Riddle me That – Rhymes Level 2 Answers

Riddle Me That Itch Mania

Looking for answers and solutions for level 2 of the game Riddle me That by Itch Mania and the level pack Rhymes?
We got those 20 answers right here in this complete guide.
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Rhymes 2-1: A third from the sun, and not much else since the world’s begun. Some may weigh a metric ton, is a synonym for fun. Made a zeppelin take flight, a big thing at Isle of Wight = Rock

Rhymes 2-2: They’re big and yet so far away. We see them at the end of day. They’re small and they’re above. We see them when we close our eyes, each time we are in love. = Stars

Rhymes 2-3: When it shines, its light is hazy., makes the oceans swell like crazy. It makes moods seem more romantic, but it makes the ladies frantic. = Moon

Rhymes 2-4: Sometimes you feel it weigh a ton. Yet it’s nothing, but somehow still there. Makes you uncomfortable around anyone. But speak its name and it’s gone. = Silence

Rhymes 2-5: Known as a great deceiver, it is evil’s incarnation, once used for veneration. The root of all procreation. All you can do is shiver, when it begins to slither. = Snake

Rhymes 2-6: Used to wield power and glory, yet results were rather gorey. When it wrote our human story. In the eyes of wiser men, it is weaker than a pen. = Sword

Rhymes 2-7: It’s small but larger than a bee, and agile as a flea. It humms but does not buzz, and it’s not covered with fuzz. It is a small collector, of juicy flower nectar. = Hummingbird

Rhymes 2-8: Is said to make the world go around. But only if we let it. It puts a value on a thing, and makes you do some crazy things, just so you can get it. = Money

Rhymes 2-9: It keeps something that cannot be kepts, and wakes you when you’ve slept. It may go slow or stop at times, but even then it chimes. = Clock

Rhymes 2-10: So beautiful and cold, so young and yet so old. Alive but always dead, still hungry when fed. Will die if it is bled, or you cut off its head. = Vampire

Rhymes 2-11: It speaks to you, yet it can’t speak. When you hold it you can travel, in your mind’s eye worlds unravel. And everything in it’s a lie. And with every new untruth, still you feel it speaks the truth. = Book

Rhymes 2-12: It moves around in circles. We see it as we turn. It keeps us always warm. Always alive and always dying. Across the sky we see it flying. But touch it and we burn. = Sun

Rhymes 2-13: It passes but you never hear it, sometimes though, you think you feel it. You think you had it but it’s gone. You want to stop it, but it moves on. You lose it, gain it, maybe fear it, but it goes on, forever on. = Time

Rhymes 2-14: A most delicious thing. It can be given but cannot be kept. Some awake from it after they’ve slept. It is the moistest and softest butterfly wing, but when it is the last even it can sting. = Kiss

Rhymes 2-15: It hisses but it’s not a snake. It holds water but it’s not a lake. When it’s done you hear it scream. Pour from it and add some cream. = Teapot

Rhymes 2-16: It was a tradition long ago, when the world was dark and full of woe. When men turned darkness into light, by mixing, melting and decanting in the night, to seek for youth and gold and riches, just to be burned as witches. = Alchemy

Rhymes 2-17: They make no sense at all, in them you either fly or fall. They make you do it all. Their need is biologic, but they are most illogic. They are not real but still can be achieved, if they are just believed. = Dreams

Rhymes 2-18: It’s a symbol and a fruit, for man’s folly, evil’s root. But also for great inspiration, and famous application. = Apple

Rhymes 2-19: It is more feared than fear itself. And no one can escape it. It takes no sides and does not judge, it does not know to hold a grudge. It is the most clearest result, of how life beats you by default. = Death

Rhymes 2-20: It is a sound of empty, speak and it’ll talk back plenty. But all the more you yack, you’ll get the same words back. = Echo