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Beast Quest Guides and Tips

Beast Quest Guides and Tips

In this game an evil wizard has corrupted the land that exterminate the beasts of Avantia. And that is how your journey will begin as this is up to you who will play as true hero of Avantia who can stop the wizard and save all of the creatures. As an open-world adventure game, you can explore the gigantic areas freely and when you enter battle the game plays resemblance to Infinity Blade wherein timing is the key for winning. Engage the hordes of dangerous enemies and take on giant beast in huge boss battles and explore snowy peaks and sandy beaches while seeking out ancient artifacts and lost treasures. Now get read for some action packed combat against different enemies and timing challenges with attacks, blocks and dodges to beat your your enemies. Along the road, you can complete quests so you can upgrade your equipment and give you the edge. Now to help you with your journey, here are some tips and tricks for playing Beast Quest effectively.

1. Don’t forget to scavenge or rest when you are low on health. If you come from defeat on your last battle and you don’t have potions you can consider returning to your camp site and rest for a small gold fee. There you can restores all of your health. And from fights, you can also scavenge around and look for healing herbs. These herbs only heal a small amount of health which come as 4-5 health so they shouldn’t be relied on for emergencies. For the meantime just avoid fights and take a rest this will save you potions too if you have some.

2. Upgrade your equipment. If you are serious in playing this game and you wish to go further, don’t forget to upgrade your equipment as much as possible. In this game you can upgrade your armor that brings you more health and as for your weapon, this will give you better attack power. There is also shield to let you posses more durability. If you decided to upgrade, this will cost you gold and in the beginning that is not actually a big issue but after upgrading doing couple of upgrade this will cost you a lot so you need to save lots of money.

3. Play wisely with Dire Wolves. You will see in the beginning area of the game wherein you will be facing primarily dire wolves. As you notice there, they have only one attack but it’s a bit tricky. They will rear back and then pounce at you and try to bite you. If you decided to dodge during the pounce, you will get hit by the chomp, so the key here is to time it correctly. Just wait until the pounce is almost over then side step and that is the time to do your action. If you wish you can also block the whole thing.

4. Timing is everything. Just like what we mentioned above, timing is the key for playing this game effectively especially on getting  a good side stepping. Your shield can be used to block such attack in game but it takes damage based on the strength of the attack. If ever that it takes too much damage it must be repaired before you can use it again in game. Repairing will cost you gold but that is cheap compare to the advantage you can get from it. In this game, gold is usually negligible as it will begin to rack up once you start upgrading your shield. As for your shield, this is very useful but try not to rely on it too much instead learn the tricks and good timing with side stepping attacks as this negates all damage with no penalty unlike with shield. Just don’t forget that you want to dodge in the direction of the attack and this can be so tricky. So for instance, if a monster attacks you from the right, you might need to go side step to the right.