WWE Immortals: Best Wrestlers for Your Team & Best Team Setup

If you are like us, you are certainly playing WWE Immortals until your iPad or iPhone battery goes completely dry, and if that’s the case, you probably have a fair opinion on who the best wrestlers in WWE Immortals are. However, I am sure that an extra opinion won’t hurt and that’s exactly why we are here: to share with you our own opinion on the best wrestlers in the game and the best WWE Immortals team setup to keep on winning those matches. Also make sure to check out our tips & tricks!

The truth is that until you reach the Daemon Kane character in the single player missions, you can basically cruise through the fights with any wrestlers that you have on hand. But once you get to Kane (and afterwards), things get a bit more complicated, and you really have to care about your team’s chemistry and the best wrestlers in the game.

If you are reading this before you start spending your heard earned coins, then you will probably do better than most of us who spent randomly and on stuff that wasn’t really necessary and you’ll get a great team in no time. And since the wrestlers are divided into different categories (Bronze, Silver and Gold), we’ll talk about them separately below. Obviously, in most cases, any Silver character is better than a Bronze one and any Gold wrestler is better than the Silvers.

But here are our favorite WWE Immortals wrestlers for your perfect team:

Paige (Dark Sorceress): You get her as a reward early in the game and I really love her. She has a good attack

power and really nice skills: not only that her signature attack give her teammates faster Adrenaline regeneration, but it also drains the Adrenaline of her opponents, making her extremely useful.

Giant Big Show – He’s a real tank early on, and has that Big Landing advantage that is insanely useful (and increases as his health goes up).

Sheamus – I was reluctant to recommend him since he has some insanely low stats, or better said, very low health. But he deals a ton of damage and the extra speed that he grants to the team is extremely useful when it comes to blocking an incoming Special move or keep the hits going on your opponent.

Brie or Nikki Bella – each of these characters have decent stats, and one offers a 5% boost to health of their teammates, while the other one offers the same percentage as a damage boost. They are both great choices in my opinion.

However, when it comes to the Bronze tier, I believe that it’s best to deal with what you’ve got and save your coins for Silver coins or packs. Pretty soon, all your Bronze cards will become obsolete.

Which means that we’re moving to the Silver tier, where we have the following goodies:

Deadman Undertaker – he’s the obvious choice in my opinion. Even though he doesn’t deal a lot of damage, he has the ability to return from the dead after being KO’d, with 33% of his health and a full adrenaline bar. Now that can cause some serious damage!

Banshee Knight Paige: I am one of the big Paige fans in the game and I still believe she’s a great choice for a Silver wrestler. She continues to give an Adrenaline boost to her teammates which is really useful!

Soldier John Cena: He is clearly the best you can get in the silver tier, in my opinion. However, since his price is really high, he is not easy to get. But with great damage and health and 20% extra damage on his special attack after tagging in, he’s worth all the money.

All in all, any Silver character in your team gives you a huge boost, but if you can make the choice, the three above are in my opinion, the best.

And now we’re moving to the Gold characters. They will be extremely difficult to unlock and we haven’t tested them all yet at the moment of writing, but we still have some opinions on who’s the best:

King of Kings Triple H – he deals the most damage in the game, so he’s clearly a good guy to have in your team. He’s also the choice you should have for KOing opponents, since when he does so, all the remaining opponents lose Adrenaline!

Roman Reigns – Not the best stats, but once he’s below 40% health, he does 50% more damage, turning into a killing machine. Now it’s up to you to keep him alive for as long as possible!

Evolved John Cena – in a similar fashion to Roman Reigns, Cena gets a damage boos as he loses health. Packing a stronger punch is always good in my opinion, so go for him too if you have the means.

So these would be our recommended WWE Immortals wrestlers and team setups for all card tiers. Don’t forget though: any superior card is better than the lower tier ones, so if you don’t really want to grind so much to pick the card you want, you can go for a Booster Pack and hope to get lucky!

Who are your favorite wrestlers in the game? Let us know by commenting below!