This one is pretty tough, we have to say! Level 8 of The Lost City in Plants vs. Zombies 2 was challenging, but very manageable once you figured out a good strategy. This one is very chaotic and all over the place. We will still try to give you some advice so that you can successfully make it through this stage.
Plants vs. Zombies 2
In this level, your task is to collect 5000 sun while surviving the various waves of zombies. We recommend you equip yourself with Twin Sunflower, Iceberg Lettuce, Kernel-Pult, Coconut Cannon, Puff-Shroom, Red Stinger, and A.K.E.E. You will face pretty much the entire army of this world’s walking dead, including Excavators, Parasol Zombies, Bug Zombies, and three Porter Gargantuars.
In the beginning, you should focus a little less on planting sunflowers and more on planting Puff-Shrooms on sun-tiles and Kernel-Pults in the first row. Your overall tactic is to never stop moving in this level. Whenever you can, plant something! If you’re waiting for a Kernel-Pult to refresh and you have enough sunlight, plant a Twin Sunflower on the sun-tiles in the second row. You should aim to have four Twin Sunflowers over the course of the level. Make sure to position as many plants as possible on the sun-tiles, as they will give you extra sunlight.
The beginning is particularly tough. We were more successful when we supported our army of Kernel-Pults with A.K.E.E.s. Don’t forget to also plant some Red Stingers and Puff-Shrooms however to defeat those Parasol Zombies.
This was our somewhat chaotic setup towards the end of the level.
Make use of the Iceberg Lettuce to give you some extra time when necessary. The first Gargantuar will come towards the second to last wave of zombies, the other two during the last wave. You should have three green leaves in total in this level. Save one for the end in case you need to collect more sunlight. Give it to one of your Twin Sunflowers in that case. Aside from that, it probably makes the most sense to use the green leaves for the Iceberg Lettuce to freeze all zombies and gain some extra time to strengthen your forces.
We focused on planting Coconut Cannons to defeat those pesky Gargantuars.
The tower defense game is available for free for iOS and Android devices!