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Amazing Battle Creatures Strategy Guides and Tricks

Amazing Battle Creatures Strategy Guides and Tricks

Glu Games known from developing Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, is once again wishing to take the top of mobile gaming. This time they introduced to us the Amazing Battle Creatures as a monster battling role playing game. In this game you have to collect and breed different creatures as well as training them so it will become the most powerful creatures in the game that can compete with other players through International Creature League. Actually based on our experience in playing like this, it is a long road to take and you really need a good strategy to play this game effectively from the very beginning up to the end. And that is what we want to share to you here to help you in your journey:

1. Breed as many creatures as possible. This is your primary source of advantage in game. Upon breeding creatures, there is a possibility for you to get new and hopefully powerful creatures with higher tier. Breeding feature is free in game, so if you wish to get additional creature, breeding is the best source for it. Only, breeding will ask you to spend time to complete the process. The game also offers egg power-ups to speed up the process. From here we can say that like in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, we can also cheat Amazing Battle Creatures through time lapsed glitch so we can instantly complete all process but until now there is no confirmation about the said cheat. So it is better to bookmark our website so you can return here for more updates especially for the glitches. Anyway without it, you really need to wait, don’t worry because this will not be so painful in your case as you have lots of things to do in game. Plus, you can expect that you can get creatures based from new elements, so don’t forget to mix elements when you are breeding and try as many times as possible until you get what you wish to have.

2. Elemental property flow. Just like with any other monster breeding games, Amazing Battle Creatures observes elemental property flow system that comes like rock-scissors-paper flow. So every creature has their own specific elements and from that element you can either get the advantage or disadvantage. So as a player you must ensure that you have always the advantage over your opponent. To make it possible, you must first memorize how the element flows such as water is strong against fire, fire is strong against nature, nature is strong against water. Definitely the best for you to do is to ensure that you have all kinds of elements in your primary arsenal. So you will never find a one sided disadvantage against your opponent while have all the advantage over your opponent. As we mentioned, if you don’t have yet a specific element, you can breed for it by coming different element definitely you will get the desired element that you don’t have yet. Now that you already have the element you need, ensure that you are going it to use their skill against other creatures while also protecting yours from their disadvantage. For instance you have opponent having water based creatures, ensure that you are not going to use your fire-based creatures while maximizing your nature-based creatures. If ever that you encounter stage having an opponent using different elements, you need to eliminate first those monster having the biggest threat on you. If you are using fire-based creature and your opponent having water-based, you must eliminate it as fast as you can using nature based, so it is better to make a team filled up with cycle of different elements that can cover-up your disadvantage and maximizing your full potential.

3. Upgrade your primary arsenal. Now that you already have all kinds of elements that you can use, you can start upgrading your creatures. Actually even you already using the most powerful creature in game, but without an upgrade this is still worthless in battle. You must upgrade your creatures especially those you are about to use in the long run. I believe that you will reach a point that you won’t get any better creatures than you are currently waiting, so instead of waiting for it and losing battles, you need to improve them using Sparks. Yes you must have lots of Sparks to level up creatures that you have. So that is a good sign if you really need to improve your monster. You need to save as many Sparks as you can. Upgrading your creatures will unlock their capabilities in battles in terms of new attack types as well as stats boost. One thing you should keep in mind when upgrading, you need to focus on monster having higher potential or with higher rarity that you are going to use in the long run or else this will consume lots of resources from you. As we mentioned this will requires you lots from your resources, so you need to use it to the fullest and if happened that you decided to upgrade low tier creatures, you will find it wasting your resources as you will drop it in your team later on as they can’t compete them in higher levels.

4. Manage your primary lineup. This is the reason why we said that you should only consider creatures with great potential since you need always to manage your starting line up. In game, you have four creatures in your hand and three out of it are what you can use in battle. If ever that one of those three monsters dies, automatically the fourth creature will replace it. From here you will see that you need to manage your line up always even the reserve monster so you always have a good back up when everything goes wrong. In managing your team, it is good to consider the elemental flow advantage as well as different skills/abilities that your creatures can throw against your opponent. It is also a good idea to include the newly acquired creature in game so you will know their capabilities in game. To make a line up, it is really a good idea to have your strongest creatures in the first three, with full offensive arsenal and can handle different elemental properties. In managing your team, you can also use the Auto-Sort option that will arrange your team members based on their strength or if you have time to  manually arrange it the better.