Tips for Paradise Bay
So you’ve decided to pick up King’s latest mobile game! Paradise Bay is a free-to-play city-builder that is gathering steam and new players pretty quickly. We are here to help any of you out that have just started so you can get the most out of your first few hours.
Keep an Eye on your Resources
When you first dive into the game you’re confronted with a bunch of numbers and bars which correspond to various resources. You’ll get used to these after a while, but they can be a bit confusing at first. The three resources you need to worry about are as follows:
This one isn’t so obvious, but upgrading the docks as soon as possible really helps you out in the long run. Upgraded docks mean you can trade with the NPCs more often and be able to get some pretty rare items. Make sure to trade for any items that give you materials to make treehouses and other gear.
It may seem tempting to spend coins on everything, but that 10 gold you spend per square to build a road between buildings is going help a lot more later on in the game when some items can cost up to 2,500 coins. It's a good idea to keep hold of them and only spend them on vital buildings and additions to your island.