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10 Record Run Tricks and Guides

10 Record Run Tricks and Guides

Harmonix, developer known from their Rock Band and Dance Central dreams of raising their field as they released Record Run on iOS. In this game you will experience an endless running genre with a different blend of not technically made it for endless running plus you will run it together with your favorite songs. Well it is so cool to do thing especially playing video games fueled with our favorite song. This is technically a good idea from Harmonix thus it made us believe that sooner or later this game will snatch the attention of public users with their different content from the typical running based game just like how Make it Rain: The Love of Money did it couples of days ago. Just like the with other iOS, Android and Facebook games, we are here to share to you some tips and tricks we’ve learned from other players alike on how they will get the 5 star rating for your favorite songs. That is the toughest challenge in game as it is nearly impossible to get but actually that is another reason why you will get addicted in playing this game, because you want to prove it to yourself that you can reach that 5 star rating. Well to help you obtain your goal, you can consider these tricks and tips for Record Run:

1.  Feel the rhythm. If you try to look from the other Harmonix’s game this is all about harmony/rhythm thus we can say that to feel the game with music is another key to it effectively. Here we recommended you to play the game with the sounds. With music you can feel the rhythm of the race. You can try it playing the game with off and on music and see the difference.

2. Feel the beat. This works with timing in green blocks. The best way to play this part with ease is to go with a beat as you hit a perfect note with every beat. This will let you get score as the more perfect notes you get the great score it will return to you. Actually in game like this, you really don’t need to keep your eye with every marker closely or else you will only say to yourself that the game is difficult to play.

3. Get hint from green markers. Aside from the self beat hint you can also go with pulsating green markers that will give you better score in game if you know how to work with it. Here you need to avoid obstacles as you get land on green tile to give you the perfect bonus and better score. Aside from rhythm you can also use this green markers as guide during the race and in performing actions. But just like how we mentioned it is better to play with music and not with your eye alone.

4. Restart your run upon hitting obstacle. There is one rule in game if you really wish to earn 5 star or higher score. Never hit any obstacles. Upon hitting an obstacle your Groove World meter will be reset and there is no way for you to earn higher points. From here you must play the race over and over again until you feel the entire race that seems you almost memorize the entire race and let you prepare facing such obstacles.

5. Save your records from not buying any start game boosts. The fact is those jumpstart game boost is not actually helpful at all. So just save your records for more important things. Just keep your records and play the game. If you have lots of records and you really wish to spend this, you can purchase the Groove boost that will increase the duration of your double scoring option for higher score opportunity.

6. Master the slide-to-opposite-side technique. If you can analyze the game, you will say that most obstacles are can be avoided by sliding to the opposite side especially those that require you to jump over or slide under. If only you can master this technique you will see that you can almost avoid all obstacles with it. At first you will never find this as a good trick as this will require you patience to master but for the long run or if you wish to play the game seriously, able to perfect this move will give you great ease in playing Record Run.

7. Play with easy songs. If you are decided to go for music beat/rhythm it is good for you to go with a song having one consistent beat so you can easily play with it. I know that this is kind of boring especially if you are fan of music and you wish to hear more dynamics from it but if you really wish to earn more score especially if you are a beginner, you should play with short songs that is easy to accompany with.

8. Go with upgrades. As we mentioned, boost will not give you too much advantage from playing game so instead of using records for that, you should save it for more decent upgrade. Your best upgrade that you can purchase is the heart upgrade together with arrow upgrade  letting you to make a good score.

9. Spend cash for new song slots. If you are cash spender and decided to use your money to gain advantage on this game, you should consider unlocking new song slots let you play with more available songs. You have also opportunity to purchase new characters but actually this is only in form of aesthetic and it will not help you with your gameplay. Unless you wish to see new model in game, you can unlock new characters. The good thing in this premium purchases is that even you delete the application, you can still get your progress.

10. Getting free backstage passes. This stand as your premium currency in game, while most players wish to download Record Run cheats for unlimited backstage passes or other are willing to spend cash for this currency, the game offers free backstage passes for players who can complete a certain missions. Just like the typical games on other platforms you can acquire premium currency by completing tough objectives and achievements. In this game you should get those missions with backstage passes reward. Each set of three missions will let you earn more backstage passes.