World Of Warcraft Beginners Guide

World of warcraft beginners can often feel overwhelmed at first without some kind of guide to help get them started. When you begin you have little more than a pointed stick and a piece of ripped cloth for protection. Talk about a rough start!

I struggled as a newbie just like you so I know what it's like, thats why I put together this simple world of warcraft beginners guide to help you get off to a strong start. Basically we will be going over ways to give you a good supply of gold for the things that you will need and the best practices for leveling and building your characters.

The most common way to obtain gold in world of warcraft is to beat up the bad guy's and then sell whatever they drop to the appropriate vendors and then do it over again. This is commonly referred to as grinding in world of warcraft. I don't particularly like to "grind" but when your just starting a new character, it can be a good way to make some money. If you are going to grind to make some cash, find a place that has lots of monsters to make it worth your while and preferably monsters that are not too hard to beat.

Using the world of warcraft professions is another great way to make some money when you are starting a new character. The world of warcraft profession's can be divided into two type's. First there are the Gathering profession's. The gathering of herbs, grasses, etc. to be combined together to make various thing's or to be sold. The second type is called a Production profession. The Production profession's are more of a manufacturing style skill to create new item's.

Don't just pick primary profession's because they look cool or fun, depending on what class you are should help decide which profession's you should consider. If you are in the process of creating a new character you should look into future possible profession's before you choose a race because some races add benefit's to certain profession's.

Playing solo rather than in a group will let you keep all the money and items that can be looted. Rushing in to solo questing without preparation can be hazardous to your health. If you prepare well and solo properly, it can be very lucrative playing solo. Be sure to bring plenty of supplies with you. You don't want to have to keep returning to town for supplies when you could be fighting monster's. Soloing is easiest when you put your focus on defeating foe's that are slightly lower in level than you are. Keeping your enemies just a bit weaker than you will make questing easier and you will also get nice dropped item's.

If you find yourself doing a quest that seems just a little to tough, there is nothing wrong with joining a group to help you get past it. If you are concentrating on playing solo, only play with a group for a while and try to stay in a small group. If you are lucky enough to find some player's that are of higher levels than you are, they make for the best team-mates. By joining up with players that are higher in level than you you will be able to complete the quest quicker and they might give you some nice stuff.

This world of warcraft beginners guide should help you get off to a good start, hope you liked it.