Battlestar Galactica Online: Faction Change Made Easy

You have the opportunity to change factions now in the free-to-play space-shooter, although not on a consistent basis. That means you can leave your old faction behind and start a new life and adventures with what was once your opponents.
Battlestar Galactica Online

Battlestar Galactica Online

To change sides, you will have to follow certain rules and regulations and cannot be undone. There are always a limited number of players that are allowed to change and it is based on the “first come, first serve” concept.
The reason for the chance to change factions in Battlestar Galactica Online is that sometimes the epic space battles would be quite one-sided. Therefore, by allowing players to change sides, the balance of teams should be better.
All of the materials or items you have earned will go with you if you change sides. The only thing that really changes is the side you are fighting for!