Alchemy Fusion Combinations Cheats List

Alchemy Fusion Combinations Android Cheats List. If you are stuck and need help with any combos, then use our complete Elements walkthrough guide below. You start with four basic Elements water, fire, earth and air from old mythology. Alchemy Fusion great game with inspiration from “Zed’s Alchemy”, “Alchemy Classic” and “Doodle God” that will challenge you as a true alchemist. You start with four basic elements and from there you can create almost any object known to earth. There are 626 elements combine and discover. Use our full combinations list to complete the game. The game is available on Google Play and iTunes for iPhone, iPad and iPod. The game app is created by Snowy’s Apps. Hope you will enjoy our Alchemy Fusion Combinations Cheats List.

Alchemy Fusion Combinations Cheats List

Alchemy Fusion Combinations 1-626:
Basic Elements

Aircraft = Carrier Fighter + Ship
Airplane = Car + Steam
Airship = Hydrogen + Balloon
Alcohol = Sugar + Fruit
Algae = Ocean + Life
Alien = Stars + Life
Aluminum = Air + Metal
Amber = Resin + Time
Ambulance = Car + Hospital
Anchor = Chain + Ship
Angel = Light + Life
Animal = Earth + Lizard
Apple = Fruit + Tree
Apple = Pie = Apple + Dough
Aquarium = Glass + Fish
Arable = Earth + Tools
Archipelago = 2x Island
Armchair = Chair + Pillow
Army = 2x Soldier
Arrow = Bow + Feather
Ash = Cigarette + Fire
Ashtray = Ash + Glass
Asia = Porcelain + Continent
Astronaut = Man + Moon
Atlas = Book + Road
Atom = Bomb = Uranium + Weapon
Australia = Continent + Country
Avalanche = Mountains + Snow

Bacon = Pig + Fire
Bacteria = Swamp + Life
Ball = Wheel + Canvas
Balloon = Canvas + Fire
Ballpen = Ink + Feather
Bamboo = Asia + Tree
Banana = Monkey + Fruit
Bandage = Blood + Canvas
Bank = House + Money
Bar = Alcohol + House
Bat = Animal + Vampire
Batman = Bat + Hero
Beach = Sand + Sea
Bear = Animal + Forest
Beaver = Animal + Dam
Bed = Pillow + Wood
Bee = Beetle + Flower
Beehive = Bee + Wood
Beer = Alcohol + Can
Beet = Sugar + Seeds
Beetle = Bug + Earth
Bench = Park + Wood
Bicycle = 2x Wheel
Bills = Money + Paper
Bird = Egg + Steam
Black Hole = Sun + Time
Blizzard = Snow + Wind
Blood = Needle + Man
Blueberries = Fruit + Grass
Boat = Trolley + Sea
Bone = Dog + Meat
Book = Paper + Man
Boots = Sidewalk + Skin
Bow = Hunter + Wood
Bread = Furnace + Dough
Brick = Clay + Fire
Bridge = Road + River
Bug = Earth + Plankton
Bulb = Glass + Electricity
Bunker = House + Earth
Butterfly = Air + Bug

Cable = Rope + Electricity
Cactus = Desert + Tree
Cage = Aquarium + Metal
Camel = Animal + Desert
Camera = Drawing + Microprocessor
Camera = Lens = Camera + Lens
Campfire = Grill + Wood
Can = Aluminum + Glassful
Canal = Road + Ship
Candle = Wax + Fire
Candlestick = Candle + Silver
Candy = Caramel + Stone
Candyfloss = Sugar + Cotton
Canned = 2x Metal
Canvas = Cotton + Tools
Caoutchouc = Tree + Juice
Cape = Hero + Clothes
Car = Combustion = engine + Wheel
Caramel = Sugar + Fire
Carbon = dioxide = Man + Air
Cards = Gambling + Paper
Carpet = Canvas + Drawing
Carriage = Horse + Trolley
Case = Skin + Clothes
Castaway = Island + Man
Castle = Stone + Knight
Cat = Animal + Milk
Cave = Dragon + Mountains
Caveman = Man + Cave
Caviar = Fish + Egg
Cd = Book + Laser
Cement = Dust + Fire
Cemetery = 2x Grave
Ceramics = Clay + Man
Chain = Rope + Metal
Chair = Bench + House
Champagne = Wine + Sparkling water
Cheese = Milk + Fire
Chocolate = Cocoa + Sugar
Cigar = 2x Tobacco
Cigarette = Tobacco + Paper
Cinema = House + Film
Circus = Elephant + Tent
Claws = Animal + Weapon
Clay = Swamp + Sand
Cliff = Mountains + Sea
Clip = Laundry + Wood
Clothes = Canvas + Man
Clouds = Air + Steam
Coal = Wood + Fire
Cocoa = The = Caribbean + Seeds
Coconut = Palm + Seeds
Coffin = Man + Death
Combustion = engine = Steam engine + Petroleum
Comet = Meteorite + Ice
Comics = Book + Hero
Compost = Hay + Time
Computer = Microprocessor + Tools
Concrete = Cement + Sand
Conflagration = Matches + House
Continent = Earth + Mountains
Cookies = Chocolate + Dough
Cornflakes = Grain + Milk
Cotton = Feather + Farm
Country = 2x Town
Court = Ball + Grass
Cow = Animal + Farm
Cowboy = Man + Horse
Crayons = Pencil + Rainbow
Creeper = Jungle + Rope
Crocodile = Lizard + River
Crop circles = UFO + Grain
Crown = Hat + Gold
Crumbs = Bird + Bread
Crystals = Quartz + Mountains
Cup = Glassful + Porcelain
Cutlery = Silver + Tools

Dactyl = Palm + Fruit
Dam = Concrete + River
Death = Time + Man
Demon = Lava + Life
Desert = 2x Sand
Diamond = Coal + Time
Diet = Man + Yogurt
Dinosaur = Animal + Fossil
Diver = Man + Ocean
DNA = Life + Brick
Doctor = Hospital + Scientist
Dog = Wolf + Man
Dolphin = Animal + Fish
Dough = Flour + Water
Dragon = Fire + Lizard
Dragonfly = Fly + Lake
Drawing = Crayons + Paper
Dream = Man + Sand
Drum = Canvas + Ceramics
Duck = Bird + Water
Dunes = Sand + Mountains
Dust = Earth + Wind

Eagle = Bird + Mountains
Ebook = Book + Computer
Eclipse = Earth + Moon
Eel = Snake + Electricity
Egg = Stone + Life
Eiffel tower = Metal + Skyscraper
Electricity = Metal + Energy
Elephant = Animal + Fang
E-mail = Computer + Letter
Energy = 2x Fire

Factory = House + Tools
Fan = Wind + Paper
Fang = Animal + Bone
Farm = Arable + Man
Fashion = Time + Clothes
Fat = Oil + Meat
Feather = Bird + Hunter
Fence = Wood + Hedge
Fern = Moss + Swamp
Fiber = Rope + Glass
Fighter = Airplane + Firearm
Film = Television + Spiderman
Fins = Man + Fish
Firearm = Gunpowder + Weapon
Firefly = Fly + Light
Fireworks = Asia + Gunpowder
Fish = Animal + Sea
Fisherman = Fish + Hunter
Fishing Rod = Bamboo + Tools
Flag = Canvas + Country
Flamethrower = Firearm + Fire
Fleet = 2x Ship
Flood = 2x Rain
Flour = Quern + Grain
Flower = Water + Seeds
Fly = Bug + Compost
Foam = Soap + Water
Fog = Clouds + Swamp
Forest = 2x Tree
Fossil = Animal + Time
French = fries = Potato + Oil
Frog = Swamp + Lizard
Fruit = Farm + Tree
Fur = Animal + Hunter
Furnace = Brick + Wood
Furniture = Screw + Wood
Fusion = 2x Hydrogen

Galaxy = 2x Solar system
Gale = Wind + Sea
Gambling = Alcohol + Money
Generator = Electricity + Combustion engine
Geyser = Clouds + Air
Ghost = Death + Energy
Giraffe = Animal + Tree
Glass = Fire + Sand
Glasses = Lens + Metal
Glassful = Glass + Man
Gold = Mine + Tools
Golem = Clay + Life
Gondola = Boat + Venice
Gps = Computer + Road
Graffiti = Drawing + Wall
Grain = Arable + Seeds
Granary = Grain + Ceramics
Grape = Creeper + Fruit
Grass = Algae + Earth
Grave = Coffin + Earth
Greenhouse = House + Seeds
Grill = Coal + Metal
Guitar = Strings + Wood
Gunpowder = Coal + Sulfur

Hail = Ice + Rain
Hair = Fur + Man
Hamster = Animal + Cage
Hat = Clothes + Straw
Hay = Grass + Sun
Hedge = Wall + Tree
Hedgehog = Animal + Needle
Helicopter = Combustion engine + Propeller
Helmet = Soldier + Hat
Hen = Bird + Egg
Herbs = Grass + Life
Hero = Dragon + Knight
Honey = Beehive + Man
Horse = Animal + Knight
Horseshoe = Horse + Metal
Hospital = Medication + House
Hourglass = Glass + Sand
House = Brick + Man
House For The Birds = Bird + House
Hummingbird = Bird + Flower
Hunter = Man + Weapon
Hurricane = Wind + Ocean
Hut = House + Stone
Hydrogen = Electricity + Water

Ice = Glass + Water
Ice = Cream = Ice + Milk
Iceberg = Ice + Mountains
Igloo = House + Snow
Infusion = Herbs + Water
Ink = Soot + Water
Internet = Computer + Net
Ironman = Hero + Metal
Island = Sea + Volcano

Jedi = Knight + Lightsaber
Juice = Fruit + Glassful
Jungle = Forest + Rain

Kangaroo = Animal + Australia
Killer = Death + Knight
Kimono = Clothes + Asia
King = Kong = Monkey + Skyscraper
Kite = Paper + Wood
Knight = Man + Sword
Knights Tournament = 2x + Knight

Laboratory = House + Scientist
Labyrinth = Castle + Hedge
Lake = 2x Water
Lamp = Glass + Petroleum
Lantern = Lamp + Metal
Las = Vegas = Desert + Town
Laser = Energy + Light
Lasso = Cowboy + Rope
Laundry Clothes + Washing Machine
Lava = Earth + Fire
Leaf = Tree + Sun
Leech = Vampire + Bug
Lens = Diamond + Glass
Leprechaun = Gold + Rainbow
Letter = Paper + Ink
Library = Book + House
Life = Energy + Swamp
Light = Bulb + Electricity
Lighter = Matches + Metal
Lighthouse = Lantern + Sea
Lightning = Sky + Energy
Lightsaber = Sword + Light
Lily = Flower + Lake
Lion = Cat + Desert
Lizard = Egg + Earth
Locomotive = Trolley + Steam engine
Lollipop = Candy + Wood
Lunette = 2x Lens

# = Element = Result = of
Man = Golem + Life
Manhole = Sidewalk + Steam
Mantis = Aquarium + Bug
Map = Paper + Road
Matches = Wood + Sulfur
Meadow = 2x Grass
Meat = Electricity + Pig
Medication = Herbs + Scientist
Metal = Fire + Stone
Meteorite = Stone + Solar system
Microprocessor = Electricity + Metal
Microscope = Bacteria + Lens
Milk = Cow + Grass
Mine = Mountains + Man
Mirror = Canvas + Metal
Moat = Castle + River
Money = Factory + Gold
Monkey = Animal + Jungle
Moon = Sun + Ice
Mosaic = Drawing + Stone
Mosquito = Blood + Fly
Moss = Algae + Swamp
Motorcycle = Bicycle + Combustion engine
Mountains = 2x Earth
Mouse = Animal + Cheese
Mower = Combustion engine + Scythe
Mud = Dust + Water
Mummy = Bandage + Zombies
Music = Guitar + Man

Necklace = Pearl + Rope
Needle = Cactus + Metal
Nest = Bird + Hay
Net = 2x Rope
New = York = Town + Statue
Newspaper = Camera + Paper
Ninja = Samurai + Shadow

Oasis = Desert + Water
Ocean = Water + Sea
Oil = Sunflower + Tools
Omelet = Egg + Fire
Origami = Bird + Paper
Oxygen = Tree + Carbon dioxide

Palm = Island + Tree
Panda = Bamboo + Bear
Paper = Reed + Tools
Paper Airplane = Airplane + Paper
Paperclip = Clip + Metal
Paris = Eiffel = tower + Town
Park = Forest + Town
Pavement = Road + Stone
Pearl = Diver + Ocean
Pegasus = Horse + Steam
Pencil = Coal + Wood
Penguin = Bird + Ice
Perfume = Alcohol + Flower
Petroleum = Tree + Swamp
Phoenix = Bird + Fire
Pig = Animal + Mud
Pigeon = Bird + Letter
Pillow = Canvas + Feather
Pinocchio = Life + Wood
Pipe = Tobacco + Wood
Pirates = Ship + Weapon
Planet = Continent + Ocean
Plankton = Bacteria + Ocean
Plasma = Energy + Fire
Plume = Feather + Hat
Polar = Bear = Bear + Ice
Pompeii = Town + Lava
Pool = House + Water
Porcelain = Clay + Quartz
Port = Ship + Beach
Pot = Ceramics + Flower
Potato = Farm + Root
Power = station = Dam + River
Pressure = Earth + Steam
Printing = house Book + Factory
Prison = Cage + House
Propeller = Fan + Wood
Puppet = Man + Straw
Pyramid = Desert + Skyscraper

Quartz = Sand + Scientist
Quern = Wheel + Stone

Radar = Air + Radio waves
Radiation = 2x Radio waves
Radio waves = Electricity + Waves
Railroad tracks = Metal + Road
Rain = Sky + Water
Rainbow = Rain + Light
Reed = Grass + Lake
Reel = Wheel + Spindle
Refrigerator = Ice + House
Resin = Spruce + Juice
Ribs = Grill + Pig
Rice = Asia + Grain
Ring = Diamond + Gold
Rink = Ice + Lake
River = Rain + Mountains
Road = Car + Earth
Roast = Fire + Meat
Robot = Computer + Man
Root = Earth + Tree
Rope = 2x Yarn
Rose = Flower + Needle
Rubber = Sulfur + Caoutchouc
Ruby = Diamond + Fire
Rum = Alcohol + Pirates
Rust = Metal + Water

Sail = Canvas + Ship
Sailing ship = Boat + Sail
Salt = Sea + Sun
Samurai = Asia + Knight
Sand = Wind + Stone
Sandcastle = Castle + Sand
Sandpaper = Paper + Sand
Sandstorm = Sand + Wind
Satellite = Moon + Radio waves
Sauna = House + Steam
Scarab = Beetle + Gold
Scarecrow = Bird + Puppet
Scientist = Man + Library
Scissors = Metal + Paper
Scorpion = Beetle + Gold
Screw = Metal + Whirlpool
Screwdriver = Tools + Screw
Scythe = Grass + Scissors
Sea = Lake + Water
Sea Serpent = Dragon + Sea
Seagull = Bird + Island
Seal = Animal + Circus
Seeds = Life + Sand
Shadow = Light + Wall
Sheep = Animal + Wool
Shell = Plankton + Stone
Shelter = House + Wood
Shield = Sword + Wall
Ship = Boat + Metal
Shuriken = Ninja + Weapon
Sidewalk = Road + Man
Silver = Gold + Mirror
Skates = Skis + Rink
Skin = Cow + Tools
Skis = Wood + Snow
Sky = Air + Clouds
Skyscraper = Glass + House
Sleigh = Trolley + Snow
Slingshot = Rubber + Bow
Smoke = Air + Fire
Snail = Bug + Shell
Snake = Egg + Swamp
Snow = Ice + Sky
Snow = Globe = Glass + Snow
Snowman = Man + Snow
Soap = Fat + Water
Solar = system = Sun + Planet
Soldier = Firearm + Man
Soot = Coal + Fire
Space Station = Astronaut + Satellite
Sparkling water = Water + Carbon = dioxide
Speaker = Drum + Electricity
Spider = Animal + Net
Spiderman = Hero + Spider
Spindle = Needle + Wood
Spruce = Tree + Needle
Squid = Animal + Ink
Stable = House + Horse
Stain = Clothes + Mud
Stamp = Letter + Wax
Stars = Sun + Galaxy
Statue = Man + Stone
Steam = Fire + Water
Steam engine = Clouds + Metal
Steamer = Clouds + Ship
Sticks = Asia + Cutlery
Stone = Lava + Water
Storm = Electricity + Sky
Straw = Grain + Tools
Strings = Metal + Yarn
Sugar = Reed + Water
Sulfur = Bacteria + Swamp
Sun = Energy + Hydrogen
Sunflower = Flower + Sun
Superman = Hero + Steam
Surfing = Man + Waves
Sushi = Fish + Rice
Swamp = Earth + Water
Sweater = Wool + Clothes
Sword = Metal + Tools

Tale = Book + Castle
Tank = Car + Firearm
Target = Bow + Canvas
Tarzan = Man + Jungle
Tattoo = Man + Ink
Tea = Cup + Herbs
Telephone = Microprocessor + Radio waves
Telescope = Galaxy + Lunette
Television = Drawing + Radio waves
Tennis = Court + Net
Tent = Canvas + House
Tequila = Alcohol + Cactus
Termite = Bug + Wood
Terrarium = Aquarium + Lizard
The = Caribbean = Pirates + Island
The = green = lantern = Hero + Lamp
Thief = Man + Gold
Thor = Hero + Tools
Ticket = Circus + Paper
Tides = Moon + Ocean
Time = Hourglass + Life
Tire = Rubber + Wheel
Titanic = Ship + Iceberg
Toast = Bread + Fire
Tobacco = Alcohol + Leaf
Tools = Man + Metal
Tornado = Propeller + Wind
Town = 2x Village
Tractor = Farm + Trolley
Treasure = Gold + Pirates
Tree = Earth + Seeds
Tree = House = House + Tree
Trolley = Wheel + Tools
Tsunami = Water + Wall
Tuna = Can + Fish
Tunnel = Cave + Road
Turtle = Egg + Sand

UFO = Alien + Airplane
Umbrella = Man + Rain
Uniform = Clothes + Soldier
Universe = 2x Galaxy
Uranium = Metal + Radiation

Vampire = Blood + Zombies
Vanilla = Flower + Sugar
Vase = Flower + Glass
Venice = Town + Sea
Village = 2x House
Vinegar = Alcohol + Oxygen
Volcano = Mountains + Lava
Volleyball = Beach + Net
Vulture = Bird + Death

Wall = 2x Brick
Wallet = Crocodile + Hunter
Washing = Machine = Clothes + Soap
Watch = Hourglass + Quartz
Waterfall = Mountains + River
Waves = Lake + Wind
Wax = Beehive + Tools
Weapon = Metal + Wood
Werewolf = Zombies + Silver
Whale = Fish + Plankton
Wheel = Tools + Wood
Whirlpool = Tornado + Sea
Wind = 2x Air
Windmill = Quern + Wind
Wine = Grape + Alcohol
Wolf = Animal + Werewolf
Wood = Tree + Tools
Woodpecker = Bird + Tree
Wool = Cotton + Animal

Yarn = Cotton + Reel
Yogurt = Bacteria + Milk

Zombies = Death + Life
Zoo = Animal + Fence
Alchemy Fusion Combinations Cheats List
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