Letterpad Answers All Levels

Letterpad Answers, Solutions and Cheats for Android and iPhone (iOS). All Levels. If you are stuck on a letter puzzle, then use our guide for help. Letterpad – Free Word Puzzles is great game for everyone. This great trivia quiz guessing word game will test your skill in a whole new way.
Letterpad Answers
Letterpad gives you 9 letters and then it’s up to you to find the hidden words relating to the puzzle topic. Work your way through over 200 puzzles. The game app is made by NimbleBit available on iTunes and Google Play.
Letterpad Answers All Levels

Letterpad Answers, Solutions and Cheats All Levels

This is a complete list with all the correct answers, sorted in alphabetical order, by question. Just find the question you can’t solve.

Letterpad Answers Levels 1-232 (sorted alphabetical):
Level 1: 4TH OF JULY boom, food, dog, cook
Level 2: ALARM bell, loud, sound
Level 3: ALASKA cold, oil, ice, sled, elk, wild
Level 4: ALIENS ufo, abduct, lab
Level 5: ANIMALS seal, flea, fox, ox, clam, mole, camel, foal, calf
Level 6: APPLE tree, green, red, seed, stem
Level 7: AQUARIUM tank, net, plant, algae, leak
Level 8: ARMY camp, march, rank, map, tank
Level 9: ART paint, draw, pen, painter, print, trained, pad
Level 10: ASTRONAUT float, sun, aloft, solar, lunar, far, star
Level 11: AUTUMN fall, leaf, chill, chai, fire, hail, ale
Level 12: BAR tab, seat, darts, tavern, tv, eat, bartend, band
Level 13: BARBER cut, chair, hair, chat, clip, haircut, tip
Level 14: BASEBALL strike, safe, bat, era, fast, rbi, first, base, tie, ab
Level 15: BASKETBALL jump, jam, tip, time, palm, team
Level 16: BATHTIME soap, suds, soak, duck
Level 17: BATTERY aa, aaa, c, d, charge, dc, car
Level 18: BEACH sand, waves, wind, views, wade, dive, sea, isle, seal, sail, island
Level 19: BEAR den, cub, claw
Level 20: BED sheet, sleep, post, sore, rest
Level 21: BEE hive, honey, drone
Level 22: BICYCLE chain, seat, tire, race
Level 23: BIRDS egg, nest, twig, song, wings, noise, sing, snow, note
Level 24: BLACK ice, eye, bird, bear, beard
Level 25: BLUE mood, sky, moon, man, monday, sad
Level 26: BODY tibia, rib, brain, heart, ear, retina, hair, heat
Level 27: BOOKS paper, page, read, word
Level 28: BOWLING lane, pin, ball, win
Level 29: BREAD toast, flat, pita, loaf, oats
Level 30: BREAKFAST salt, egg, toast, latte, tea, taste, eat, oats
Level 31: BRICK red, house, hard, set, dust, road
Level 32: BUBBLE pop, soap, wand, wrap
Level 33: BUGS ant, gnat, tick, stick, tiny, sting, stink, icky, nit
Level 34: BURGERS meat, bun, eat, bacon
Level 35: BURRITO cream, bean, meat, rice, eat
Level 36: BUSINESS suit, car, card, trip, tip, audit, paid
Level 37: CALENDAR year, week, day, may, weekday, mark, wed, mar
Level 38: CAMERA lens, snap, strap, stop, pan, set, store, tape, plate, person
Level 39: CAMPFIRE smoke, cook, wood
Level 40: CAMPING tent, tree, beans, bear, eat, star, ants, bats
Level 41: CANADA maple, leaf, bear, lake, park, elk
Level 42: CANDY crush, corn, cane, rush, crash, sour
Level 43: CANNON ball, fire, bore
Level 44: CARS shift, start, seat, tires, fast, air, first, heat
Level 45: CASTLE stone, old, moat, damsel, masoned, mead, meats, mold, slate, ale
Level 46: CAT paw, pet, purr, fur, eat, water, fat, rat
Level 47: CATTLE ranch, herd, head, pen, brand, barn, bred, car
Level 48: CHEESE aged, rind, brie, brine, dairy
Level 49: CHERRY pit, pie, stem, red, tree, ripe
Level 50: CHESS king, pawn, win, knight
Level 51: CHOCOLATE cocoa, bar, dark
Level 52: CHRISTMAS tree, fire, feast, gift, figs, eat, greet, star
Level 53: CITY street, cars, streetcar, terrace, career, rats, erect, arts
Level 54: CLEAR SKY cloudless
Level 55: CLOTHING shirt, skirt, suit, tie, hat, sari
Level 56: COFFEE dark, brew, bean, brown, work, wake, dawn, weak, brand, break
Level 57: COLOR red, gold, grey, rose, solid, dye
Level 58: COLORS yellow, white
Level 59: COMPUTERS cpu, ram, os, rom, mouse, mac, pc, user
Level 60: CONSTRUCTION plans, span, nail, site, tile, plank
Level 61: COOKIE jar, sugar, bake
Level 62: COOKING cook, flour, food, cool, curd, duck, fold, fork
Level 63: CORN chip, maze, maize, cream, ear
Level 64: COURT case, sue, law, lose, won, counsel
Level 65: CRUISE buffet, fed, sea, stuffed, feast, staff, bed, aft, eat, bet
Level 66: DAY light, job, hot, bright, big
Level 67: DEER doe, tick, buck
Level 68: DENTIST spit, cavity, pain, cap, sit
Level 69: DESERT hot, dry, sand
Level 70: DINNER course, set, soup, roast, capers, sauce, cut, catsup, pot, pour, tacos, port, cater, pesto, seat, eat, peas
Level 71: DINOSAUR bone, horn, era, roar, rex
Level 72: DISNEYLAND parade, park, ride, pay, kid, day
Level 73: DOCTOR dr, drug, shot, cough, ouch, touch, gout, hurts, doc, gut, cut
Level 74: DOG bark, bone, run, fur
Level 75: DRAGONS egg, fire, fly, flee, fry
Level 76: DRUM beat, stick, set, bass, kit, seat
Level 77: DUCKS beak, drake, feed, lake, bread
Level 78: EARTH planet, land, sea, day, plants
Level 79: EASTER egg, hide, ham, eat, hat
Level 80: EMOTIONS mad, sad, shame, shy, envy
Level 81: EXERCISE lift, spin, run, sprint, situp, fit, tip
Level 82: FACEBOOK post, photo, tag, page, pets
Level 83: FARM barn, pig, hay, grain
Level 84: FASHION cloth, color, cut, clothe, eco, cool, cute, hot, hue, touch
Level 85: FAST FOOD fast, fries, fat, soda, fried, roasted, side, diet, eat, ate
Level 86: FISHING lure, worm, lake, row, meal, oar
Level 87: FLOWERS lily, lilac, daisy, calla
Level 88: FLYING air, plane, aileron, plan, aisle, soar, spin, nap, nose, noise
Level 89: FOREST tree, fern, green, pine, fire, fir
Level 90: FROG hop, leap, leg, race, log
Level 91: FRUIT peach, pear, cherry, berry
Level 92: GAMES play, dice, card, player, replay, race
Level 93: GARDEN veg, gate, tree, grow, row, water, eat, rot, tea
Level 94: GEOMETRY side, face, cone, sine, cosine
Level 95: GLASS pane, eye, break
Level 96: GOLD coin, mine, money, ore, ring, miner
Level 97: GOLF club, cup, putt, trap, clap, par, cart
Level 98: GRAPE jam, juice, wine
Level 99: GREEN horn, roof, moss, moor, room
Level 100: GROCERY bags, cart, list
Level 101: GUITAR pick, neck, case, axe
Level 102: HAIR cut, style, curl, dye, dry, lustre, cute, red
Level 103: HALLOWEEN night, ghost, fright
Level 104: HAWAII luau, surf, lei, sail, sea, isle
Level 105: HIKING trail, mile, map, water, trip
Level 106: HOCKEY puck, ice, stick, hit, setup, upset, cup, push, cut
Level 107: HONEY bee, comb, tea, babe
Level 108: HORSES ride, feed, bit, pet, bet, breed, bite, tie
Level 109: HOT TUB jets, seat, soak, sit, steam
Level 110: HOUSE yard, room, bedroom, dayroom, abode, adobe, board, door, dream, roomy, beam, bed
Level 111: HYGIENE wash, bath, bathe, brush, tub, water, washtub, sweat, warts, ears, swab, tush
Level 112: ICE CREAM cone, cold, scoop, spoon
Level 113: ICE cube, cave, cream, carve, tea
Level 114: ICE SKATING blade, glide, ice, cold, lace, leg
Level 115: INTERNET cats, ads, videos, site, vices, date
Level 116: ITALY vino, milan, rome, rail, amore, olive, oil, vine, meal, verona
Level 117: JAIL cons, bars, bird, arson, narc, radio, basin, bonds, drab, bad, iron, raid, rob, sad, sob
Level 118: JEANS blue, denim, levi
Level 119: JOB temp, time, pay, day, dream, trip, dirty
Level 120: JUNGLE gorilla, log, leaf, frog, foliage, flora, feral, fog, life
Level 121: KIDS love, hug, fed, loud, glue, feud, hold
Level 122: KITCHEN fridge, food, ice, rice, dice, fire
Level 123: KITE fly, sky, tail, air
Level 124: LAKE boat, house, shore, bathe, tube
Level 125: LAS VEGAS cash, casino, show, hot, action, town, win, coin, hit, sit, act, sin
Level 126: LIBRARY read, card, due, study
Level 127: LIGHTHOUSE beam, light, emit, gale, lit, gleam
Level 128: MAGIC trick, act, hat, card, hand, hint, dark, tank, chain
Level 129: MAIL stamp, post, box, man
Level 130: MALL rats, store, sale, shop, steal, eat
Level 131: MARS red, rover, rock, rocket
Level 132: MATCH head, fire, lit, heat
Level 133: METAL iron, tin, zinc, rust, coin
Level 134: MINING dig, dark, gem, dirt, grit, grime, gear, dim
Level 135: MONEY cash, coin, atm, casino, mint, cost
Level 136: MOON rock, rocket, crater, dark
Level 137: MORNING sunrise, sun, tired, run, dress, stir, rise
Level 138: MOTORCYCLE bike, tire, fuel, biker, filter, trike
Level 139: MOUNTAIN goat, peak, slope, top, alps
Level 140: MOVIES romance, scream, actor, star, cam, act, monster, cameo, cast, censor, costar, oscar, rate, snore, arts, seat, can, set, score
Level 141: MUSEUM history, tour, art
Level 142: MUSIC note, tempo, tenor, tone, horn, mute, tune, hum
Level 143: NIGHT star, dark, owl, rat
Level 144: NINJA sneak, smoke, fast, mask, foe
Level 145: NUMBERS five, seven, ten, six, sixteen
Level 146: OCEAN fish, coral, sailor, orca, roil, sail, shoal
Level 147: ONION skin, ring, cry, stink
Level 148: OWLS flight, silent, night, sight, nest
Level 149: PANCAKES syrup, stack
Level 150: PARK dog, grass, sit, dirt
Level 151: PARTY music, dance, ice, names, dim, mic, am
Level 152: PETS fur, cat, train, stain, antics, frantic, fart, runt, fat, run, scat, sit, rat
Level 153: PHONE cell, ring, call, car, line, ear
Level 154: PIANO key, grand, bar
Level 155: PICNIC food, ants, date, sand, sat, eat
Level 156: PIE apple, slice, piece
Level 157: PIG slop, pen, pink, oink, pork, loin, iron, nose, skin
Level 158: PIRATES ship, shot, isle, tale, hostile, pistol, topsail, sail, lash, steal, spit, hoist, oath, ale, hat, hilt, salt, sea
Level 159: PIZZA sauce, slice, crust, cut, eat
Level 160: PLANTS dirt, roots, stem, mist, rot, moist, mites, trim, die, odor, rose
Level 161: POTATO chip, fry, eye
Level 162: POTTERY clay, glaze, heat
Level 163: PYRAMIDS tomb, rob, stone, tour, sun
Level 164: QUILTING sew, cut, piece, tie, tip, sit
Level 165: RACING sprint, stripe, line, mile, time, tire, pit
Level 166: RAIN drop, pour, flood, drip, fluid, loud
Level 167: RAINFOREST vine, mist, ant, ape, native, nest, peat, vast, sap
Level 168: RED hot, card, rose, coats, heart, code, head
Level 169: RESTAURANT eat, out, menu, item, tip, patio, open, pie, meat, tea
Level 170: ROAD TRIP bored, road, break, car, drove, broke, rv
Level 171: ROBOTS droid, android, drive, drone, invade, diode
Level 172: ROCK (MUSIC) roll, jam, radio, idol, limo, road
Level 173: RODEO horse, horn, rope, pen, ride, herd, reins
Level 174: ROMANCE date, heart, her, rose, prose, read, adore, hope, share, star, stared, dear, heat, eat, poet
Level 175: ROSES red, stem, bud, bug, rust, bed
Level 176: SCHOOL tutor, read, test, seat, date, start, art, dues, trade, state
Level 177: SCIENCE lab, test, coat, tablet, bottle, set, table, total, blast, state, base, scale
Level 178: SCUBA tank, mask, gas, sea, wet
Level 179: SHAPES star, triangle
Level 180: SHEEP wool, lamb, black
Level 181: SHIP port, rope, deck, dock, creak, trade, rat, crate, ark
Level 182: SHOES heel, sole, shoelace, sale, toe, closet, cleat
Level 183: SKATEBOARDING rail, grind, grab, ride, air, bail, lean
Level 184: SLEEP bed, snore, snug, sound, robe, nod
Level 185: SNAKES coil, cobra, scale, coral, sea, boa
Level 186: SNOW flake, ball, man, bank, fall
Level 187: SOCCER ball, goal, foul, fan, flag, global
Level 188: SODA pop, can, cola, coke
Level 189: SOUP can, spoon, stock, cook, pot
Level 190: SPACE orbit, star, orion, abort, boost, train, oort
Level 191: SPORTS argue, brag, gear, grab, race, run, car, ace, fan, fun, ref, bag, bar
Level 192: SPRING flower, thaw, flora, water, foal, leaf
Level 193: SQUIRREL nut, tree, gray
Level 194: ST. PATRICK’S irish, charm, bar, march
Level 195: STARBUCKS venti, cafe, line, caf, ice, tea
Level 196: STOCK MARKET ticker, pick, tip, sec, up, price, put, risk
Level 197: STUDY cram, read, tired, tip, time, card, date, camp, idea, paid
Level 198: SUBMARINE dive, fin, ping, deep, pen
Level 199: SUMMER bbq, beach, heat, hat, ac, babe, hot
Level 200: SUPERBOWL snack, sack, td, tv, ad, ran, dvr, star
Level 201: SURFING board, wave, water, wade, wet, rode, bro, tow
Level 202: SURGERY clamp, scalpel, staple, plate, metal, set, cap, lamp
Level 203: SWEET heart, sugar, tart, taste, treat, eat
Level 204: TEA cream, leaf, cake, ice, meal, milk, earl, make
Level 205: TELEVISION episode, espn, news, new, noise, on, seen
Level 206: TENNIS ace, racket, court, out, run, tour, net, rank
Level 207: TOOLS pliers, rasp, vise, rule, pail
Level 208: TOYS bat, ball, doll, car, dart, boat
Level 209: TRAIN track, car, seat, time, steam, stack
Level 210: TRANSPORTATION bus, sub, boat, car, tram, cart, auto, cab
Level 211: TREE root, bark, wood, oak
Level 212: TRUCKER stop, load, cab, cb, cap
Level 213: TWITTER rt, tweet, trend, at, read, rant
Level 214: US STATES idaho, iowa, ohio, utah
Level 215: VACATION hotel, towel, tour, shower, hostel, house, show, route, shore, short
Level 216: VALENTINE’S DAY cherub, heart, card, red, date, care, dear
Level 217: VEGGIES corn, okra, root, cook, taro, carrot
Level 218: VIKING axe, hall, hull, sea, skull, ale
Level 219: VOLLEYBALL spike, side, sand, hand, spin, skin
Level 220: WALK mile, shoe, long, legs, insole
Level 221: WATER table, lake, park, tank, leak, tap
Level 222: WEATHER cloud, cold, hot, drought
Level 223: WEEKDAYS monday, friday
Level 224: WHALE blue, sea, song, beluga
Level 225: WHITE flag, out, cloud, fog
Level 226: WINTER ice, snow, cold, sled, wind, noel
Level 227: WITCHCRAFT spell, brew, webs, herbs
Level 228: WOOD grain, hard, sand, nail, ash, ring
Level 229: YELLOW bus, bee, belly, sun, sub
Level 230: YOUTUBE watch, channel, cat, new
Level 231: ZOMBIES brain, rot, eat, ate, bite, bone, bait, groan, tearing, triage, organ, grab, gore
Level 232: ZOO lion, sealion, bear, albino, learn, line, boar, bison, born, bars, boa, seal, raise

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