Are you looking for help with the answers for What’s the Saying by Cheat Master and Friends level 181-190?
We got that help for you right here, and are ready to give you the answers.
So if you’re looking for cheats or solutions this is the place to look!
What’s the Saying level 181 answer: A price tag with 0 $ and an arm and a leg on it: Costs an arm and a leg
What’s the Saying level 182 answer: A blue monkey face = Blue in the face
What’s the Saying level 183 answer: A smiley sleeping on the word it = Sleep on it
What’s the Saying level 184 answer: A pipe and a hand pointing down = Pipe down
What’s the Saying level 185 answer: On spelled inside a dark circle = On the spot
What’s the Saying level 186 answer: A male symbol and a trash can = Junk mail
What’s the Saying level 187 answer: A card, live and a mouth = Live hand to mouth
What’s the Saying level 188 answer: A cat and a dog in the rain under an umbrella = Raining cats and dogs
What’s the Saying level 189 answer: 3 fish and a hand pointing at the lower one = Low blow
What’s the Saying level 190 answer: A smiley face under different weather symbols = Under the weather
Wanna continue playing? We got solutions for level 191-200 for you right here!