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Puzzle Number 9 Cheats and Guides

Puzzle Number 9 Cheats and Guides

This is the newest release from 2048 and Threes school of gaming for iOS and Android platform. Your objective here is to combine smaller numbers for you to make 9 and then you can start combining the 9’s together to make larger numbers. In this new original number puzzle game, your mind will be tested as this is very basic to learn but really difficult to master. With their concept it is really addictive to play. Developers also promise that there are no two puzzle are ever the same as you learn new strategies and let you improve by increasing your chances of getting higher number with ever new game you play. Just think about reaching 576 or the elusive 1152 points. The game also offers leaderboards for those competitive players who wish to place their name in the hall of fame. Unlike with other puzzle game, you are able to complete achievements here so you will never tired of playing the same thing over and over again. Of course you need to practice and spend time as you get interested with this game. Well we are here to help you and share some tips and tricks for playing this game effectively.

1. Don’t forget to combine several smaller numbers until you reach the number. In this game, it is possible to make any combination of any other number on the board that come from two 4’s and a 1 to a 6 and a 3 and anything in between. You can also combine nine 1’s if you want to. What you need to do keep in your mind is an endless possibility of merging numbers and not to focus only one a single formula.

2. You can match side to side, up and down or even diagonally. Based on the said strategy above, it will turns into threes with one major different and therefor you can match side to side, up and down or if you want  you can do it in diagonal order to combine two multiples of 9 which are eequal and that are in proximity to each other. Keep in mind that you have flexibility as to where the numbers are in relation to every other so just take it as your advantage. Ensure to put an 8 and a 1 together if that is possible as this will give you 9 which will bring an easy and difficult number come together. You will see that all of the other numbers will become a number 1 digit higher than what they used to be.

3. Getting unlimited undos. The fact is, there is no in-game currency in Puzzle Number 9 aside from the premium purchase, undos. The only way for you to earn more of it is by spending your real life cash in the app store. Actually this is the way for developer to earn profit as the game will encourage you to spend money for this undo. Literally it works as undo wherein you can turn back your current move to your previous move. The good thing here is that you can get unlimited undo through cheats. Upon collecting the 25 undos in game, you can simply delete the game and then download it to claim another 25 undos. Just do it over and over for unlimited undos which will help you a lot especially in tough stages.

4. Removing ads cheats. I believe that like me, you are getting annoyed with ads in game. Actually you can get rid of all of the ads in game. What you need to do is to visiting your phone’s settings and turn it into Airplane mode, or you can go to the data and WiFi settings and from there you can turn all of them off. After that you won’t see those ads anymore.