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Kritika: Chaos Unleashed Guides and Walkthrough Tips

Kritika: Chaos Unleashed Guides and Walkthrough Tips

Recently we reviewed Kritika: Chaos Unleashed as we are seeing lots of potential on this game as a new action role playing game from Gamevil. In this game, you will choose between one out of two character to start playing  and as you play the game, you are able to unlock other kinds of character as well as different weapons, armor and other items for them to equip. For those who loves battles and action, you will never run out of that slay-experience in playing this app as you will take fighting against hordes of enemies and boss characters. Below are some tips and advice we collected from players of Kritika: Chaos Unleashed, you can check it so you will start playing the game with effective gameplay.

1. Use different attacks in battle. Just like what we mentioned, you will play here as non-stop killing machine as this will take you in a battle with numbers of enemies as well as bosses. Good to know that the game offers different attacks that you can use in battle. You can hold the regular attack button to use your standard attack combo or you can use your special attacks to eliminate enemies even faster. The trick here is to use your special attack as often as possible that will allows you to kill multiple enemies at once as well as loads of splash damage. You can also consider different type of attack based on their range. Short range do tons of damage that is better to use with bosses in the contrary this will let you off guard in short distance so ensure that you have a strategy in doing a specific attack in game.

2. Take patience in grinding. The good thing to think in playing role playing game is that you can always take a ride for grinding especially when you stuck on a tough stage. In Kritika: Chaos Unleashed you are able to replay old stages as often as you want to earn experience and gold. From gold you can do enhancement as well as skill upgrade to let you pass those difficult stages.

3. Getting higher level to unlock more game features. As you raise your level, you can unlock different methods to improve your gameplay. Such as for reaching level 5 you are able to craft equipment and for attaining level 7, you will unlock the enhancement feature of the game. When you are playing, crafting and enhancing is the best way to improve your ratings in game. So if you are looking for a way to improve your character, don’t forget that you can always do crafting and enhancement as long as you have enough resources.

4. Do hit and run strategy. This is a perfect techniques in dealing with boss character as you can see, you can’t tank their damage if you are planning to receive this all your might. A strategy will let you do the twist of attacking and switching back and forth between special attacks and your combos. Do not lose your patience in doing this strategy as this will require you much time in killing tough battles but definitely this is very effective.

5. Watch out for boss’ move pattern. If you will notice, most of the time, boss’ actions coordinate with patterns. So from here you can stay out of their way and just observe them and figure out how can you execute attack towards them. Upon knowing more of their action, you can start releasing attacks and kill them swiftly.

6. Do the running in circle strategy. We mentioned about hit and run  and for you to maximize this kind of strategy, you can consider running in a circles just to ensure that you are running faster than your enemies because AI causes enemies to mindlessly follow your track and with circle direction you can line them up all and eliminate them together.