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Shadow Kings Strategy Guides and Tips

Shadow Kings Strategy Guides and Tips

We never find sharing strategy guides for massively multiplayer online real time strategy game a really difficult thing to do since we have a personal touch in this game. Yeah this is our favorite game that we are able to play on Android and iOS. In this game you will build city and empower it with military center and under defensive content to protect it from invaders while also improving your offensive unit so you can attack other city and earn resources from there. You can also enjoy other content of the game like fighting other players or forming alliances and fight in groups. There are lots of things to do in this game, and that versatility is what we really love in this kind of game that you will never find in other genre. Yeah this is just mobile app but you will greatly enjoy the content of the game. And because the game endorses massive content, we believe that you really need some assistance for playing this game effectively. So let start it:

1. Start with improving your resources. We found it very effective in all MMORTS as we want also to introduce it here in Shadow Kings to give you a long run advantage. I believe that the most exciting part of the game is engaging a battle thus from the very beginning you will wish to work with your offensive stuff. Actually that is the common mistake in playing this genre. If you are looking forward to dominate this game especially in latter part, you must focus in improving your resources first. Keep in mind that this is not about how you started the game but how you ended it. So let’s think about the resources as first step in our strategy. In Shadow Kings you have three primary resource such as food, stone and wood. You are able to collect it from farm, stone quarry and woodcutter’s mill respectively. So as we mentioned that we need to work with our resources, we should maximize the said structures. You should build the maximum number allowed for each building as well as upgrading it for the maximum output. You can also build more houses to increase your population as part of improving your resources.

2. Don’t worry with your defense and offense. Since we mentioned that you should focus on your resources this will let you deny working with your defense and offense. Well that is OK since as you just started the game, there is no such big stuff to defend as a matter of fact, your opponent will not get interested with poor resources you have. Nothing to worry in this part, just patience of losing from zero defense you have or patience in making a vengeance but anyway just still focus on working with your resources. But most of the time, players will skip to attack those who don’t have much resources to ransack that can be considered as waste of time.

3. Next is to work with your defensive unit. As you are getting rich and have abundant resources, this will makes you shines for other players to get interested to attack you and steal your resources. So instead of just letting your resources in your storage, it is time for you to work with your defensive unit to protect your city from invaders. In building a good defense system, you must consider lots of things to work with. You must  work with your defensive tower range while ensuring that you are able to cover all part of your city. You can also work to keep your structure closer together thinking that smaller city comes more easy to defend compare to big city that has lots of hole and weaknesses to attack. You will also find that smaller/compressed city is easier for you to secure with walls. You can also upgrade those walls and defensive towers as you make progress in game to accommodate massive attacks in the future.

4. Then work out with your offense. This is the most interesting part of the game as many players just directly go in this part even they don’t have a good foundation to supply their offensive needs in the long run. Keep in mind that as you make progress, the game will requires you to use powerful units, while this will cost you even higher.  That is the reason why we recommend to improve your resources first so you have lots of it to spend in working out your both offense and defense. In addition, you will find that offensive is nonsense without a proper defensive measure. Through offense you can ransack other players’ resources but what is the purpose of it if you can’t defend it from counter attacks. Players can easily get revenge in you and they can easily bring back what you stole from them. So as you can see offense is your least priority as you start playing the game, but in the mid and late game, this is the most busy part of your gameplay as this where you can enjoy the game to the fullest and the reason why you are playing. So when it comes in improving your offensive unit, you can consider working with your workshop that will enable you to build military units.

5. Blitzkrieg. This is the most powerful strategy you can do in attacking other city. To make this happen, you must engage multiple area to attack. You can deploy units on the left flank of the castle and another on the right flank and the third one is on the front of the castle game. You can also add some offensive forces in the courtyard if you really want to ensure your victories. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to know more about the unit you will deploy. While most MMORTS encourage battle through numbers, in Shadow Kings, you really need to be very strategically in deploying units. Yes will find as a good strategy to win but if you are advanced player enough, you will find the challenge of minimizing the units you are going to use in battle and yet this can give you victories. Strategy is the key!