Archlord 2 Interview With Fabien Alexandre .

Ladies and gentlemen, we have been given the rare opportunity to interview one of the producers of the upcoming free to play MMORPG Archlord II. The game is currently still in beta, with WEBZEN just recently announcing the first major update coming to the game very soon, including leaderboard rankings and the Archlord system feature. Come have a look at what Fabien Alexandre had to say!


Archlord 2

Being a spiritual successor to the original Archlord game, what mechanics and features have you retained from its predecessor? Are we looking at a whole new game altogether?

Indeed we are. While there are similar background elements, Archlord 2 was designed by a brand new team, with a different direction in mind. It aims to be easier to get into, with a faster leveling curve, so you can quickly get into the endgame action.


So we are back in the world of Chantra. How much has the world changed since the original Archlord game?

The background of Archlord 2 is set on a totally different world from that of Archlord 1, it should be regarded as an alternate, parallel Chantra! In this world, two factions are locked in an endless war for supremacy over the continent of Chantra while also fighting against the invasion of the Metus, the dark Lord of Chaos, who was sealed in the abyss after being defeated in the Genesis war between Gods and Demons. Players choose their faction and fight to become the Archlord, as only the Archlord has the power to save Chantra and master the current crisis.


Archlord 2

As stated on your website, the game will have a multitude of both PvE and PvP features. What is it about Archlord 2 that separates it from other MMOs? How different will dungeons and raids be from most games?

Most Korean MMOs tend to focus on an infinite grind, with no realistic level cap. In Archlord 2, the leveling phase could be considered like an extended tutorial of the game. When you reach max level, the game really begins. Dungeons aim to be both a part of the leveling experience, and a way to get better gear for your character. The truly unique experience will come via the massive battlegrounds, with up to 400 players who will battle to reach the top spot and become the Archlord – though this illustrious title will be contended every week. And wait until you see the perks of being the Archlord on your server!


We are very excited to try the aforementioned battlegrounds said to support up to four hundred players. That’s a pretty big number, and I can only imagine the magnitude of action it will bring to PvP enthusiasts. Are there special mechanics/features available in this game mode? Also, will players be able to compete/team-up with users from other servers (cross-server)?

Cross-server isn’t on our roadmap yet, but it would certainly be very cool, I’ll mention it to the devs! To get back to the battlegrounds, each of them has different mechanics, bosses you need to take down, relics to destroy, bases to invade…


Archlord 2

Since the game deals with factions at war, will the game feature world-PvP?

Not at launch, but it is something we are seriously considering, for after the release of the next 2 races.


Are there other PvP systems/modes you’d like to share with us?

There are 2 others systems: Skirmishes, which are similar to Battlegrounds but shorter, with smaller numbers – perfect for some lunch-break pwnage – and Contested Areas, which take players of similar levels into a zone with repeatable quests, and where PvP is not only allowed, but encouraged.


Archlord 2 sports all four races found in the original game. Will you be adding more races in the years to come?

It’s too soon to tell – we’re aiming to release the new 2 races, Dragonscion and Moon Elves. Depending on how it’s going, we’ll see what we can cook up. But I can tell you that our artists are already experimenting like mad scientists!


Other than racial profiles and aesthetics, will each race have their own special innate abilities?

The next 2 races, Moon Elves and Dragonscion, will be more focused on magic, bringing to the table some pretty scary things. I mean, the kind of stuff you would need to sign a release form just to witness. You know, just in case.


The character system allows players to switch roles simply by changing their weapons. Will the game follow the traditional trinity of Tank-DPS-Healer, or does it have a different take on dungeon parties? Also, will players be able to switch roles anytime during their adventures?

Yes, the Tank-Healer-DPS is there. You know, “if it ain’t broke…”

Players can switch weapon to switch spec, and it’s pretty effective. If you have a full set of gear for a given spec (say, DPS), the swap weapon button to, say, lance and shield (Tank) will switch your talents, abilities, and weapon set, but not your armor. So, in practice, you will be doing a little bit more damage than a full-defense Tank, and take a little bit more damage. Of course, if you want to excel at all roles, you can still carry some armor gear, and swap it too.


Archlord 2

Oooh.. Shiny!

As stated on your Wikia page, landing a killing blow grants the user’s weapon experience. If you don’t mind, will ‘kill-stealing’ be a problem?

Killing-stealing would be a problem, so we give the EXP and drop right to the player who did most damage to the opponent.


Archlord 2 will have Contested Areas between both territories. You have stated in your Wikia page that players who have reached a certain level cap can no longer enter the premises. Does this mean high level players will not be able to help their low-level friends?

Correct, they won’t be able to. This is intended, to prevent high level characters from one-shotting low-level characters – which really is no fun on the receiving end, and can lead to griefing. Pick on someone your own size!


Thank you very much for your time! I would like to say that we are truly looking forward to exploring the world of Chantra in the near future. Is there anything you would like to tell our readers?

Thank you for featuring us! I just want to say that the team here is very dedicated to tailoring the game for Western audiences. Guys, if you play Archlord 2, come give us your impressions on the forums or social media – the good and the bad, we read it all. Lastly, we will soon welcome the first major content update which is currently scheduled for September. See you in game!