What’s the Saying Answers Level 131-150

Are you looking for help with the answers for What’s the Saying by Cheat Master and Friends level 131-150?
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What’s the Saying Level 131-150 Solution
What’s the Saying Level 131-150 Cheats

What’s the Saying level 131 answer: Bride and groom + bride and groom = Summary
What’s the Saying level 132 answer: Vit_min = Vitamin a deficiency
What’s the Saying level 133 answer: 11111111 above a clock = Once upon a time
What’s the Saying level 134 answer: 2 inside the O of One = Two in one
What’s the Saying level 135 answer: A man above a chess board = Man overboard
What’s the Saying level 136 answer: A note and the back of a head = Quarter back
What’s the Saying level 137 answer: An arc with a skyline behind + a blue circle = Arctic circle
What’s the Saying level 138 answer: Di and Et on a weight in balance = Balanced diet
What’s the Saying level 139 answer: Sugar spelled three times in green = Sugar cube
What’s the Saying level 140 answer: A man playing ball on a light bulb = Neon light
What’s the Saying level 141 answer: TTTT + 2x ear and corn = Forty years
What’s the Saying level 142 answer: A jar with something orange + a planet = Honeymoon
What’s the Saying level 143 answer: A rose and a guard and an “N” = Rose garden
What’s the Saying level 144 answer: Cut spelled above 9 x “Cut” = Cut above the rest
What’s the Saying level 145 answer: A finger pointing at the top of AM with you you below = Top of the morning to you
What’s the Saying level 146 answer: 10 ants = Tenant
What’s the Saying level 147 answer: 3 hands above a deck of cards = All hands on deck
What’s the Saying level 148 answer: A jack card inside a box = Jack in the box
What’s the Saying level 149 answer: The word fast crumbling = Breakfast
What’s the Saying level 150 answer: A be + a man crawling out a window = Believe

We got answers for level 151-160 ready for you right here!