Fortress Fury is an all-new competitive strategy game! Each player has to protect their own fortress while trying to take down their opponents. Build, customize and strategize the ultimate fortress. Will you have a ton of cannons? Or will you have a bunch of shields? The choice is yours! We’ll help you with some guidelines in our Fortress Fury cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!
1. Hide your core in a non-suspicious place!
Your core can be placed anywhere in your fortress, and you get to choose what kind of block you want to disguise it with. Try to place it in a position where your enemy won’t think it’s there and it’s not completely vulnerable. While it sounds like a good idea to put your core on the outside of your fortress as your enemy probably won’t expect it there, it’ll most likely get destroyed accidentally.
2. Use the quick select!
To be completely honest, the touch controls for selecting your weapons is a bit finicky. Tapping them may not always bring up the aiming compass. To make this process slightly easier, use the quick select buttons at the bottom of the screen. These buttons will automatically highlight a building of that type that is ready to be used.
3. Be quick with your fingers!
Your weapon blocks have next to no cooldowns, which means that they will almost always be ready to fire. The key to winning a battle is being as fast as you can with your weapons, so be sure to toggle through them using the buttons mentioned above. If one of the quick select buttons is grayed out, that means you have no buildings of that type ready. You will almost never have a free moment, so circulate through your buildings as fast as you can.
4. Utilize those shield buildings!
You’re given three shield buildings to begin with. They’re activate just like weapon buildings, but these buildings reduce the damage of a 2×2 area of your choice. Use these often – particularly if you see that your opponent is trying to hit a specific area of your fortress.
5. Remember to heal!
Your core can be used just like any other building! It slightly heals damaged buildings. Don’t forget about it, and don’t worry about overusing it as it runs on its own separate cooldown.
6. Craft better buildings!
As you fight battles, you’ll earn materials that you can use to craft. Be sure to replace the starting wood panels you get in your fortress, as those are the weakest building types with the lowest amount of health. You can also craft stronger weapons and new utility buildings as well!
Ultimately, the only limit is your own creativity! If you have any other tips, tricks, or even building layouts to share, feel free to leave a comment below!