physical power from the start, will give you 100.4 physical power from this item alone. It’ll also make sure you don’t run out of mana as often as you would without this item and will give you additional MP5.

the-executioner Remember that extra attack speed we talked about in the boots segment? Yeah, this is it. Executioner will give you 20% increased attack speed and 30 physical power, which on itself isn’t that great. What makes the item so great is its passive, which reduces your opponents physical protection by 8% and 6 individual points when you use basic attacks on them, and it can stack up to 3 times. In total that’s 24% decreased physical protections and 18 points. That’ll give you even more penetration against gods and the extra attack speed will allow you to move through your basic attack progression quicker than before. You can switch this for Asi if you’d like, which will not give you the decreased physical protection and the physical power, but will give you lifesteal, flat penetration and 10% more attack speed. I wouldn’t recommend this though, as Awilix doesn’t really benefit from lifesteal as much as hunters do. It’s all about getting in, killing a couple people and getting out with the Goddess of the Moon.



64px-SpiritRobe_T3 Before, my main defensive item would’ve been Magi’s Blessing, because of the sort of second beads it grants you via its passive, but now I’ve learned to live without it. Spirit Robe is now my new best friend. Not only does it give you a lot more physical and magical protection than Magi’s Blessing does (40 physical and magical protection instead of 15), it also grants you with 15% cooldown reduction. This’ll cap out the maximum amount of cooldown reduction and will make your abilities even more spam-able. I love spamming abilities, and if I can max out cooldown reduction without sacrificing any necessary item slots, that’s what I’ll always do. Its passive is also pretty useful, as it grants you 15% increased damage mitigation for 3 seconds when you’re hit with a hard crowd-control effect. It can only occur once every 10 seconds, but that’s a hell of a lot better than waiting 90 seconds for the Magi’s Blessing passive to come back on.


brawlers-beat-stick Brawler’s Beatstick isn’t an item I usually implement in my builds, but it works remarkably well on Awilix. Most teams have at least 1 god with a healing ability, so the passive from this item will help you shut down those people quite well, as you will reduce the enemy’s healing by 40% when you hit them with one of your basic attacks. Pair this with the 40 physical power and 20 flat penetration from this item, and you’re good to go on gods like Hercules, Chaac,Aphrodite, etc.. The effect from this item won’t stack with that of Divine Ruin however, so if you have a team mate who has Divine Ruin, this item may not be worth getting.

titans-bane Standard item for most assassins, so it was basically guaranteed to work on Awilix as well. It will give you 30 physical power and 33% physical penetration on all of your attacks. That means both your basic attacks and your abilities, so this might make your Executioner a bit unnecessary, so Asi might be a better option then. A lot of penetration will help you burst down towers and phoenixes really fast, and you can try and split push if your other team members can not. Definitely a solid and safe pick up.

deathbringer If your team is having no trouble taking down objectives but lacks burst damage, Deathbringer might be a better pick-up for you than the two items listed above. The 20% chance to inflict a critical hit on your opponent won’t be guaranteed of course, but when you do critical hit, your basic attack damage will be 150% higher than it was without this item. It also gives you 50 physical power by itself, without the added critical effect, so it’s still a nice boost to your damage even if you don’t crit.



GreaterPurification_T3 Standard pick-up for a god that gets destroyed by CC effects. Since crippling abilities are your worst enemy, this will help you out when you wish to escape the grasp of Scylla or Khepri or any other form of CC. It can also be used offensively because of the 3 second cooldown reduction, so it’s basically a very safe pick in any situation.


fist-of-the-gods Fist of the Gods for the early game jungle cam clearance and the 1 second AOE stun around you to make sure you can get behind them for a combo

girdle-of-support Girdle of Support to grant you and your allies a buff that will increase physical and magical power by 20% for 10 seconds. This could change the tide of a battle of you lack burst damage.

heavenly-agility Heavenly Agility to boost your movement speed even further and increase the movement speed of your allies as well. This’ll also increase healing by 25%, so with a Hel or Aphrodite on the team this could completely turn the battle in your favor.

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She might be tricky, but Awilix and her companion Suku are a great asset to a team if played right. Be careful when you engage though, as your panther friend won’t help you escape out of unfortunate situations if you use him to leap. Good luck playing and till next week!