Land of Warlords Cheats: Tips, Tricks & Strategy Guide

The demons have returned from the depths of the underworld, and now it’s up to you and your heroes to stop them! Land of Warlords is an RPG with emphasis on hero management and development. We’re here to show you how to build the ultimate team with our Land of Warlords cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!

There’s a lot to manage here, so let’s get started with our Land of Warlods guide to building the ultimate team and city!

1. Collect Levy for extra silver!

Levy is accessed by the button on the left side of the main menu screen. Levy is pretty much free coins, and you get 50 free collections right from the get-go! You shouldn’t ever have a coin problem, but if you do, turn to the levy for easy coins. Don’t worry if you run out, because you get 12 more free levies every day.

2. Train and upgrade EVERYTHING!

If you play the game for just a couple of minutes, you’ll quickly notice that your silver supplies will be overflowing. By the end of the tutorial you’ll have around 1000k silver. I’m not exaggerating! Considering that upgrading equipment and training your heroes never costs more than 10,000 silver, you should always be spending your silver until your heroes and equipment can’t get any better. You should never ever run low of silver, especially with the levies mentioned above. Keeping everything upgraded will help you breeze through this game with relative ease.

3. Make sure to claim all of your rewards!

There are a number of rewards that you get for accomplishing certain feats, but you must collect the rewards manually. This includes your quest rewards, which you will get as you progress through the levels, your level gifts, which you obtain by reaching a certain lord level, and your clearance rewards, which you get from clearing certain zones. These usually give you more silver and gold, so be sure to collect them!

4. Occupy some mines to get resources!

At around the level 30 mark, you’ll gain access to new structures in the main base. One of these is the mine. Going here will show you a list of mines, some of which may be occupied by different players. If you’re feeling devious, you can attack another player’s mine and rob their resources. Pay attention to their level and don’t bite off more than you can chew! If you want to remain civil, look for an empty mine. Occupy it and you will generate silver overtime. Be sure to come back when it’s finished though, as other players might try attacking you!

5. Check the auction house for powerful equipment!

The auction house is available at the same time the mines are. It’s the house on a bottom, dead in the middle. You can buy some really rare equipment here, but the auction house only accepts gold as payment, which is much much more rare than silver. If you’ve got gold to spend, buy some awesome equipment!

6. Inherit heroes to power them up!

The Inherit shrine lets you transfer the experience and levels of one of your heroes to another. This is useful if one of your older heroes is just too outdated and weak to keep fighting, and you want a quick way to power up your new heroes. Be warned though that it transfers ALL experience of the old hero, meaning that they will go back to level 1.

That should cover everything. Upgrade everything and train everyone! If you have any other questions or suggestions, leave a comment below!