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10 Summoners War Guides: Getting Easy Crystal and Glory

10 Summoners War Guides: Getting Easy Crystal and Glory

Giving you more understanding on Summoners War: Sky Arena through wiki and tips and now we want to share to you a guide so you can farm for more crystal and glory easily. Just a little preview, in this game you have different forms of currency such as mana, crystal, and glory. And the best way to recognize that you already dominated the game if you have almost unlimited resources that you can use in game. For every currency there is a corresponding purposes like for Crystal that comes in red color this stand as your premium currency in game that let you buy rare monsters. Glory is  a side currency that indicates with star badges which you can use for special purposes. This guide will teach you how to earn them easily from different method in game.

1. For acquiring Glory easily, you need only to join in the arena and win every battle. Glory is a reward for participating in the arena and once you win a battle you will instantly get three glory and one glory if happens that you lose in battle.

2. Another currency is the crystal that you will get from participating on the arena. In arena there is a record that will tell number of your win and loss. And every week there is a free crystals that you will get from the arena based on how many arena points you have. Definitely the more points the more free crystals you will get.

3. Aside from arena, you are also able to get crystals in winning battles. Actually getting crystals in battle is so rarely to happen especially in common fight but as you encounter tougher battle you will have a chance to get crystals as rewards especially with hell mode.

4.  Go for Crystal Titan as your biggest investment in game. This will cost you 300 crystals to purchase expensive enough but if you are looking forward to play this game for the long run, you should get Crystal Titan that works same with Gold Mine. Here you will get one crystal for every 8 hours where in Gold Mine you need to wait 10 hours to collect. Using a simple math, you need to play the game and collect for 100 days before you can return the crystal you spent for Crystal Titan.

5. Check events for additional compensation. In game there are events exist for a limited time such as the soccer ball collection event. Here if you can collect 70 soccer balls from dungeons you will be able to earn 100 crystals and for 100 soccer balls you will earn 150 crystals. You will also get crystals as a reward from gaining experience level of 5, 10 and 15 as well as winning battles in arena. Clearly, developers discourage the use of  Summoners War: Sky Arena cheats as they are willing to give you chance of saving crystals if you really don’t want to spend cash in game.

6. Check quests, missions and achievements. Not only for events but also quests, missions and achievements is a good source of crystals upon completion. So whenever you see a number through your quest menu icon, you should check it as there is a quest that already completed and rewards are waiting for you to be collected. Don’t forget to check all the incomplete quests to see what you can work on to earn specific reward.

7. Beat your rival in the arena. As you fight often in the arena, you are adding rivals in your list and when you beat one rival, another rival will show up. The more rivals you have open, the more you can fight and the more crystals you can get.

8. Build Gold Mine. Just like with Crystal Titan, you can also invest with Gold Mine upon unlocking at level 10. This will let you earn 1 free crystal every 10 hours while it can store up to three crystals at a time. Don’t forget to check gold mines with 8 hours interval.

9. Buy Crystals in package. This is the easiest way to earn crystals but you need to spend real cash this time. In purchasing crystals, you need to go for packages such as 2400 crystals for 100 dollars into the cheapest deal of 7 crystals for 3 dollars. Though we never recommended to use money in any game we play but if you are thinking that your time that you will spend in grinding and farming for crystals can worth your money, you can always go for purchase.

10. Wait for sales discount. We already mentioned of buying crystals in package and another way of saving for more crystals is to wait for sale. This often happens as well for instance the 99 dollar worth package can give you additional 600 crystals for a total of 3,000. So always check their updates for upcoming sale event before purchasing crystals.