Masters of the Masks Cheats: Tips, Tricks & Strategy Guide

A mysterious evil is rising in the land of Ivren, and now it’s up to a band of masked warriors to stop it! Masters of the Masks is a turn-based RPG that has you collecting different masks that have their own special powers. The quest will be perilous, but we’re here to help with our Masters of the Masks cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!

1. Take out the enemies who are about to act!

The red bar by each unit on the screen represents that unit’s action points. Once this bar fills up all the way, that unit gets to take their turn. Knowing this, you should always target the enemies that are about to hit their maximum action points. If you’re quick and strong enough, you might be able to go through the whole battle without taking a single scratch!

2. Master the elements!

Each mask has an element attached to it. It can have one of the four major elements, and each element beats out another. Fire beats Life, Life beats Stone, Stone beats Water, and Water beats Fire. Exploiting your enemies’ elemental weaknesses causes you to do significantly more damage, so try to take advantage! You can tell what type of enemies you’ll be going up against by looking at the level’s icon. There will be an elemental icon for each level.

3. Replay older levels!

As you progress through the story levels, you’ll quickly begin to notice that enemies will just become too strong for you to deal with. This is because the main method of strengthening your characters lies mostly in their equipment. They gain experience and level up but the stats they gain from this are minimal at best. In order to craft new equipment for your characters, you’ll need materials that you will randomly get from the spinner at the end of each level. It will take a couple of runs in order to get all the materials you need, but you can also buy the materials directly for a small amount of hard currency, the premium currency of this game.

4. Make some masks!

Weapons and shields are important, but the most important thing to worry about is your masks. Your masks have the biggest influence on your characters’ stats, so it’s imperative you have powerful masks to fall back on. As you learn in the tutorial, each mask will receive a special skill attached to it when it’s created. These can be offensive skills, helpful for dealing tons of damage, or support skills, skills that provide your team with some nice buffs. Remember that you can fuse two masks together to potentially create a more powerful mask. Just be sure to take a look at the preview of possible skills you can get. Additionally keep in mind that you can re-roll a mask if you don’t get the skill you were aiming for.

5. Level up Primal Anvil!

Yorniq – the powerhouse dwarf – starts the game out with the Primal Anvil mask. This mask has the God’s Hand skill attached to it, which is a 30% heal. This skill is very useful for early levels, so you may want to stick with this mask. Fuse it with other masks to increase the potency of the heal. This goes for any other skill you’d like to level up – just fuse the base mask with an extra mask.

6. Tap and hold for details during battle!

Forget what EX skill does what? No worries, just tap and hold your finger on the character you’d like to examine. This will bring up a small window that details what their EX skill does. You might have to refer to this often because a majority of the EX skill icons are not quite relevant to what the actual skill does.

Masters of the Masks is a game full of strategies to discover, so if you have any other tips to share feel free to leave a comment below!