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Puzzles & Pixies Cheats and Tips

Puzzles & Pixies Cheats and Tips

Puzzle game never dies on mobile gaming as a matter of fact, everyday there is new puzzle app that you are able to download for your gadget. This time we want to share Puzzles & Pixies together with cheats and guides. Compare with other applications, Puzzles & Pixies is done on a hexagonal grid which can bring more opportunity for you to make more combos and also more challenge to experience since you will see obstacles once you start getting into depth stages. But don’t worry because we are here to help you in your journey, so let’s start it:

1. Combine special effects from combining more fairy in one combo. In game there is a fairy that you can use to cast special effects and to empower it, you can combine more than one fair in one combo so you are also combine their effects. The perfect example here is upon combining the two bomb fairies in one combo to create massive explosion. You can also team up line fairy and a bomb fairy so you are able to make an explosion in a line at the same time.

2. Unlimited lives cheat. The game has lives system that will limit you from playing after consuming all available lives you have but as long as you keep on completing stages, you are able to play the game continuously. Once you run out of lives, you need to wait for minutes to replenish it over time or you can spend real cash for instant regeneration. And definitely, just like with other mobile apps, you can do Puzzles & Pixies cheats to have unlimited lives. The trick here is to take advantage with time lapsed glitch wherein you can change the time of your gadget ahead to cut of the wait and instantly complete the recovery. In this game, for every life you lose you need to take 30 minutes to get it recover, so if you are looking forward to complete all your five lives, you need to change the time of your device 150 minutes to recover it instantly. Just a little reminder here, unlike with other games which you can bring back the time of your gadget without affecting it but in this game once you bring back the time of your gadget, it will affect the cheated life so meaning to say your free lives will disappear. So don’t bring back the time of your gadget until you spend them all.

3. Create vertical bonus fairies. We already mentioned how bonus fairies can bring advantage to you especially when combined with other special effects fairies. Actually you can create bonus fairies and this is by matching seven pieces to create one of the vertical bonus fairies. Actually they will appear in random such as vertical and bomb fairies. You can use them for combo to maximize your points.

4. Draw your combo in the center. Most of the time, special effect of the fairies occur centered on the last fairy of the combo. So the trick here is to draw the combo based on where you wish the last fairy to be as well as where you want your special effect to happen at. You can do this based on where the pieces are that you need to get rid of in order to complete the stage.