Plants vs. Zombies Adventures Level 9-4 on Facebook

Plants vs. Zombies Adventures walkthrough

Complete Walkthrough for Plants vs. Zombies Adventures Level 9-4 for Facebook. The game is developed by PopCap Games. The worldwide phenomenon Plants vs. Zombies has taken root on Facebook – with more acreage and more zombies and all-new ways to fight the fun-dead. You’ll find fun in every direction as you defend your turf and save your brains in town and on the road, explore your friends’ towns, and then send zombies to invade your friends’ towns. Finally, a social game worth living for. Go beyond your yard and discover more plants, more zombies and new challenges. Battle zombies in town and on the road in an ever-expanding world of Plants vs. Zombies fun. It’s a thrilling new way to live, grow and zap zombies!
Credit and thanks to Social Games & Skill Games Videos on YouTube!

Plants vs. Zombies Adventures Level 9-4 video: