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Ball King Cheats and Guides

Ball King Cheats and Guides

Your goal in this game is straightforward as you need only to shoot as many baskets as possible. The only twist is that you can shoot bowling balls, giant hearts, basketballs and anything that you can think of. As you make a counted basket you can collect gold, undertake both challenges and time trials. To boost your interest of keep playing this game, you can compete with other players and see if you can get a better score than anybody else. Yes you need to compete so you will be deserving to be called as king. In game you can compete in two exciting game modes and unlock new environments to play in as well as additional objects to throw. Now if you are excited to play this game, you better start it with some tips and guides below:

1. Every ball has a specific type of performance. We mentioned above that you can use different balls that even bowling balls and basketballs. Actually different balls have a different type of performance. You will see it based on the shape of the ball which the way you need to react to the sides of the hoop and as for different shapes, this will either stick to the hoop or roll off. This will adds twist to your gameplay as a matter of fact you will find it difficult but later on as you continue playing this game, you are able to memorize it. As for the example, you will see the save icon is almost a perfect square while the bowling ball and other balls are perfectly round, definitely you need to interact with it differently.

2. Time trial tricks. If you are playing in the time playing from the time trial mode, what you need to do is to shoot the ball as quickly as possible. But then if you wish to play in the challenger mode, just take your time so that you can shoot them all with accuracy. So this is about accuracy and speed. From the time trial concept, what you need is speed and when it comes to challenge, you need a better accuracy. Definitely later on, you need to merge both mode, wherein you can shoot the ball with accuracy and speed.

3. Just aim your shot using the aiming line. What you need to do here is to drag the aiming line to a certain position in order to aim your shot. Yes as a beginner, you will find it difficult to execute but with a little bit of practice you are able to do it flawlessly. You can consider to have a line stop at a 45 degrees angle to the top left from the hoop itself. You will see that the farther right the hoop is, the farther down the line will stop but generally the best way is to start at 45 degree angle and change it up from there based on what you need to do.

4. Take advantage in watching video in return for free coins. Upon losing a round, you are able to watch a video in exchange for free coins. Just do the challenge mode in order to earn coins this way since you will die far more frequently in the challenge mode and from there you are able to get lots of coins. Just do this trick for you to earn coins until you have enough currency to purchase a new ball.

5.  Free gift cheats. In game you are able to acquire free items based on time and the good thing to do here is that you are able to cheat it through time lapse glitch. So just like with other mobile games, just go to time and date setting of your device and just set the time ahead to reset the gifting system. After that just go back to the game to claim your free rewards. Repeat the same procedure over and over again to get unlimited gifts.