How to Get More Rare Heroes in Marvel Contest of Champions

I still enjoy playing Marvel Contest of Champions, and I am sure that you do too. Hopefully, you’re playing better now if you have already read our Marvel Contest of Champions tips & tricks article, but there’s also one extremely important thing to talk about: getting more champions in Marvel Contest of Champions – and better, rare superheroes. I have decided that this topic deserves an article of its own, so here we are, trying to find out how to get rare champions in Marvel Contest of Champions for iPhone and iPad.

As you probably know already, the more stars your heroes have, the better their skills and stats. And even though class bonuses and penalties might come into play, it’s always better to have better characters. So let’s find out how to get the rare ones easily and as fast as possible!

1. Save up on Units
Units are the premium currency in the game and the more you have, the better your chances of getting a very rare champion in the game. However, getting them for free is not easy, so you should make sure that you only spend them where it matters. I would personally suggest saving up on them and only spend them on the Premium Hero Crystals and for that you need 100 Units. You can get two to 4 star champions from there, and you can unlock a few by completing the single player missions and saving the rewards for this.

2. Play in the Arena
Or the versus mode, as it’s named in the game. Of course, you have to win. If you win, you get Arena crystals that can be spent in the vault and you have a chance of winning a 4 star hero there. Also, you will win Battle Chips, which can be used for the same goal: win a good hero or even some free Units to try for a better hero. Basically, the Arena is right now the holy grail and the more you can play there with heroes that are as good as possible, the bigger your chances at some extra rare Heroes in Marvel Contest of Champions.

3. Buy the limited time offers
At the moment of writing this, you can get a 3-star Deadpool character, free units, ISO-8 crystals and Battle Chips as a limited time offer. The price is pretty decent in my opinion, but better offers might pop up in the future. Make sure to take advantage of them because they are certainly better that simply purchasing the Units alone.

4. Log in daily
This gives you a free chance to a better hero, so take advantage of it: daily you get a free crystal that can earn you a top hero and the more days you play in a row, the better your roster will be. If not, you at least get free selling material for some extra gold and XP points!

Right now, these are our recommended ways to getting more and better heroes in Marvel Contest of Champions. Do you have other strategies? Let us know by commenting below!