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ArcaneSoul Walkthrough Hints and Guides

ArcaneSoul Walkthrough Hints and Guides

 This is a new hack-and-slash action role playing game wherein you can choose from three characters before you start playing the game. And this character is what you going to raise up to fight evil enemies and go for your journey to your quest to discover where these evil elements coming form. Just like the typical role playing game, you will level up, learn new abilities and acquire powerful equipment. That is not as easy as we are thinking so I believe this walkthrough guides and tips will help you in your gameplay:

1. Practice your combos. In game you can do combos and this will keep your enemies staggered. Just like with typical hack-and-slash by keeping your combos going, this will lessen your opponent chances to make a counter attack. You must do chain of combos that will prevents them from gaining super armor to attack you. In doing such combos there are some effective strategy you can do such as keeping them in the mid air by attacking until they die. To be specific, you can count on normal combo attack that will hit the ground units and from that you can do a launcher attack that will send them in sky and there you can continue doing such combos. You can immediately jump afterwards and continue the combo with aerial attacks and after that upon hitting the ground you can start up another combos until they die.

2. Be aware on enemy’s super armor. We already mentioned about the super armor that you need to watch out. Well you will see an enemy glowing as a vibrant red and that is the super armor ability they can use in game. While they are under in this special ability, you can interrupt them from attacks. What more alarming in this special abilities is when you are against boss as they will do it in double rating in terms of frequent super armor activation. You will find boss having their red shield in front of them. There is no other way of breaking the super armor aside from getting out of the way.

3. Cancel your attack combo. There are some circumstances where you need to cancel some attack during normal attack combo. Luckily you can stop a combo with a back step which is very effective for getting out of a telegraphed attack or when you see that you are opponent is on super armor.

4. Boost your stats equally. Upon leveling up you are able to distribute stats. Well, based from advanced player recommendation, the best way to build up your character is to put the stat points evenly. Since there is no such disadvantage from stats while concentrating in just a single stat will not give you a better advantage as every stat is important. Though stats will bring much influence to your character and kind of gameplay you will experience. For instance you wish to become a glass cannon, you can put all your points into strength otherwise if you wish to have a longer survivalability, you can boost your vitality.

5. Learn your action skills earlier. To improve your normal combat ability, you must boost your action skills from the very first place. If you decided to play using Ellisa, she learns some really useful action skills such as upper attack that will let you launch an enemy into the air. You can also consider additional attack that will adds an extra hit in her normal and aerial attacks. And last action skills is the Sting Kick that will adds a second hit to her dash attack that will result for launching the enemies. These actions skills are perfect for increasing your combo frequency. I believe that you can easily purchase them all as they are cheaper than active skills.

6. Improve your equipment. The best way to improve your equipment is through enchantment. To start an enchantment, you need to find runes. In ArcaneSoul you are able to enhance your weapons and gear. Just a recommendation, enchant only those top tier gears and weapons that you are going to use in the long run. Upgrading your equipment will cost you resources and it is not a good idea to upgrade every item you acquire in game but to focus only those items having a good potential that you are about to use in the long run. Before deciding to enhance you must check the fail and success rates of every equipment. It is also a good idea to earn more runes first before doing such upgrade as the better the gear will return from more runes you use in the process.

7. Use your burst special ability to the fullest. If your enemies can do the super armor as their special ability, as a player you can do the burst. In your screen you will see the sphere located at the top left and it will fills up as you fight. Upon reaching the maximum limit, you are able to do the burst. This will gives you a big boost with your HP and MP regeneration, cooldown reduction and super amor in limited duration. Just use this special ability to the fullest by using it often as you can see sphere fills up pretty fast. Definitely you must always ensure that your burst is ready when you are facing bosses.