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Exploration & Survival Cheats and Guides

Exploration & Survival Cheats and Guides

On the first place you see the visual design of this game, what it reminds to you? Minecraft? Yeah but this time Exploration & Survival wants you to experience exploring a big world and try to survive on it. You will start as you enter a survival world and block wall to lock you at the center of the map. The game observes different rules that you need to follow while you are playing. As you are spending hours in playing you will find out chests that are scattered randomly around the arena which contains useful weapons and items. If ever that you die in game, all your items will be lost and you need to start spectating. As part of your survival, you will get hungry and start starving so you shouldn’t forget to eat or drink. Through social features of the game, you can share your gameplay with your friends through Wi-Fi or you can join online community through multiplayer features. Excite to play this game? Let’s go!

1. Be aware on collecting chests. Though there is a way in game for you to get all items in the game but just for inclusion we will also share here the typical way to get them. If you wish to get items in game, you must keep your eye for chests. You will find them scattered throughout your world and they have valuable goodies inside them such as materials and swords. You can scan the environment careful to see chests and don’t forget to open them right away if you see them.

2. Take advantage with free moves. In survival mode, you will see anytime that there’s a button located at the right side of your screen that seems circle surrounded by four triangles. Actually this button will let you initiate free move which lets you fly through the sky and letting you travel wherever you wish. You can use it if you wish to zip around without in need of running.

3. Game modes. In Exploration & Survival you have two different modes to play: Creative and Survival. For creative mode, this will disables the survival factors of the game so you don’t have to worry about hunger or thirst. But accessing to every block in game is still able as well as you can build whatever you want without having to obtain it first. On other hand, Survival mode enables the hunger and thirst meter to bring more challenging factors. So you need to find every block and material you wish while considering every action you make will deal on your survival rate. Definitely if you wish to feel the exciting part of the game, you should go for survival mode.

4. Access the HG Maker feature to access all items. This is what we mentioned above on getting all items though we are not sure if this is  for international version or beta version but the good news is that we are able to experience it in game. To access it, you need to go with the button that says HG Maker located at the top left of you r inventory. By tapping on this button, this will bring up a list of every single item in game wherein you can drag from the list and pop it into your inventory and just like that you have the item. So from here, you will experience the ultimate advantage from item. Yes it works like cheats or debug mode especially upon playing the game with diamond sword.

5. Instantly replenish your hunger and thirst cheat. Actually we can consider this as cheat as the concept is far away on how developer wish you to play the game. Actually to recover your hunger and thirst, you need to eat apples but here’s the cheat to instantly restore it without even eating apples. All you have to do is to close the game and then reload your world and you will see that your thirst and hunger levels will be restored instantly. This is perfect especially if you are about to perish and you can’t find any apples. As of now, the cheat is still working, so take advantage from it while we are not closing our door for developers to found it and fix the glitch so it will not work for players to cheat Exploration & Survival.