5 Tips for H1Z1
Anyone who knows anything about H1Z1 will know that Daybreak Games Company have recently introduced Battle Royale, and have been investing a lot of time and effort in this new mode, and even showcased it at TwitchCon this year.
We are sure that there will be plenty of new players coming to the free-to-play zombie game off the back of this new publicity, so we are here to help you all out when it comes to playing the Battle Royale game-mode. Keep in mind that these tips are for the current state of the game (09/14/15). There are bound to be changes in the future considering that H1Z1 is still in its Early Access stage.
H1Z1 Friendly Neighbourhood Zombie
Pickup Truck in H1Z1*
Players who have control over a vehicle in H1Z1 tend to be the players that win. This is due to being able to escape the green poisonous gas of doom when the time comes. The map shrinks every few minutes to ensure that the round doesn’t last forever, and those with the vehicles are inevitably the players that last until the end. One trick that is useful to know is that if you take one of the key components out of the vehicle (like the spark plug) it will stop other players from being able to drive it, and you can even use it as bait.
AR-15 in H1Z1
Obviously this one would be in here. Guns are key to survival and holding off any other attackers that want to go for Battle Royale glory. You can carry up to 3 weapons at a time, and it’s usually a good idea to have them all filled with something useful. Ideally, you’re going to want to find either the AR-15 Rifles or a Shotgun. Check out the map here to see where weapons are most likely to spawn, along with vehicles, and anything else you’d need to know.
Shack in H1Z1
Early on in the game you should try to avoid fighting people. So many players get taken out in early gunfights, so try to find a good spot to lay low while the other players kill each other. Some players might call it being cowardly, or camping, or something else derogatory, but we call it tactical hiding. Even better is that you'll generally find some weapons and medkits in the houses that you'll be hiding in.
H1Z1 Map
This one may seem obvious, and it is. Finding a good spot to touch down is one of the biggest deciding factors when it comes to your survival. If you have no idea where to land, try to go somewhere where other players will not be. Get as far away from the plane as possible. Most of the opponents will manage to kill each other off in the first 10 minutes or so, so if you have a nice spot to land, and time to gather some resources, you are already miles ahead of the competition.
First Aid Kit in H1Z1
Everyone loves looking for the big guns, but a lot of people don’t put enough emphasis on finding the right amount of medical supplies to last the round. The more medkits you have, the longer you’re going to be able to fend off enemies, and deal with the poisonous gas. The good news is that they are readily available in most houses, and often on the bodies of enemies you’ve managed to kill.