World of Warplanes: The Importance of Teamwork

Earlier this year, we here at took a closer look at Wargaming’s aviation shooter. While we were not necessarily swept away by World of Warplanes, we did have to admit that this was also not our preferred gaming genre. Getting started in this online game was just all the more difficult for us. We did, however, learn quite a few things about (somewhat) succeeding in the shooter. One of the main reasons we often failed to fight successful matches was that we didn’t always sufficiently focus on teamwork. There are at least six different rules that you should keep in mind when it comes to teamwork that will benefit your overall gameplay.
Never go alone!
This is a typical rookie mistake - one that we definitely repeatedly made. However, delving into any battle on your own leaves your success up to chance. If you happen to encounter one single opponent, the one who takes on the role of the attacker usually comes out on top. Your chances will significantly drop from 50-50 to basically zero if your enemy has at least one more ally to help him. In World of Warplanes, usually those teams win that are better organized. As soon as one group is bigger than the other, the former usually wins.
Fly together in Flights!
Even better than teaming up with anonymous players is grouping up with friends. Solid communication and tactics will significantly increase your chances at winning in World of Warplanes. Discuss your strategy beforehand, choose your aircrafts accordingly, and stick to your tactics. You will easily overrun any unorganized group of opponents.
Help teammates out before starting new fights!
Whenever you see a teammate who is being attacked and in need of help, your number one priority should be to help them out. Attack their attacker as this might cause enough diversion for them to give up and for your teammate to escape into safety.
Focus on bombers!
In World of Warplanes, it is a pretty solid rule to focus on bombers in matches. You will recognize them because they are a little slower than other planes. If their pilots are not as experienced yet, they might fly in a straightforward path towards their goal. If you notice bombers on the opposing team, grab an ally or two and attack them first. More importantly, however, you should always protect your own bombers, as it is important for the overall success of your team that they drop their bombs on their ground target.
Make use of your map!
Use your map as a communication device. The map will always keep you informed on what is going on where and if your help might be needed somewhere.
Be flexible and communicate!
Don’t be hyperfocused on winning in one certain way, but instead try to be flexible and change your strategy according to how your game is going. Teams win Victory Points in World of Warplanes by taking out inimical airplanes or ground bases. It might not always make sense to only try to eliminate your opposing aircrafts, but maybe focus on ground bases. Always make sure to communicate your strategies in accordance with your team.
More World of Warplanes Tips
  • Attacking Enemies - Making Use of Map and Radar
  • Mastering the Fighters