FFXV Episode Duscae Demo: Phantom Swords Location Guide

FFXV Episode Duscae is a short demo but it has a lot more depth than most similar demos. Players can not only get an experience of the combat, they can level up to 99 and gather some secret weapons like Phantom Swords or some hidden items like Frogs.

Phantom Swords are powerful weapon wielded by Noctis and it can be seen in the many Final Fantasy XV trailers, as it gives Noctis plenty of power. The swords can be seen circling around Noctis and while the final game will have a much more advanced version of this, we can get a glimpse of what to expect from it by collecting the 3 Phantom Swords that are hidden in the demo.

ffxv-new-screen-duscae (4)

You can find the locations of these 3 Phantom Swords below.

  1. Found in the Cave with the Goblins to the South East.
  2. Can be seen North of the Digyete camp, under a big rock formation near the Gas Station.
  3. Can be found by killing Behemoth the first time during the story mission.

Obtaining all Phantom Swords will result in an extremely powerful attack, that looks like Omnislash, from Noctis. He will also able to do an special dodge move that looks really cool.

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