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Modern Combat 5: Blackout Guides and Wiki Tips

Modern Combat 5: Blackout Guides and Wiki Tips

If you really enjoyed playing Frontline Commando 2 as shooting game for your mobile device, you will also enjoy Modern Combat 5: Blackout even more though this time, you can’t download the game for free. Everyone is required to pay an amount of $8.99 for every copy of the game. This time, it’s Gameloft who launched their game to push the margin of playing mobile games to a new edge of playing shooting game. To complete the package we decide to share some walkthrough guides as well as tricks for playing Modern Combat 5: Blackout below:

Squads – These are technical term for teams use in military operation. In this game, squad are teams you get in participating the multiplayer modes. For you to join the squad battle, you must be in squad as form of requirement in playing multiplayer mode. From here you, you can either join or create your own squad through main menu by tapping on the squad icon located at the bottom-middle of your screen.

Classes – As we mentioned the term squad, there are also classes that can fill up your squad. All in all there are four different character classes in game. As you start playing the game you can only use the recon class but as you level up, you are able to unlock the rest of the class. Class differs from one another through their own set of weapons which making them effective for certain missions. Every class has their own skill tree that you need to build through gaining level. In game, you have in your decision to change class and you can do this by heading to the main menu and tapping on the loadout icon located at the bottom left corner of the screen and then just head on the class button on the top right corner of your display. Below are the list class and their specification on game.

  • Assault – This is perfect for doing great damage against enemies with additional ammunition. Commonly they are using asault rifles and pistols and this is perfect for engaging battle from medium-range combat.
  • Heavy – Specialized with close-ranged combat as they usually equips shotguns.
  • Recon – Your default class that you can use as you start playing the game. Specialized in quick action and exposing enemies. They are expert in using SMGs and pistol that made them effective in close-to-medium range combat.
  • Sniper – Range is their advantage in game wherein they can eliminate their enemies from steal approach using long distance range.

Aiming – There is a rule in aiming when playing this game. Unlike with typical shooting game such as Counter Strike and Call of Duty where you can do aiming and moving at the same time through the combination of your keyboard and your mouse in this game being a mobile apps that play through touch screen technology, it is like impossible for you to do moving and aiming at the same time because you move usign the pad located on the bottom left corner and then to aim you need to tap and holding. Though there is a way where you can turn on the different way of controlling such as auto fire as you aim your target. This also works on playing Dead Trigger 2.

Skills – For every class there is a unique skill tree as we mentioned and from that skill tree you can upgrade raising two improvements. For you to upgrade abilities, you need skill points that you will obtain  as you level up in game.

Campaign mode – We mentioned about the multiplayer modes and this is the opposite of it, campaign mode. This mode has a total of 6 chapters and each chapter there are 3 different types of missions and you are only able to move to the next chapter once you complete all story missions and spec ops/multiplayer missions. For every new chapter, you need to download the it that will takes quite a bit of memory. For single player missions, you simple need to complete a primary objective while for Spec Ops, this composes of shot mission under breach mode, assault mode, bomb squad mode and defend mode.

Multiplayer mode – This will allows you to join other real time players to complete your objectives under three different modes such as capture the flag, VIP and Free for all. Just like what we mentioned, you need first to join or create a squad to start playing multiplayer mode. For free-for-all mode, this is the classic mode you basically experience in playing shooting game where your objective is to kill as many opponents as you can. The winner will be declared upon reaching the score limit for the match. Through free-for-all set up, you can pick between two different loadouts which you can also change the class and loadout during battle after respawn. Capture the flag, this is the most interesting mode for me, where you need to find, steal and bring the enemy flag back to your base to earn point. The first team to obtain the score limit will win the match. And the VIP mode where you need only to kill your opponent’s VIP while trying to protect also the VIP of your team. As a VIP, you can gain additional score bonus by killing your opponent, so from here you don’t need not only to hide and play defensive all the time, there are times wherein you need to do some offensive actions. There are also team based mode, where your objective is to eliminate the members of an opposing team and as a judgment, the first team to reach the score limit wins the match. Lastly the Squad Battle, here you need to join squadmates in a fight against the opposing team and win it by eliminating all opposing force.

Weapons – There are lots of weapons you can use in Modern Combat 5: Blackout such as Pistols, SMGs, Shotgunes, RPGs, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles and different kind of explosive. For every class that you unlocked, they have their own set of primary and secondary weapons. You can refer class specs above. For you to unlock these weapons you need to obtain high score and the higher weapon tier comes with higher points requirements.

Unlocking new weapons – For you to use the specific weapon, you need to unlock it first by killing the enemies using the same type of weapon. For example you wish to use the BMF-12, first you need to have a Romket-178 and kill enemies until the Shotgun scores reaches 2000 points. The points will accumulate to all weapons under the same categories

Weapon upgrade – For you to upgrade, you need to think about each weapon type has its own set of part upgrade wherein you can improve the stats of weapon you are carrying. Think about as long as the weapon falls in the same category, this can be equipped to all those in the same category disregarding their tier.

Military Support features – If you need some assistance especially if you are facing tough stage, you can call for the help of military support. In your menu, you can summon the first support where you will get the recon aircraft, auto-turrent, and emp strikes that will let you reveals enemies on the map, fixed turret that do opposing force against its enemies under the given range and lastly emp strike will let you disables enemies devices and radar for 30 seconds. For the second support, you can search for enemies under 15-meter range. There is also a carpet bomb that can deal explosion from selected area and lastly, you can do a bombing run for a short time duration.

Setting – The game offers three different move-aim control types. From the setting you can adjust the sensitivity, aiming sensitivity, and gyroscope sensitivity. You can also turn on aim assist that will enables magnetic crosshair. This setting is only available in single player only so while playing multiplayer game with your friends, you really need to exert your skill in aiming. Aside from auto aim, there is always auto shoot that will let your weapon fires automatically when an enemy is targeted. There are lots of features you can activate in game such as auto-crouch, auto-sprint, recenter camera, smooth camera, gyroscope, invert Y Axis and notifications.

Medals – These are achievements from doing certain task such as completing campaign missions, killing enemies in the campaign and lot more. Usually, players are not only playing the game just to enjoy but also to complete the available medals in game. And for you to learn some idea on how can you complete those medals based on your task, here are some list that you can complete: