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Pinball Sniper Guides and Tricks

Pinball Sniper Guides and Tricks

The game is the result from the effort of Marius Gerlich and Ketchapp that already released for both Android and iOS powered platforms. This game has a reseblance with pinball game only this comes as endless with a simply theme and minimalistic set up. As an endless game, you have only one ball per round and your objective is to try to chase the highest score for that round the same with ZigZag. For those who already played pinball based game, I believe that you already have idea on how this game works but for first time player, you need to pay attention to where on the flipper you hit the ball since the physics are a little bit weird in this game compared to a usual pinball games. So the ball will drops a whole lot faster than it does in your usual pinball game and that is how the challenge will start as you nee to hit it quickly to ensure that it doesn’t fall in between flippers. And that is your objective, to ensure that the ball does not go down between the center of the flippers. There are also lots of pinball games where merely hitting both of the flippers at the same time will bring it back but not actually this one since you have to keep the ball on one side or the other. If you wish to safely switch side, just try to catch falling ball inside of an upturned flipper and it will typically bound over to other side. The same with other application developed under the same company, you will enjoy the simplicity yet challenging factor on Pinball Sniper. And to help you enjoy this game to the fullest, we decided to share some tips and tricks for playing this game effectively.

1. Ensure to hit each crystal under a good amount of time. Since upon waiting for too long, it will end up losing the stage even if you ball doesn’t fall off the side. Just try to look for the circular bar surrounding the crystal which starts to form as you go. You can use that as a gauge if you are going quickly enough or you need to improve your speed. Upon filling it up, that is the end of your round.

2. Unlocking new monsters. For you to use additional monsters in game, you need to spend crystals as the primary currency in this game. You will see creature as they sit on the top of the pinball board. Actually monsters are pure aesthetic only as they won’t really have all that much practical use for them. So he main purpose is to make it cool and to stay to your friends that you already unlock more content from the game.

3. Getting more crystals. We mentioned about crystals as your currency which you can use to spend for additional monsters. Now for you to have more crystals, you can get it by simply hitting them in round or through purchase in app store. Well in purchasing you need to have real cash to do that but if you are not fan of using your money for such game. You can consider going to in-app purchase store and from there you can watch a free advertisement video in return of free crystals. Just spend patience in doing it over and over again to have lots of crystals in game.