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True Skate Guides and Walkthrough Tricks

True Skate Guides and Walkthrough Tricks

It’s been couples of days since True Skate hit the top chart and that made us to convinced that we need also to share some guides and walkthrough tricks for this game. True Skate is available for both iOS and Android platforms for free (premium app before which means you need to pay for it) So here your objective is to do tricks in freestyle form and complete random goals that will let you earn True Credits as form of currency. This credit is what you need to customize your board. Ready to play the game? You better check some of shared tips from other players alike below:

1. Jumping and Grinding Tricks. Just like the typical skateboarding based game, you can do lots of tricks most of the time, you will discover it through experimentation. And for you to empower your random tricks, you should know first the concept of making tricks. For you to understand, making tricks generally classify into two categories: grinding tricks and jumping tricks. Both tricks can be easily discover through different finger movements just ensure that you can stabilize the board before you land so that you can land the tricks perfectly.

2. Check the tricks you already did. Just as we mentioned, everything will come through trial and error and so with tricks. As a beginner, you need to experiment through different finger action. Don’t worry as you made a trick, you can always check it through trick book to see the exact finger moves you need to do in order for you to perform it. To visit the trick book, just pause the menu and then go to the trick book and there you will see what tricks you have accomplished.

3. Earn True Credits easily. There is a trick to earn as many True Credits as possible and that is to build a consistent line. This will tell you how long you can go without stopping or crashing into something. So you need to consistently pulling off tricks until the line time runs out. Definitely the more tricks you pull of the more points you will generate overall especially this works with more tricks combination that you execute.

4. Play the game with personal preferences settings. As you arrived in game, you should set up the game based on your preferences.  This is very important that will let you play the game with ease on the long run. This can also affect how you will do tricks. To start it, just go to the options menu for the game to change all kinds of default settings to suit your comfort. For instance, you can change the sensitivity of the left and right controls. In option you can also enable realistic ollie height to make grinding so much easier for you to do.

5.  Spend your True Credits to modify your skateboards. This will involve new decals settings as well as changing the color of your wheels. Sad to say, True Credits can’t afford buying new skateparks to play with. But if you are interested for a new environment, you can spend real-life cash for a new experience of skating through different location.

6. Making a score through tricks combo. The easiest way to make tons of score is that while you are in your line to skate, do a jumping trick and land on a rail, a ledge or something in game that can continue your doing your tricks through grinding. After that, you can skate towards into something else just to continue your combo and do the same thing over and over again. You can also do it through railing and jumping tricks that you can do over and over for almost infinite combo score. Just find a rail where you can land on and stay still while keeping your jump and doing tricks until you find a good rail to land back do it repeatedly.