CivCrafter: What Is the Wonder, What Are Cats For & Are Dragons Good?

I’ve been playing CivCrafter like crazy for the past few days and even though I am stuck now waiting for my research to complete and unlock Dragons (because I built such a large city that I am now facing the dreaded creatures and lose all my troops), I still believe that there are a few things we could and should talk about. And since I didn’t want to create a small article for each of these things, I decided to cram them up all in one article and hopefully help those who want to know more about the game.

In other words, in today’s article we’re going to talk about three important elements in CivCrafter: the Wonder, what are Cats for and how powerful are Dragons, actually (and if they’re worth buying). So let’s start with the…

CivCrafter Wonder

If you started working on your Wonder, you probably know that progress is insanely low on this one. You also need a ton of resources and man power – so is it really worth it? The short answer is yes. Once you build a wonder, you will get a permanent boost to the production of a resource. One.

So how is this worthwhile? Well, after building a Wonder, you can start Prestiging. This basically means that you reset your game and start over, but you will keep the following: all built Wonders, Gold, Trophies, Skulls, Stats and, of course, your name. This might not sound right, but the truth is that you get to start over with a huge bonus to production and you will advance a lot faster. Plus, you can get a new wonder and improve your nation even more. So trust me, it’s worth it!

CivCrafter Cats

Everybody is wondering what the Cats role is in the game and so far nobody knows. The developers themselves say that it’s the biggest kept secret of the game, which might mean that they either offer a sort of a rating to players for matchmaking mechanics, they offer some bonuses that we don’t know of or that you will unlock their real use sometime during a play. Another possible thing might be that they’re just a feature that’s about to be implemented in an upcoming update. So nothing’s really sure on this one – if you have any information, don’t hesitate to let us know!

CivCrafter Dragons

The Dragons in this game are insanely expensive so you might be wondering – are they really worth it? The short answer is YES. They are insanely powerful creatures and they take out a lot of troops when they go into battle. They are amazing in battle and if you are patient enough (or spend real money), you can get them while you are still a relatively low-sized civilization and simply wreak havoc among the other nations with 1 dragon and just a handful of other soldiers. This will earn you a ton of skulls and this is the way to go if you really want to win the big rewards in the game. Oh, and tell this to your clan mates too – the more in your alliance who are taking advantage of this, the better.

So these would be some interesting facts about the lesser known aspects of this wonderful game. If you have anything to add, don’t hesitate to let us know by commenting below!